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Everything posted by Byeka

  1. *Bump* Is there no-one out there interested in collaborating on this?
  2. Hi all! I'm currently working in collaboration with a friend to put together a song called Nerdy Kinda Rap. There is no real point to this other than fun and I'm looking for someone to create some album artwork to go along with it. The artwork would be used as the background for the YouTube video, and if anything else is done with the song, with it as well. In any instance, we will credit you as the artwork designer and provide a link to your website if you so desire. The song is sung in a gangster rap fashion but you could call it a parody as the lyrics are all clean and completely nerdy. The artwork should reflect this. The artwork can make reference to any or all of the following: Crysis (video-game) Banjo-Kazooie (video-game) Super Mario World of Warcraft Half-Life Portal Mass Effect (video-game) Legend of Zelda Donkey Kong Angry Birds Dead Island (video-game) Dr. Who Battlestar Galactica Naruto (anime) Bleach (anime) In case anyone is interested, this is my friends Facebook page and he's making the beats. This is mine and I wrote the lyrics and am performing them. Neither of us have any previous experience making rap songs so the results should be... interesting. Thanks for taking the time to read.
  3. That was nice, if anything I wish it could have been a little big longer. Felt like there was room to do even more with it
  4. This is both hilarious and awesome. Good job! Gave your video a YouTube like an a Twitter share ha ha.
  5. Thanks for the reply and sorry I'm so slow in getting back myself. I try to memorize because well, "piano happens". I've been in a few situations where I've come across a random piano and although I knew how to play, I couldn't remember how to do anything from memory. I've tried to make it a goal since then to memorize everything so when I come across one randomly... I can sit down and play to impress I definitely try to sight read and learn to play new stuff all the time! It's challenging though!
  6. I'm posting this just because I'm pretty proud of finally getting this recorded and all in one take . Trying to learn to become better at Piano - this is what I was able to get recorded. Unfortunately I don't have the means to plug my keyboard directly into the computer so there is a slight "clicking" sound of the keys being pressed. I know it's not 100% flawless but I'm happy with it for now. SONG LIST: 1. Legend of Zelda Theme (all games) 2. Song of Storms (Zelda 64) 3. Song of Time (Zelda 64) 4. Kakariko Village Theme (Zelda 64) 5. Solved a Dungeon Fanfare (Zelda 64) 6. Hyrule Field Theme (Zelda 64) 7. Gerudo Valley Theme (Zelda 64) 8. ??? (Definitely NOT Zelda! Points if you can guess what it is though!)
  7. Hey all, I have a very simple request for someone with the right skill set. I have created some rap lyrics that are all about gaming and sci-fi. It's called "Nerdy Kinda Rap". I used some background music I found on Youtube to come up with the lyrics, but I am looking for an original "gangster rap beat" that I can use to record this with. The music should be as follows: - 4 bars of intro (build up) - 16 bars of verse (these can be identical but bar 9 should have something added to it slightly) - 8 bars of chorus - verse (same as first) - chorus (same as first) - verse (same as first) - chorus (same as first) - 4 bars of outro Also, this is the rap beat I used to come up with the lyrics so this should also give you an idea of what I am looking for. I'm not looking for any collaboration beyond having the rap beat created. In the final video I put on Youtube I will include your name and website link near the top of the description box. If you are able to assist, please email me your creation to jon AT byeka.ca Much appreciation for anyone that can help!
  8. Thanks for the comment Nonamer. I realize it is a little out of sync at certain parts and I attribute that to the editing process. One of the problems I realized at that stage was layering 8 different HD videos on top of each other tended to slow things down making it a painful experience. I got it pretty close, but yeah, not perfect =/ - I also agree that it's not a remix which is why I labelled the video as a "remastering" .
  9. One of my many hobbies is playing the keyboard, and another is video-games. Put them together and what do you get? No not a video game about keyboards, but video-game music played on the keyboard. One of my all time favourite games is an N64 classic called “Banjo-Kazooie”. The game is about a bear (Banjo) who has red-crested breegle (Kazooie) inside his backpack, and they go through a world collecting treasures (Jiggies) while saving Banjo’s sister from the evil witch Gruntilda. Aside from being incredibly fun to play, the game has one of the best musical scores from any game I’ve heard. In a project, I’ve decided to “remaster” some of these scores. Also, if you wish to comment I'd prefer if you can leave your comment on the Youtube video itself, but it's up to you.
  10. Hi everyone. I just FINALLY finished recording a video of me playing the keyboard to a video game remix I arranged. Well, most of the pieces I arranged (the individual breakdown is in the description of the video). There are a couple in there such as JENOVA that were done by someone else. However the overall arrangement of putting them all together was me. Here is the link, enjoy!
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