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Posts posted by Ptazza

  1. Watched the reveal with my friend, was watching the Giantbomb coverage.

    I managed to call the name of the game about 5 minutes before it was unveiled so thanking my psychic powers about now. Guess they want us to call it "The One".

    It was rather disappointing I guess, short, very little actually revealed. One HORRENDOUSLY ugly console that several of my friends likened to a VHS machine. Which considering how much the reveal covered the TV capabilities it basically is.

    The EA games revealed are nothing special as it's inevitable EA sports will go on, NFL isn't a big deal to me, Quantum Break was so vague and confusing it was essentially a nothing announcement, COD is also an inevitable thing that doesn't really interest me or look special in any way.


    For mo-cap dogs.

  2. I really don't mean this to sound offensive or pejorative but it really sounds to me like you were just really bad at the game

    seriously no hate

    Hahaha no worries because I found the game easy because it was just pressing X.

    I think I had trouble with......well aside from the things you aren't meant to fight till post game like Longhui....the one fight with the Adamanchild you are forced into and maybe Proud Clod.

    It was real easy. Just L1 and X and you are sorted.

    It's like....mashing 'Attack' in a game is something I'd expect late-game for grinding or sidequesting, revisiting areas where I was more powerful. Like in FFIV on DS I used the auto-attack function to grind once I was comfortable.

    An that's ok for grinding, it gets what is otherwise a repetitive task over with quickly, it makes a mockery of any kind of 'combat' since you pay little to no attention to it but it's not important because it's not a challenge at that point.

    That's what XIII felt like all the time to me. A battle system I didn't really have to engage with.

  3. The battle system is pretty much the only reason I finished this game. It takes around 20 hours until the fighting feels good though.

    I don't get where all the praise for the battle system comes from. There's nothing worth grinding for equipment-wise to justify the fights, the battle system is repetitively choosing auto-battle for most of it.

    It's especially apparent in Eidoleon battles, the battle is decided before you even begin based on what paradigms you use. The most control I ever felt I had over the battle was when I manually chose buffs because the synergist autobattle applies needless buffs in the wrong order. Everything else....is X

  4. I actually thought a lot of the plot to X-2 was rather interesting. I liked how it touched on the old war that created Sin and things back then found the backstory pretty interesting.

    It was how they carried it out that seemed a little off about the game, sure the combat was fine, awkward lesbian orgasmic massages for LeBlanc are not, upskirts of barely-legal girls hanging off cliffs, awkward spa-scenes of men being mistakenly accused of spying on female goons there, ACTUAL videos of one of the antagonists spying on female goons at a spa.

    All those things....not quite ok.

  5. A band called "The Altered Beasts," with cover art quite reminiscent of that classic Sega arcade game, made a remix album which doesn't feature a remix from Altered Beast.


    I... um...


    **walks off mumbling**

    Agreed, I recall there was an April Fools video a couple years back detailing all these awesome things that were never going to happen and one of them was an awesome Altered Beast one....

    Still waiting and hoping.

  6. I mean yes.... but..

    nobody can do anything about it. it's not like them noticing and saying 'yay we're glad they're doing that' changes what they'll do and the reaction it will garner. at all.

    Why not?

    They can react to this, and put extra effort in knowing they have one less competitor at E3.

    They could design their presentation to counter one person rather than 2. They may attempt to garner more time to show more things since a big timeslot was just freed up.

    I can think of numerous ways they can capitalise on it and react to that news.

  7. It looks kinda good but I think I'm sick of having Batman shoved down my throat everywhere I look.

    Also the thought of one really really big awesome Super move that isn't a Fatality/Finisher is pretty cool but the fact there is only one means that it might be underwhelming when it doesn't kill or get tiring over time.

  8. Well, I don't think you can necessarily correlate the years on a year-one-vs-year-one and year-two-vs-year-two basis, if that makes sense. I see it more as DS sales peaking around a phenomenal high, and for the 3DS to succeed this high with a achingly noticeable rocky start - well, I think it's more than just "the system needs time", because after all, it doesn't take Apple any trouble whatsoever to astronomically outsell its prior iterations of products. Why this wasn't the case with the 3DS I think bespeaks to the problems it had with its launch - which again, is why we saw all those cancellations and delays (like MegaMan Legends 3, some sega stuff, and on topic, Bravely Default): bigwigs weren't confident in the successor to the greatest handheld since the original gameboy! Nothing to sneeze at!

    I still think it worth pointing out that Square isn't stepping up to localize this, Nintendo is, which still to me speaks of a hesitancy on big companies' parts to support the 3DS. Which means there is still much "traction" to be gained.

    More cause Apple = Common market, appeals to everyone for a wide variety of reasons.

    3DS = Primarily Gamers

    It's hardly a fair comparison.

    Besides the initial problem with the 3DS was the high-price to low game rate at launch, since then the price has fallen and the roster has filled out very very nicely.

  9. I hope that structurally it's a lot like A Link to the Past and not like the more recent Zeldas where they have you revisit the same few temples/places over and over. I'm interested, but only if it's not a Phantom Hourglass clone.

    Earthbound though, hell yeah. If Nintendo wants to keep porting older titles to 3DS, I'm cool with that. Here's hoping for a Super Metroid port.

    That's actually one of the things I envisioned before I bought my 3DS, shame it's not on 3DS yet.

  10. It would appear that Nintendo of America have stepped in to publish SquareEnix's 'Bravely Default: Flying Fairy' 3DS RPG (spiritual sequel to the DS RPG 'Final Fantasy Four Heroes of Light') in North America (and I think Europe too).

    Awesome. And I don't get to say this often enough but: Thanks NOA!

    The downside is we have to wait til 2014 for it to come out.

    Well it's not all that bad.

    The extremely bizarre percentile of Americans that own a European 3DS can import it because it's out in 2013 there.

    Though yeah excited for this ^_^.

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