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Posts posted by Ptazza

  1. melee allowed a degree of control and expressiveness with characters that is, in my experience, unmatched. it also built on the customizability of 64, allowing for greater "world building". brawl had a much greater depth of features, but severely nerfed the depth of the playing experience. it was a fun game, but rarely anything more than that.

    the ssbm evo stream broke records today tho, something like 134k viewers. clearly there is still love for the game. i dont expect the developers to "cater" to the competitive crowd, but i hope smash 4 is the best game it can possibly be, something inclusive and open to all types of play.

    They've taken out tripping, it'll be fine competitive I'm sure.

  2. The Pikmin level looks like it takes place near a sewer or swamp... It might be one of the new areas in Pikmin 3, since I don't remember any area quite like that in 1 or 2.

    Also did Olimar always have that built-in whistle in his helmet? I never noticed it before. It also looks like he's not using rock or pink pikmin.

    Perhaps the whistle is part of a redesign for 3. Also I don't recall him using Rock or Pink Pikmin in Brawl neither.

  3. So how does this year's Steam mechanic work? Like for badges and stuff, it's all about trading cards...and god forbid I think it's just about giving them more money for a better badge.

    Previous events normally just required like one purchase of any value and maybe a gift to tick boxes.

  4. Resi 2? Resident Evil 2? The one that came with RE:DC? Not a timed demo, it just ends at a certain point. If you have a GameShark (or probably just put codes in an Emu now) theres a lot of unfinished placeholder areas in that demo. Fun stuff.

    Errr I presume you mean Darkside Chronicles...and no it didn't come with that. It was on an old demo disk that you used to get out of gaming magazines and it definitely had a timer. Made everything so much more tense.

  5. Yeah I kinda wish Nintendo would put more effort (and probably budget) into their games, and generally make better games. Maybe they'd even get more sales. They've been playing it safe for too long.

    I saw an interview that said they were going to try to make a new franchise, if they pull that off without making it too simple, it could be good.

    Eh wha?

    I was always of the impression most of Nintendo's first party games are really high quality and high production value, where do you feel the games are failing?

  6. Tomba 2's timed Demo was the bane of my existence.

    That game was so fun...had that demo too.

    Also Resi 2 had a timed demo, my friend wants to go back and speedrun it to see just how much of it they included.

  7. We were only upset about the Xbone DRM because we're poor.

    Also it's probably trolls.

    Or it's secretly 5000 fake accounts set up by microsoft so they can justify going ahead with it anyway.

  8. Man you are one of only 10 backers XP

    As much as I hate to see folks fail it kinda makes sense why she would compared to gaming kickstarters. Most of them can be digitally distributed when finished and so can appeal worldwide. I also feel it lacks something of a vision, she's just gathering funds to improve an already existing (in some form) business whereas most notable kickstarters' I've seen are there to fund something that would never exist through the usual channels.

    There is little to no reason for anyone who doesn't visit her area or is an existing customer to invest in her. Though it's a shame the things look quite tasty.

  9. It's not that a remaster wasn't needed, it's that Square-Enix didn't do nearly as good of a job with a remaster as they should have, making this basically just look like an upscaled PS2 game (which is what it is).

    I suppose, I'd hoped that it wouldn't be another case of 'jumpin on the HD bandwagon' and it would be drastically improved but I guess not.

    Least the Americans get some extra benefits from it but it's looking like a pass for me, though the fancy cover looks nice.

  10. If you pre-order the game, you get a 20-page art book and fancy packaging. The link also includes a side-by-side comparison video, which shows how much the textures were cleaned up.

    Ugh all that video has made me think is how well FFX has aged and how needless a remake was. The SD version is slightly paler and at the same time more colourful and the characters still look good when they want to look good in SD and still look pointy where they would be pointy in HD.

    I'd like to see the battle models, those were the only ones that really looked ugly in game so I'm wondering how much they could have improved on them.

  11. Howdy

    I'm at a point in my life where I've reached a somewhat steady income and I may be willing to invest in something monthly like an MMO.

    I've been toying with a F2P account on SW:TOR for a while since I was a big fan of the ol'KOTOR games and I kinda wanted to see more of them and perhaps eventually support them.

    Still I'm wondering are the benefits of a subscription worth it in Old Republic? Or even if the game is worth it in the long run since I haven't progressed very far.

    Opinions welcomed

    Thanks folks

  12. That's not what they meant by family members. What they meant was that you could designate about 10 people on LIVE as your "family" and share your game library with them. Basically instant demos for your friends. Like, I could set you as a part of my "family" and when I bought Halo 5 or something, you could download the game as well and play for a limited amount of time before being asked to buy it yourself.

    As for what's wrong with demos: nothing really, except some studios don't even bother making them. This would have side-stepped that by just providing a digital download of any full game and putting a time-lock on it.

    Not as good as what people assumed it was going to be, but not as bad as people are making it out to be either.

    True some studio's don't bother making them but I bet you could probably download most demos (especially if they are making a digital copy of each game). In fact I think PS4 is offering a demo of everything or something like that (blatant guesswork).

    So really anyone with a console could just download a demo to play. It's a really weird and inferior way to do demos. I'd say it's exactly as bad and underwhelming as people are making it out to be.

  13. For serious, what's wrong with good ol' Demos?

    Nothing really, it's how they tried to market it that's deceptive.

    Made it sound like 10 members of your family could just play this game no time limitations in full on your account on any console. That's a pretty cool sounding feature but then it turns out it's literally just a demo.

  14. I felt an overriding urge to Photoshop the words "This isn't madness, this is MICROSOFT!" over a 300 image, in response to this.

    Luckily, my appalling lack of PS skills made me reconsider.

    Don't worry I've got a good imagination....



    Hahahah brilliant! :)

  15. Hahaha, that "Family Sharing" thing would have been a total joke. From this article:

    Man that guy disgusts me.

    Sure it's big work and it's clearly important to him but to think he couldn't see how bad it is. Phrases like "when you buy a used game you're hurting developers" and "The best loved games are blockbusters" it doesn't come across so much as from the heart as PR. I wouldn't even say the best loved games are blockbusters, at least not universally. Basically it sounds like he's trying to vilify people for buying used games as if they were outright pirating them.

    He even approved of Don Mattrick saying "Get a 360" if you can't deal with the 180.

    Also the family sharing plan now sounds awful and the reps at E3 musta been evasive because if the details of it had gotten out like this, there'd be massively less interest in it. Hell even now that they've ripped it down it took this nameless rank-an-file employee to pour his heart out to reveal it. While other sources complain and try an make the consumer feel bad that they had to pull their horrid policies by saying "Well guess you don't get any of our AWESOME FAMILY SHARING".

    I mean they were going to implement limitations in the end! Essentially they were limiting a timed demo (which will probably be accessible anyway). It's madness that they'd think this is a noteworthy feature.

  16. I don't see how most of those characters are gimmicky are all.

    Yeah Ike's different enough from Marth to not be a clone, Captain Falcon is the only F-zero representative, Pokemon trainer is....arguably one of the most Iconic characters in Pokemon has a unique mechanic.

  17. i was actually quoting about how he had to spin, therefore doing a 360 :P

    then again he could have been doing a 1080 snowboarding

    work your body, work your body

    i agree that after this i dont trust them not to bring out these policies slowly in updates while customers are unaware.

    Yeah after all I can't count how many times I've blindly agreed to a legal agreement in order to rush an update on my PS3 or install any PC game ever.

    Though the problem is it'll be a case of 'update' or 'you cannot use your product at all' most likely if they do try that.

  18. i guess you could say he

    *puts on sunglasses

    did a 360?


    *nudges* psst....that'd be if they went all the way around back to the awful policies.

    Actually considering their credibility now I wouldn't be surprised if they still tried to enforce these policies in an update post-launch or some other dirty move like that.

  19. Don Mattrick...the guy who said "If you want backwards compatibility, you're really backwards" and said things like only people on nuclear submarines would care about the always online requirement said all that good stuff?

    He really needs fired, policy redemption or not he's going to go down as an infamous PR man.

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