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Posts posted by Jamphibious

  1. Yeah man, if you can get more comfortable with the game, I certainly recommend it. I've been working on speed running Super Metroid (though much more casually till recently) for probably 3 or 4 years, and I'm just now starting to get good at it.

    Didn't know you were doing it for THAT long, that's commitment!

    I may have some time soon once I'm done school, I'm down for some speedy retro gaming.

  2. Oh my, old thread! But a fun one :)

    Warcraft has had some sweet music in different time signatures.

    Warcraft 2 - Orc Music 2:

    (In 6/4 for the first half, switches to 4/4 afterwards though)

    World of Warcraft Main Theme:

    (In 7/4 in the beginning, it might stay throughout but the softer parts are harder to tell)
  3. Me and my lady spent most of the day doing final assignments for school, and I tried to work on some music. No family alas :( But we made Easter Burgers mmmmmmmmmm. And ate some chocolate!

    Happy Eeeeeaster

  4. Is the 3DS Shinobi any good?

    And by 'any good,' I mean "Does it keep itself free of lame touch-screen or 3D camera or gyroscopic gimmicks which plagued the launch titles of the DS?"

    I just want a good 2D platformer...

    The sidescrolling sections are really fun, and if you've ever played Shinobi III on Sega Genesis it plays similarly to it in a lot of ways, though with some added features like parrying. There are some short horse riding stages that are a little gimmicky with the perspective but they don't detract too much from the experience.

    Maybe not worth getting at full price (I dunno how much its gone down though), but maybe if you can find it a little cheaper or used I'd say give it a go. Just my opinion of course. Its been a while since I've played it so I could be missing some things.

  5. Maybe you can assign neighbours to do yard duty when you're not around, and being better friends with them means they work more efficiently? Wishful thinking...

    Villagers actually water flowers in this one, I know that much. There are a lot of cool new features, so maybe keeping your town neat and tidy wont be as difficult this time around!

    Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon looks really cool, especially with the added multiplayer mode. Too much good stuff coming out, gotta pace myself.

  6. I dunno how much time I'll have to play these days but I made an account, AmphibiousFrog is mah name. Do you get to pick like a bunch of different Pokemanz at the start or is it like normal where you only get a choice of 3?

    *EDIT - Answered dat for myself. Word, I gotta gets me an Eevee some time!

  7. Every time I come to this thread I want one more and more. Gotta get dat money. Hopefully some of the jobs I've applied to work out! The future is looking so fine for the Wii U.

    Is the Dragon Quest X upgrade confirmed to be coming to North America? That is something I could seriously get behind.

  8. I just don't like that you have to be connected to play. I know I'm not the only one with a sometimes unreliable internet, SimCity has always been a pretty chill game to play whenever. I do like that they're adding some cool multiplayer aspects, but I dunno. This DRM stuff is just silly sometimes.

  9. Man I loved TERA when I played the open beta before it released, I just didn't really have the time to justify the subscription fee when it released. I may try to play again now that its free, even if I wont get to play much. I loved playing a tank in this game, it was so fun and felt really rewarding.

  10. It'd be great if Nintendo could go back to pretty much being the defacto brand to own in a person's house a la Super NES(yes yes, the Genesis was a thing too, but let's not kid ourselves).

    I had a Genesis and no SNES :< Played dat bad boy every day, I still play it more than anything!

    Of course all this Wii U news makes me wish more and more that I could afford to get a Wii U. Yarn Yoshi looks absolutely charming, the new Xeno game looks so crisp and awesome, E3 this year will no doubt be exciting on Nintendo's end.

    Perhaps when the semester is up and money starts rolling in I'll be able to pick one up. I may try to hold out for a price drop (though if its anything like the Wii that will take a few years :<)

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