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Posts posted by Chimpazilla

  1. I LOVE IT!!!

    Yoshi Touch & Go has one of the most special places in my heart; I just adore the wonderful scenery and music. The synth solos especially feel like they just 'belong' and I *loved* that ode to the Rankings & High Scores theme. So beautiful.

    I think I've found a new favorite remix :)

    Thanks Cody! It's great to hear from someone who knows this game, maybe it is less obscure than I thought! I'm completely addicted to it, and you are so right about the scenery and music. The music was just crying out to be remixed! I'm so pleased that everyone seems to like it so much! :)

  2. Cloudhopping - submitted version - by Chimpazilla and Timaeus

    Cloudhopping - mod review

    Cloudhopping - v1

    Hello all! I've been playing this very addictive little DS game called "Yoshi Touch and Go," which has very catchy music. So a little over a week ago I wrote a few bars of the main theme and sent it to Timaeus for giggles. He liked it a lot and ran with it. As it turns out, we write rather well together! We think this turned out to be quite a fun mix, filled with variation, effects and surprises. Comments are welcome and requested. We will switch to mod review shortly.

    There are three sources in this mix. They are somewhat intermingled. Timaeus has done an exhaustive workup of the source usage, extrapolated to three decimal places... and yes there is over 50% source... we will save that level of detail for the judges (unless anyone wants to see it!). Here's the short version, indicating the most recognizable passages:

    - (main theme) 0:44 - 1:35, then 2:38 - 3:30 (with a lot of wild soloing!)

    1:51 - 2:08

    1:36 - 1:50


    T - You are a terrific collab partner. I really enjoyed making this mix with you. Looking forward to more!


    Source breakdown: The Gory Details!

    All time skips are original sections.

    Remix (0:15.486 - 0:18.023) = Flower Garden (0:05.991 - 0:06.703)

    Remix (0:22.867 - 0:25.411) = Flower Garden (0:05.991 - 0:06.703)

    Remix (0:30.259 - 0:32.796) = Flower Garden (0:05.991 - 0:06.703)

    Remix (0:32.796 - 0:35.785) = Rankings & High Score (0:05.181 - 0:07.353)

    Remix (0:45.253 - 0:57.241) = Flower Garden (0:05.991 - 0:14.644)

    Remix (0:59.096 - 1:13.857) = Flower Garden (0:05.991 - 0:14.644)

    Remix (1:13.858 - 1:36.015) = Flower Garden (0:26.663 - End)

    Remix (1:39.249 - 1:50.559) = Rankings & High Score (0:05.181 - 0:10.393, 0:19.526 - End)

    Remix (1:50.559 - 2:09.235) = Score Attack (0:05.989 - 0:22.673)

    Remix (2:09.235 - 2:19.173) = Score Attack (0:07.688 - 0:17.060)

    Remix (2:19.173 - 2:24.040) = Rankings & High Score (0:19.526 - End)

    Remix (2:31.178 - 2:37.603) = Rankings & High Score (0:19.526 - End)

    Remix (2:39.489 - 2:51.476) = Flower Garden (0:05.991 - 0:14.644)

    Remix (2:54.251 - 2:55.629) = Flower Garden (0:05.991 - 0:06.703)

    Remix (3:03.491 - 3:06.017) = Rankings & High Score (0:19.526 - End)

    Remix (3:08.335 - 3:13.875) = Flower Garden (0:26.663 - 0:33.341)

    Remix (3:23.101 - 3:30.486) = Flower Garden (0:37.244 - End)

    Remix (3:45.949 - 3:48.377) = Flower Garden (0:05.991 - 0:06.703)

    Remix ends completely at 4:04.280.

    2.537 + 2.544 + 2.537 + 2.989 + 11.988 + 14.762 + 22.157 + 11.310 + 18.676 + 9.938 + 4.867 + 3.021 + 1.367 + 6.425 + 11.987 + 1.378 + 2.527 + 5.540 + 7.385 + 2.428 = 146.363 seconds

    146.363/244.28 = 59.916%

    If the little 1~3 second chunks weren't large enough to be included, then 51.185% (125.035 seconds). Who said playing it safe was a bad thing?

  3. Hi all, I'm collabing with Timaeus on a remix of Yoshi Touch and Go, a silly little DS game that is so addictive I can't stop playing it. The remix is actually 90% done and sounding quite groovy. But I can only find a couple of the sources on Youtube, and there are some sources we are using that I can't find anywhere on the web. Does anyone know where I might find the OST? The only other thing I can think to do is plug my DS into my computer and play the game, but then the songs will be mixed with gameplay, and recorded badly. Any helpful suggestions are appreciated. :)

  4. have you checked if you know how to use MIDI Outs with multiple libraries loaded into one Kontakt instance? Once you can do that, then you should have a better handle on using MIDI CC with them. I don't think I've tried that, but only because I don't think I ever wanted to or had to.

    It does work. You can use the method I described below to get the first instrument hooked up to a midi cc automation. Then for all the other instruments, just click on the midi-out channel settings box, right-click the first knob you can assign, override generic link and type in whatever cc# you want to work with, then right-click again to automate it.

  5. Two things:

    1. LoZ Skyward Sword - beating that flying whale thing called Levias, the one with the eyes underneath it. I hated the flying bird mode of travel in that game, and trying to kill those constantly moving eyes while trying to fly and not crash into the darned thing all the while was excruciating. Once I beat that, I sat down, took a break, vowed to only do that one time, and continued the game.

    2. LoZ Twilight Princess - completing all 50 levels of the Cave of Ordeals. Ok, yeah I'm proud of that accomplishment! But once was enough. :)

  6. I love books. I have a huge library of them. Any time I'm into a new topic, I buy a book on it right away. No matter what the topic is. Sometimes ten books. So, what I do is I start reading the book, and start getting inspired and motivated and learning a few things, and about halfway through I put the book down and just start doing. Then I use the book as reference only, but often I don't even need to do that. But the book gives me courage and gets me started. I guess the books are like training wheels for me. Maybe Meteo feels similarly!

    I wish you luck Meteo, your music is already so great, can't wait to hear your new stuff. :)

  7. I have a small group of friends I share my wips with. I have one who is really great at music theory and can hear when I've violated musical rules. I have another who is great at arrangement and sound design. I have yet another who is a mixing genius. I typically send my wips to those three people and get the most amazing and diverse feedback from them. I trust them. Some wips I will throw into the wip forum here, once I'm detached enough from the song (after not working on it for a few days) to get more random and unexpected feedback... but typically I've bounced it off my Fab Three prior to that time.

    My stuff would never approach "shiny and perfect" without this feedback process. It's amazing the big stuff I miss by being too close to the mix. This feedback is essential for me to move forward.

    As for copyright stuff and stealing, gosh I can't help you there...

  8. I recently encountered this problem too. You can handle it two ways. You can make your first instrument play on your first midi out, and that is easy to link to any midi cc # you want of course. But if you want to link the first instrument directly from Kontakt, go into Kontakt and click the dropdown menu in the wrapper (little down arrow in upper left corner), and select "browse parameters," then all the parameters will appear in the browser to the left. Start scrolling.... the cc's are waaaaaay at the bottom but they are all there. Find the one you want, and right-click to create your automation clip. PITA but it works. Now, I don't know how you would link all the instruments directly from Kontakt, not sure if that can even be done, but you can easily link the rest of them via their midi out channels as you described.

  9. YAAAAAY so glad to hear this. Keeping my fingers crossed for a total successful reinstall.

    I never thought you "bricked" your software, I knew it would get fixed somehow. I'm glad if anything I said helped or at least supported you!

    And I'm sure CrapCleaner is a wonderful product... hhhhmmm don't have it myself so can't really say (computer-guru friend thinks it is simply Crap)... but yeah I'd be really careful with things like that going forward. ;-)

    Good luck, keep us posted. Looking forward to reading "yay it all fucking totally works now" haha! :)

  10. Oh gosh Wes... I didn't realize how cool your interpretation of this was until I just refreshed myself on the source... WOW that's a very cool adaptation of that melody!!! And I do love the beat. And the gating. You should definitely keep going on this. It does need some changeups now. You could change chord structure and add the next part of the source and some original stuff, slow it down, speed it back up, then back to this part. Really great so far! :)

  11. So sorry you're still struggling M... glad to see you posted in Looptalk... I just pinged my friend again to see if he has any other advice, if he does he'll post it there. Hang in there, it *will* get solved somehow.

    edit: this may be totally unrelated, but do you ever run something like Malwarebytes on your machine? Just in case there is some weird virus in there now? (it's free and wonderful)

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