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Posts posted by Chimpazilla

  1. Thank you :) FL STudio, Just started on an iMac, used to use a laptop. Komplete audio 6 interface/soundcard, krk 8' studio monitors, also fischer audio headphone studio monitors, MXL v67 Mic, haven't gotten around to picking up a midi-keyboard/controller yet, but its on the list.

    What about you?

    Happy FL Studio user here too! I also have the KRK 8's (Rokits) and love them. I have an MPK49 midi keyboard, and although I don't properly play it, I use it every day, to audition sounds and noodle around. For software my favorite things are Kontakt, Omnisphere and Zebra2.

  2. My parenting situation is a little different. I don't have a biological daughter, but my girlfriend and I have become parental figures to a 2-year old foster child, named Kaiyah. Her real father is unknown, and her real mother was abusive, so my girlfriend's mother was given custody of her last year.

    When my girl's mother became sick (she's better now, btw), my girl started taking care of Kaiyah and they started to become really close (during that time, we were actually separated and I was getting ready to move to Colorado). Gonna skip some of the details here, but the move ended up getting postponed, and we eventually decided to get back together and work on fixing our relationship around Nov of last year, where she informed me that she wanted to adopt Kaiyah one day. I was really skeptical at first because, I didn't want to be a parent at that time, but I didn't want to give up on a decent relationship because of a child neither. I didn't meet Kaiyah until Thanksgiving of last year. She's the sweetest little girl I've ever met, and as time went by, I also became fond of her.

    Eventually, Kaiyah started calling my girl "momma" and me "daddy," and that was pretty much it for me. I have been her father figure ever since. Since they live in a different city, I can't really be physically there with them everyday, but I do my best. We are working on getting to a point where we can actually adopt Kaiyah, and be the parents she deserves to have in her life.

    So, now I have a 2-year old little girl, and a 2-year old dog that I rescued in my life that I never saw coming half a year ago, and I couldn't be any prouder. LMAO

    Only thing that sucks is, I now have very little time to do remixes.:puppyeyes:

    This is a totally AWESOME story and I love it so much... (except the part about no time for remixes, haha) Congratulations on becoming a daddy this way!!! :)

  3. I don't really see anything in master processing that couldn't be accomplished more accurately/surgically during mixing without introducing artifacts on the whole package.

    Master compression and limiting are ways of adding cohesion to all instruments and drums together while keeping everything in the same-ish volume range. If you have mixed well, you shouldn't need too much master compression to get cohesion. Limiting of course keeps the track from going over 0db at any point. (or less... -0.1 or so). Snappleman is right, you can't do this on the individual tracks only.

    Keeping in mind... none of this should be considered actual "mastering."

  4. I like to gently compress my drum bus, and gently compress my bass, if needed and if it adds punchiness to the sound (as desired to taste). On the master, I gently compress again, no more than 5db GR and only on the high peaks (snare, kick, usually snare), tiny bit (2db) makeup gain if needed. Then, soft-knee limiter, only a couple of db (2-4ish) GR and again *only* on the wild peaks, unless I'm looking for that smashed effect (typically NOT haha!). "Eyeblink" is a good descriptor for what I like to see happening in my master compressor and limiter.

    -6db RMS holy shit dude. *covers ears* I was taught -12 is a good number but I usually end up in the -11 to -10 range, -9 tops and certainly not for the entire track!

  5. It's a good early attempt for sure. Very nice progressions, I can get a flavor of where you are going with it. You have tons to learn about how to produce though, how to arrange and write and mix and how to get it sounding good. I suggest watching some Youtube tutorials on anything you might be interested in learning. I'd also recommend getting a book or two, like the Dance Music Manual (2nd edition by Rick Snoman). Also, practice with your different sounds. You can take a track you like, take one aspect of it and see if you can replicate the sound. Practice, practice, practice! :)

  6. My son is 8 and he is completely addicted to Minecraft. He can play for hours and he is so creative. When his friends come over, they all bring their devices and they play together. We are just starting to get into mods... which is cool but can't be played together afaik... but for just the straight Minecraft, it is a total winner with this age group.

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