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Posts posted by hybridmink

  1. 3 hours ago, Neifion said:

    Oh, those are all really cool tracks. Reminds me of Zombies Ate My Neighbors a bit. :) I think we're good for now but I will keep you in mind down the road. If anything, there might be a track or two we could use you for. Thanks!

  2. 2 hours ago, JK FlipFlop said:

    You need a specific style of music? I make SEGA Genesis music. If you want midi files, that's fine.

    While we're going for a more modern style to fit the visuals, there might be a need for a couple midi tracks. Do you have some examples I could check out?


    1 hour ago, Ronald Poe said:

    I'm an eccentric but hard working and ambitious composer/remixer who writes Electronic music in FL Studio. I think your game looks very interesting and would love to compose for it. Check out my soundcloud (Dark Ronald Poe) and tell me if you think you'd like me to help. Also I play guitar but am really good at bass (love playing it too). Got any tips on what you're looking for?

    Can you provide a link to your work? I'm willing to check it out. :)

  3. Hey guys,

    I've been working on a game for the last 2 years and we're in need of at least one more composer. Before I lose your interest, you can check out a video of the game in action at the link below:

    If I had to quickly sum things up, I'd say it's like...

    -a virtual world come to life, with a character driven story

    -entirely hand drawn 2D animation

    -gameplay that evokes platformers like Mega Man Zero and Kirby Superstar...

    -but also fighting games like SF: Third Strike, Marvel 3, and Guilty Gear.

    -with a heavy emphasis on a team of playable characters that are entirely unique from one another.

    If you'd like to learn a bit more about the story and characters, you can check out my patreon over here: https://www.patreon.com/hybridmink?ty=h


    You might notice the music in the background of the video above. It was composed by Rozen, who's on board for composing some of the more epic and dramatic pieces in the game. We're also working with the Cynic Project who's posted a couple mixes on OCR before. He's handling the more electronic and trance pieces.

    However, at least half of Rudra's music needs to rock. Something along the lines of Mega Man and Sonic with some punk and metal mixed in. After speaking with both artists, we decided that we basically need a guitarist.

    While I definitely have some people in mind, I've found over the past couple years that it's better to reach out to a community that I love and actually find people that really want to work with you. So I of course turn to OCR, the site that's provided a substantial chunk of my music collection for the past 15 years. If you are interested at all, please let me know by replying in this thread or simply emailing me at:

    hybridmink (at) gmail (dot) com

    I'd love to talk to anyone interested, though I'd just ask that you provide a couple examples of your previous work. Full disclosure, we are planning on having a kickstarter in August. The goal is to have at least one more track (on top of what Rozen and Cynic Alex are working on) ready for the trailer. Thanks for reading this far and I hope to hear from you soon! If you have any questions about the game, characters, or scope, don't hesitate to ask. :)


  4. I should have some more free time to draw in January so I am bumping this thread in case anyone is in need of some art. Since I made this thread, I've had a number of people talk to me about projects and a few that I have done art for.

    I should specify that I'm really only offering free artwork for album projects or other things related to OCR. If you have something personal in mind, I still offer commissioned drawings at a fair price.

    Please check out my deviantart page linked in my signature and let me know if you're interested or if you have any upcoming projects you would like me on. If you have spoken to me already, chances are that I am following your thread and responding to your private messages. Thanks!

  5. If you'd be interested down the line, I'm looking for help with artwork for the Dragon Warrior Project. Mostly for clean up and line work which I suck at, and possible coloring/shading. This is down the line though, but if you're interested in helping with that (and possibly other stuff too depending) in terms of artwork for that project, I'm all eyes.

    Just let me know when you need something and I can tell you if I'm available at the time.

  6. How much do you charge?

    It depends on what you're looking for. If you have something in mind, send me a pm. I generally go by this: http://hybridmink.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3ffnjy.

    However, if there's a project that I can really get behind and am inspired to draw something for it, I'll just do it free of charge. :)

    As for you Guifrog, I'm not really good with animals (or amphibians) and I'd have to ask for a commission fee. :( (see link above)

  7. First of all, let me apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong place. I'm planning on drawing some Metroid artwork soon (Phazon suit from Prime) and after looking around, I notice there are at least a couple Metroid projects currently underway. This got me thinking that I could offer up some artwork to anyone that might need some.

    Of course this isn't just limited to Metroid. I do fanart from time to time so I wouldn't mind providing some art to other projects too. So instead of posting in every recruit thread to see if they need some art, I figured I would just make this thread.

    If you are in need of any art, for say an album cover or just a piece to throw up on your album's website, let me know. Here's my deviantart page to get an idea of how I work (or you can just click the face in my signature) :)


  8. I know it's late, but is there any way I can provide some art for this project? I listened to the ska buffet a couple weeks ago (which is awesome btw) but I had no idea it was part of this major project for one of my favorite games. I've already seen some of the art so I'm not really sure if you need any more, but please let me know if you can use something else!

    Here's my deviantart page to give you an idea: http://hybridmink.deviantart.com

  9. Well it looks like Dish already has something really nice going, but I thought I would provide some examples of my work anyways. I've always wanted to contribute something and I have some experience drawing Street Fighter characters. Here's some examples:

    Evil Ryu: http://hybridmink.deviantart.com/gallery/26898900#/d3gbgpk

    Chun Li: http://hybridmink.deviantart.com/gallery/26898900#/d3g2j0q

    Ibuki: http://hybridmink.deviantart.com/gallery/26898900#/d3donwt

    Cammy: http://hybridmink.deviantart.com/gallery/26898900#/d372dcr

    If you still want some art for the CD, I can provide something completely original. Thanks :)

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