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Posts posted by Jamphibious

  1. If you click search along the bar above the forums (its in between "Calendar" and "New Posts") you can Search by Tag. The threads for remix reviews / comments are all tagged with various features, such as "metal" and "vocals" and the like. It would be cool if you could search in the top right for genre or tag and go straight to the song instead of the remix thread, but its at least possible to do on the forums.

    *EDIT - Older remixes are not tagged however. I'm not sure what point they started adding in the tags.

  2. This is rad as heck. Excellent contrast between sections, drums sound very tight, rhythm guitars too, and I'm a big fan of the leads you used. I like that you offset the melody by putting it a beat earlier than it is in the original at times. Its a nice touch and works really well in your arrangement.

    Hopefully someone with some more time on their hands can give you any mixing tips you might need, but it seemed pretty spot on to my ear.

  3. Yeah all the Past themes in the US soundtrack are identical to the JP Past themes, so those need to be reserved for the JP soundtrack remixes only. So yeah please don't use those in your US mixes. That is noted in the "Additional Song Info" section of the first post too. Thanks for checking!

    I need to lern2read. :<

    Cool beans. Excellent beans.

  4. Sure lots of games have female protagonists, but they've got Zelda, and he's been reading the games text to his daughter and making the protagonist a girl to make her feel like the hero. When she's actually old enough to read and play through it herself, it'd be disappointing for a young girl to realize the hero was really a boy I'm sure. This probably wasn't much work at all and its a pretty nice gesture, I think.

    Also, there are lots of female protagonists but many of them are too sexualized for a young girl to really be playing anyways. Old Metroid games would be nice maybe.

  5. Well as you said it wasn't explicitly stated, plus the last competition was the Sonic compo and lots of collabs did happen. Granted most were from people within the compo who were eliminated, but I'm fairly certain there were a few people from outside involved which didn't seem to cause any fuss (Xarnax and DiGiValentine each did some vocals, C7 did some trumpet, and Sir Jordanius brought in a few for one of his tracks). Since that's the last compo we've had and it wasn't against the rules then its fresh in the mind, plus it wasn't stated that it was against the rules this time, so I'd say its fair game.

  6. I use Guitar Pro for sequencing. It uses guitar tab notation, but also supports standard notation I believe.

    I started with Guitar Pro myself, and yeah it does support standard notation, though its more limited than something like Sibelius in that regard. I'd recommend Sibelius for notation. Sibelius may have a 30-day trial period, I can't quite recall. There are other options like Finale, and Finale has a cheap $10 version called Finale Notepad, though its pretty limited. Personally I like Sibelius but it can be pricey if you want to be legit about it.

  7. I notice Skyrim was mentioned, which is excellent. But even more recently than that is Guild Wars 2, another soundtrack by Jeremy Soule. Its absolutely phenomenal. With a lot of MMOs, seeing the same locales over and over with the same music may cause it to lose its luster, but I don't ever have that problem with Guild Wars 2. It's wonderfully crafted, I highly recommend.

    How about Xenoblade?

    Also thiisssssssss <3 Love this song, and soundtrack overall. Here's a more upbeat one that I also enjoy.

  8. My goodness this was one of the first things I wanted to contribute to when I joined here, I forgot until I recently was looking through my old FL project files :<

    I'd like to just throw it out there that I still want to keep my claim. This semester is busy for me but since there's still a long way to go with recruiting and no set deadline, I hope to keep my claim and get a song done in due time. I did have a decent idea for it initially, once I have time to develop it hopefully it shall be worthy.

  9. Speaking of exciting, I don't mind telling you that
    makes me all kinds of moist.

    Particularly the part at the 34:30 mark or so.

    EDIT: It's the 45-minute long Japanese Nintendo Direct all about Animal Crossing 3DS!

    Quite an excellent amount of footage.

    I particularly like when they show a few of the hourly tunes. The music in this game sounds like its shaping up to be superb. The rehashed hourly tunes in AC:CF were a bit lazy so its nice to hear some real new stuff. And DJ KK? Sign me up.

    They've added so much, it looks like a true evolution of the series in every regard. I am excite :D

  10. Amphibious (Hot Slice of Beast) - Love the smooth guitar, the progressions are badass, and the filtering is sweet. Feels pretty incomplete, but I wish you'd give it some more TLC and give this one some more meat dude, it's sounding awesome so far :)

    Yes it is pretty incomplete. I wanted to turn something in though, so I did as much as I could. I just got busy with a lot of life responsibilities so I couldn't put in the quality time I wanted. It also made it hard to mix the sources much because I didn't have time to really listen to them good.

    Hopefully I have time to work on it more in the near future.

  11. Got mine finished. I'll turn mine in tonight after a little production touch-up - I won't have access to anything for the rest of the week, so I didn't have too many options but to finish early.

    I've been trying to do that myself. This first week of school is damn hectic, and I realized I'll be gone Saturday to see the Zelda Symphony.

    I'll finish 'er up in the next few days I'm hoping.

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