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Posts posted by Ptazza

  1. Yes! EA has such bad ideas and Call of Duty doesn't sell at all and is bad! Nintendo should do the exact opposite of the Call of Duty franchise! Oh wait, they already do. It's 2013, not having online multiplayer is just ridiculous and yet another outdated concept. Nintendo's goal should be to make EVERY GAME as good as it can possibly be for everyone who will be playing them.

    I've barely played anything on a console online and I've had a great gaming experience so far. In fact most of the time when I went online I found it a detrimental experience.

  2. Well, opinions are opinions I guess. But Allstars to me and everyone who I regularly game with is a clearly better game than Mario Kart Wii, the latest console MK game. The control is amazing with no motion control gimmicks. It's SO fluid. The racing mechanics with drifting and tricks feel really good and emphasize skill. The items are a lot of fun without being dirt cheap like the blue shell or bullet bill, which are literally mindless and take no skill to use. Even the bee swarm (which only affects the lead player) can be dodged if you're good.

    Also, the graphics are a big step up - very smooth and crisp - and it runs beautifully on PC. Plus there are so many great gameplay modes, battling, unique characters... it's just a lot of fun.

    Basically I'm hoping they take that same level of improvement and polish to Lost World.

    Well the motion controls are totally optional. I don't use them as they are too sensitive but Mario Kart Wii has tricks and has always had drifting which emphasises skill. The items are fun and make sense (something SASR doesn't have, seriously what is the 'hot rod'?) and even if someone does get a blue shell there is tactics you can take to minimise damage or reduce it entirely.

    As for graphics I'd say it's more due to the realistic nature of SASR compared to Mario Kart, or more the fact that Mario's graphics are just naturally cartoony, I wouldn't say they were by any means bad, beautiful even but remember Sonic was designed for the likes of PS3, Xbox everything else while Mario Kart was exclusive to Wii. Of course it's going to be more powerful graphically.

  3. Wii U needs a price drop like nobody's business, I have a feeling it'll either happen when the new consoles launch later this year or before that, as some incentive to buy a Wii U instead of the critically acclaimed PS4.


    they just lost a sale


    That sounds like a very admirable goal, playing in a room of friends is a much nicer image than playing with a bunch of random fools online shouting obscenities down microphones?

    That's always been the goal of the Wii U, to bring people together and play. Sure it might not be the same case for big third party games (Black Ops had online multiplayer yeah?) but I imagine most of Nintendo's first party games will aspire to achieve that goal.

  4. I dunno Zircon I never thought Sonic All-stars clobbered Mario Kart recently.

    Though this game looks nice though the weird 'close up' slow down on the 3DS when bouncing between areas looks like it could be quite flow-breaking.

  5. Another thing I hate about the new Mario games is (ok, I'm sorry for all the ranting, they're fun games)

    The time trial for every level. In the HD era, time trials are obsolete, they just manage to rush you along and force you to skip a lot of the content of a level. Trying to play NSMBU, on EVERY SINGLE LEVEL I find myself getting a bit through and then having the clock get low and the "speed up" music start. Then I say screw it and hoof it to the end of the level, skipping everything. This worked in the 80s, but it's an outdated concept to keep shoehorning into the new games.... come on Nintendo, cut that out. Even Mario 3D World has it.

    Err why are they obsolete? The things you complain about them to me seem like exactly what they are meant to do. Create a sense of urgency and hurry you along. The standard 2D scroller Mario games were never that much about exploration, sure there's the Star coins and hidden exits for those who dare but that's still all part of the fun and challenge. Especially in Boo houses where exits aren't always apparent.

  6. Spin offs and memorabilia.

    I love collecting that junk, Japan gets so lucky with the sheer quantity they get but the occasional specialist shop will have things like that in. They make great gifts for friends and fun little things for myself. Plus manga and novel spin-offs of games can really flesh out a universe and hell in cases where it's doubtful the series will go on it gives you just a little more taste of them.

    My girlfriend used to tease me that "my room had no soul" referencing Raiden and Rose from Metal Gear Solid 2 because I wasn't really a fan of impractical things like art and posters and had none.

    Guess I was just waiting for the right kinda thing to clutter my room with.

  7. While that's true, it's still just the model of an already existing character. I personally get really psyched to see movesets that are specific to the character including cool things from their own games. However, if you don't get bothered by that at all then I guess you are the winner here, because you won't ever not see your character in there =)

    I just realized who I would absolutely love to see representing the Advance Wars franchise: Brenner from Days of Ruin. I think he would be badass, though I don't think they would include him. If anyone they would probably do someone from the original like Andy or Max.

    Yeah I'd love to see an Advance Wars fellah though really I think it's long due a Golden Sun character get a proper appearance in it.

    Here's hoping Isaac gets promoted from just an Assist Trophy (if a pretty awesome one).

  8. The lag in NSMBWii is not noticeable with two players playing simulaneously. However when you have four players playing simultaneously, try jumping on the spot. you WILL notice a tenth of a second delay that will cause you to die on many occasions. Most people would assume they pressed the button too late and that's why they fell. It's funny for a while... especially at parties. But I think it detracts from the experience and I hope the multiple processors in the Wii U mean the lag is gone.

    Another thing that really annoys me about the Wii is it fried my Gamecube Memory Card. I rang Nintendo and they did not even want to TRY and restore the hundreds of hours of save game data on there. To add insult to injury, a few months ago the Wii started making a loud buzzing sound proportional to the speed of the disc spinning. I rang Nintendo and apparently they want to charge me for fixing it. I bought 13 games for the console and now I can't play them because the Wii is making a louder sound and I'm concerned about friction and fire safety. Apparently Nintendo only provide a one year warranty on there products. A far cry from the Product Lifetime Warranty they used to offer. Nintendo are not the same company they used to be. They are a shadow of it.

    It will take a lot for me to want to invest in gaming with Nintendo again and this E3 just didn't show me anything I HAVE to experience.

    Ok man I've ONLY played NSMBWii with 4 players online (party experience) and still not noticed the lag.

    Also yeah the memory card thing was a bit of a shame and it happened to mine as well, however I don't expect nintendo to be able to restore what is essentially an experience like that. Everything wasn't logged online like it is nowadays so they wouldn't know what needed restoring or anything like that.

    Also one year warranties are the standards on nearly ANY electronic device these days. Products will inevitably break, I remember hearing some crazy theory where products are, worse, designed to break at some point so you have to replace them. They aren't running a charity after all people need to get paid for the work.

    It's not that Nintendo is a shadow of the company so much as your expectations of them are comically high.

  9. *shrugs* I quite liked the Card Game mechanic.

    Though I'm biased COM was actually my first KH game. Though the system worked well enough and Riku's story was totally fun for me.

    The story is also critically important due to all the villain-casulties in it that KHII barely mentions.

  10. I could totally see Star Wars getting a World, especially with it's emphasis on the Darkside, seems plausible to me to see Vader commanding some trooper-heartless.

    As for spinoffs, I think you can miss Coded and Days but I'd say thats it.

    Though if you get the chance I'd say try Days because it's definitely one of the more emotional stories in KH.

    BBS doesn't really add that much either but it's got decent gameplay and introduces some important characters.

    Also: Chain of Memories is awesome don't listen to em.

  11. Yes its funny, but only because everyone kept dying because the lag was so bad. You can learn to compensate for the lag as I did but still. Bloody annoying. I don't care if multiplayer is a feature but to make such a big deal out of it makes me question the game as a serious addition to the library. Of course, it remains to be seen the degree of lag in this game in multiplayer but I would be very cautious about it.

    "So what?!" You say about oogling at pre-rendered cut-scenes. So your plan is going to be 'put down $80-100 on a game with just a few new characters and very little enhancements'? It always amazes me how excited people get about a new character. The new characters altogether make up 5% of the game! The environments, the animation, the effects the framerate, the other characters are almost still as choppy and rough as they were over ten years ago. Sorry but why do so many fans not respect themselves enough to demand better from a company that wants them to pay $700 to buy the console and play the game?

    Yeah thirded, there wasn't any lag and doesn't make any sense for there to be lag because it's all offline. The funny deaths came from a friend stealing a power-up and consequently being thrown down a pit.

    And no I don't know much about the new game and I ain't overly excited about it (granted I don't own the console yet) but I think it looks nice and pretty. I buy a Mario game for those characters and those environments and places.

    I think society these days has basically decided change=progress. If a Mario platformer is made as tightly with the same lighthearted colourful fun it's always had, that's what I want from the game. I'm not looking for any radical differences. New set of levels and worlds, and four player co-op in a 3D platforming situation IS still new for them. New suit is a bonus.

    I buy Mario for essentially Mario, big demands for major improvements and complaints of Mario getting stale...well I just think that's people going on the assumption there needs to be change. The screenshots look beautiful and colourful enough for me, I don't care overly about graphics and a high framerate isn't that necessary in a Mario game (though I haven't seen any framerate issues) so it just doesn't seem that bad to me.

  12. Er...I found NSMBWii an utter blast multiplayer. First couple of times me and my friends found it awkward but hilarious with many trolling opportunities due to the way it worked. However when we put aside our spite and vengeance it really allowed for some great teamwork opportunities to achieve our goals and we went and got every star coin in the game.

    As for your complaints about Smash bro's graphics...I haven't really paid much attention but so what? Melee on gamecube looked fine for what it needed to be. Snake and maybe Zero Suit Samus were the only realistic characters on the roster in Brawl but with a roster of mostly cartoony characters ultra fine-graphics aren't really needed so long as they are damn fun and Smash bros most certainly is.

  13. This is essentially the point we're making. Does it matter if they don't include a Tales character? No, but it's about as likely that they don't include one that they do, for the reasons pointed out. It's fine if you people don't want 'em in there, but don't post stupid arguments as to why not.

    Kojima and Sakurai are best beds and so Sakurai decided that he wanted to subject his team to even more work because Kojima "asked him nicely"? And I bet Konami didn't collect any royalty at all from Snake's inclusion in a huge money maker series, but rather went with it because the two are bros?

    Well that settles it. Just get in good with Sakurai and you can get your own notebook doodles included in one of his games. Come on, people. Get real.

    Complain all you like about the friendship bit but it's been a fact of gaming Trivia for a long time now. Sure Konami probably collected some royalties too but putting Solid Snake in your game is hardly going to be an unprofitable venture anyway.

  14. Roy and Marth were pretty recognizable weren't they? So was Lucas. A few seriously popular characters here in america.

    Unfortunately I can't agree with you. Neither me nor my friends knew who Roy or Marth were, I'd only played Sacred Stones at the time so I knew the franchise but not the characters even though I liked how they played. As for Lucas (or worse Ness) I had no idea who they were, in fact come Melee's launch I didn't know what Earthbound was at that point.

    So no I don't think they were exceptionally recognisable.

  15. Well I'm glad someone else said it. Darke, that was eloquently worded, but you neglected to explain the appearance of Solid Snake alongside the others mentioned. I can't think of a single Metal Gear game that was released on a Nintendo system that people didn't think of as niche outside of the rerelease of MGS3. Twin Snakes was ridiculed pretty harshly, and very few fans outside of a dedicated niche played Metal Gear 1 and 2 before the MGS series of games. And regardless of whether or not it "makes sense", Mega Man and Sonic are both 3rd party IPs, and in a discussion involving 3rd party IP, I don't see how they'd any more of a better fit. Hell, why don't we add Simon Belmont in the mix? He was in Captain N!

    By contrast, the entire Tales franchise literally pushes consoles in Japan. In fact, several of the largest console bumps(and the only reason the 360 even made a dent in the country) was because of Tales of Vesperia, Tales of Graces, and Tales of Xillia.

    You guys talk about relevance in the west(does that matter for a Japanese company? ), but to add to Metaphist's point, I'm willing to go as far as saying Fire Emblem's continued existence as a series has a lot to do with if not completely due to Roy and Marth's inclusion in Melee.

    I like how you ignored me, it makes you look more foolish.

    Snake may have the slightest of connections to nintendo (though for the record most folks I know like Twin Snakes even if the cutscenes are a bit hilariously OTT) but he was included more because I heard Sakurai was close friends with Kojima and Kojima was begging for Snake to be in Melee but it was too late in development for it to be possible so he was placed in Brawl instead.

    Snake is an easily recognisable character in the Video Game world and is incredibly popular and most-importantly recognisable to the mass-market. Individual protagonists from a tales game...aren't as recognisable.

  16. Someone please enlighten me as to how Snake(especially Snake), Sonic, and Megaman make more sense to be included in Smash Bros. than a character from what was essentially considered a killer app for its time on a Nintendo platform AKA Tales of Symphonia?

    Your "arguments" reek of "I don't want this, therefore it's stupid!" sentiment.

    Of course there's more to be said about The Derrit's argument, but I already feel like an asshole as it is right now.

    It's a fanservice game, sheer popularity is all that's needed to be included alongside a link to nintendo.

    Sonic, Snake and Megaman are all crazy popular and all have ties to nintendo at one point in their life. Especially Megaman who has spent most of his life there.

  17. Let's all just imagine this analogy was never made, or you were just joking, or something.

    Yeah gotta concur that medicines and treatments go through extremely rigorous trials before they are ever accepted for use. I sincerely doubt people would go for a medicine like that if it has potentially fatal side-effects.

  18. I believe its just exclusive content (Modes/DLC) unless I'm missing something? I think he internet would be ablaze if EA announced exclusive games to Xbox One. Wouldn't make much financial sense for EA being a publisher who loves multiform releases

    EA's too much of a whore for exclusivity.

    If anything the Xbox exclusivity is probably the usual 'one month exclusivity' on DLC and minor features.

    There's no way EA would do a deal like that, specially not when their Sony games sell fine too.

  19. I own a 3DS, but I've only played 1 game on it (Hey Ice King) while I've played quite a few games to completion on my iPod Touch (Ghost Trick, Jet Set Radio, Phoenix Wright...)

    I like how all your examples of games you gave originated all on other consoles.

    Y'see I'm more bothered about the kind of games made for phones as opposed to dedicated handhelds, touchscreen-based controls can really irk me if they aren't innovative.

    I like the feel of buttons beneath my thumbs and find on-screen buttons for an emulator just aren't as effective or precise for me (call it my fat thumbs).

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