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Everything posted by Chevamiah

  1. https://soundcloud.com/user-864252484/youdidntwanttofindout?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Stoner rock / doom metal original song
  2. https://soundcloud.com/chevamiah/foals-electric-bloom-chevy chekkkkk ittt ouuuttt
  3. I have a ukulele and a pc to make weird music! ukulele dubstep!?! https://soundcloud.com/chevamiah/uke0step
  4. thx josh! yah re-listening i need to fix the mixing for sure! and i thought about doing a face melter... perhaps on the next one
  5. http://soundcloud.com/jeremiahford/rock-n-rolla let me know what u think.
  6. http://soundcloud.com/chevamiah/chk-it-out lemme know what you guys think! first attempt at a housy/typey bloooop track
  7. :mrgreen::-):-)CHECK IT Guitar and synths played by me let me know what you think!!! http://soundcloud.com/chevamiah/trolltunga
  8. http://soundcloud.com/chevamiah/chevamiah-crossroads Been playing my guitar along with electronic at shows lately and everybody is really into the mixing electronic with guitars into a live dj set! - influenced by killparis checkout my music at soundcloud.com/chevamiah
  9. http://soundcloud.com/chevamiah/owl-city-hello-seattle
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29m7SEJC_VA Dubstep remix. If you dont like dubstep then don't hate. Thx everybody!
  11. Here is a remix I made! soundcloud.com/chevamiah
  12. oh ok, did not read the instructions on voting will redo it good this time!
  13. so i submitted a vote. i hope it went through. i noticed their were 3 drop down boxes for voting? only voted for one remix, the one i thought was the best!! good luck everybody!!
  14. Hey, so I've never done one of these comps before. How do we submit a vote ? Thx.
  15. Hey guys, I am going to throw down a remix for this as well. I am not sure if I can top the one posted by amphibious because its so sick man!! nice job!!
  16. please check out this rmx of sufjan. thx for listening
  17. it just sounds so fake in general. use some more convincing instruments. perhaps put reverb on whatever that lead instrument your using is, and the drums suck dank, add some variety, fills, etc. plus if you are doing a 1-2 electro beat that bass kicks got to have some balls and the snare should have a harder snap to it. just some suggestions.
  18. u need a harder bass kick for a hiphop beat (pixelwave) - and it kind of fades away from a hip hop vibe, but i still like it mang.
  19. Yah that dissonance is to set up for a drop. thats what electro-step is. a series of rises and drops. for dance parties with a fat mid frequency. i guess its not your cup of tea, but yah I will try to make my rises less harsh on your ears next time thx for listenin too btw!
  20. http://soundcloud.com/chevamiah/floating-through-space my new electrostep arrangement. Please check it out and comment! Thx
  21. Made a dub using theme song melody from ACFA. Sick game. check it! like it check out soundcloud.com/chevamiah
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