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Posts posted by Magellanic

  1. This is good stuff. Don't be disheartened by having no replies, it happens. Its not a reflection on the mix :)

    Generally the production is good. It feels a little narrow to me in parts but its fine. The lead could be given a bit more seperation from the rhythms so it stands out more. Everything is well performed so no complaints there.

    The clean middle section is really nice. Adds a good amount of contrast to the opening section. When the distorted rhythm returns it doesn't sound as good. It sounds unbalanced after having them panned left and right previously. Not a fan of the fade out at the end, which is personal preference but if you could finish it off properly it'd be nice.

    I'm not familiar with the source, even having listened to it, I find it tricky picking it out at times but meh. I wouldn't worry about that kind of thing, as I just need to get more familiar with the source. Its a good arrangement and well performed. The only thing that lets it down in my opinion in the ending. I only say that because I like the first two sections. They're well-crafted. Sort out the rhythm guitar at the end and the fade-out and you got a a killer track :<

  2. So OCR is about to go even more Mega Man crazy than it is with the MMX compo but hey ho, I thought I'd post this to get some feedback.



    Remix: stats.png

    Its un-mixed and not at all polished performance/production-wise. Its very rough and all I've done is get some ideas down (the structure isn't finished yet). I wanted to get some feedback on how much potential the mix has. I dunno if I like it yet hehe. Its kind of like a homage to the 1st round of Wily Remix Gauntlet. I didn't really manage to make a mix that I wanted to polish from that compo so I thought I'd do a fresh one which incorporates ideas from each of the rounds I entered. Despite its rough state, feedback of any kind is appreciated :)

  3. Sounds like typical noise you get when recording. By the looks of it, its a Dynamic mic which means it excels on high SPL (sound levels) So if you record something acoustic, like a violin etc, its not really the loudest which means you'll hear the white-noise (sound floor).

    For example, an electric guitar is often recorded at extermely loud levels which means you really won't here the noise-floor (white-noise). Same goes for a vocalist really. Boy can some people sing LOUD!

    If you're happy to just get another mic for the purpose, then look into some condensor microphones. You'll need to have either an interface with phantom power or pre-amp with it.

    Edit: If you can get a good healthy level on your violin (or whatever else) you could remedy the problem with a noise gate

    • When there's an acoustic guitar section in the middle of a rock song that uses mostly electric guitars.
    • Awesome saxophone solos in 80s and 90s pop rock.

    Yeah, I gotta agree 100% with those. I also love it when a melody is harmonized to emphasize certain phrases or lyrics.

  4. The opening really reminds me of James bond :P

    Immediately whats strikes me is the balance. Everything sound as though its set far behind the drums. The bass needs to come up and you could do with seperating the instruments out more. It all feels very narrow and everything is in the center of the mix. What would improve this more than anything else is just balancing everything up. Start off getting the drums and bass nicely balanced then introduce your leads and other parts. The lead parts could do with a having some more effects. Just a lil more reverb perhaps would seperate them a bit more.

    If you can get better piano and string samples, then definitely go for it. Once you have everything balanced though, it'll be easier to determine what samples need a bit of an upgrade and those that just need some better EQ/processing. The arrangement has a good amount of interpretation so far. Perhaps you could even try to make the source a bit more recogniseable when you extend the mix. But good stuff, just keep going :)

  5. Aw, FFX, such a good choice of source :) The production is lovely and airy. It sounds great but the drums just aren't quite sitting as well as they could. Half-way through (sorry no time-stamp) and towards the end are the only places where the kit sits well and doesn't feel like its overpowering everything else. Its ever so slightly not fitting with the dreamy backdrop. If you can smooth it out/blend it with everything else a bit better it would be amazing. It could be as simple as just getting a bit more reverb going on with it.

    I really like it, it could just do with couple of tweaks :)

  6. Aw, I love the cello. I'm definitely a sucker for it. I don't know the original but this is lovely. It could just do with a little more reverb. Adding a some more would really enhance the performances. I can't give you a time-mark but around 1/3 of the way in, on some of the higher and faster passages you need to just be careful of the intonation. The same goes for about 2/3s in too. Other than that though its lovely and the sort of piece that could just wash over you. As far as repeats and such go, I'm not sure. Extend what you feel needs extending. Without hearing the source I can't really suggest anything more :)

  7. Hey. Welcome to the forums. This ain't bad for a first remix. I'm assuming that since you finished this about 2 years ago you won't be changing/refining it?

    If you'd like detailed feedback then I'd happily oblige but definitely post up something new. Get a mix started. There are certainly plenty of people around here who will happily lend an ear to help or just listen and appreciate :)

  8. I like the intro as its got a really nice, uplifting feel compared to the original. The guitar lead sounds too distant. Also, if you can get real guitar in there, do so. Otherwise, an expressive synth would suffice.

    The hihats are too static/robotic. They need some life injected into them. I really like 1:15, its a nice breakdown/build....perhaps extend it some more before hitting back to the main theme. At 1:32, the pad is just too loud. Its masking everything. Something like that needs to be pushed back further in the mix. Your kick drum needs to come out more. The snare is okay, could do with more EQ but a stronger beat from the kick would really get this grooving :)

    In all, I love how the arrangement builds and has a climax but you can definitely get it cleaner in terms of production. Everything is just washing together too much by the end. Its partly the level balance, but its also EQ. Even some more tweaking with the panning could get some more seperation between parts going. This mix has a lot more potential. Don't be afraid to extend or develop your ideas more. More specifically, the build to the climax. Milk it for what its worth to give even more satisfaction when it returns to the main theme.

  9. Yeah, I reckon some EQ can give those guitars a bit more of a bite/bark. If you can just get some more feeling (and vib, like Brandon said) then the lead should be all good, though some more embelishment couldn't hurt. The hihats could do with some more humanization. They're a bit robotic.

    As far as the arrangement goes, the original is definitely recogniseable. On the repeats it would be nice to get some count-melody going or extra-accompaniment ideas going. Also, post this on the KNGI forum too :D Other than that, its a good start :)

  10. Sounds great. Production sounds nice, clean and clear. I love the dynamic start but think its possibly a little too quiet compared to when it kicks in at 00:23. Its a nitpick though.

    The source is easily recogniseable and there's really nice expansion of it. It sounds even more like Castlevania than the original :)

    I think the arrangement/instrumentation remains a little too static by half way through. The pipe/accompaniment thing could perhaps take a break earlier on the arrangement before returning than it already does. Perhaps mess around with some extra grooves? There's plenty of interest but once it gets going, but I think you milk the breakdown more and build to an even more energetic climax. You can squeeze some more excitement out of this. Harmonically, it seems to be the same progression throughout. Having a little bit of exploration with some new chords or moving to some new keys would also provide nice contrast to keep the initial excitement/interest going.

    But yeah, seriously, these are just some thoughts. The mix is well produced and crafted. You incorporate the source well with your own touches and expansions. I enjoyed listening to it, more people need to :)

  11. I finally feel happy with this. Spent a long time getting the EQ and balacing sorted. I've cleaned up the "flub". The more soar my fingers are, the more flub there is lol. But thanks for the feedback Eino, I've addressed the points you mentioned as best I can.

    Remix: http://soundcloud.com/lidawg/purple-v5-draft


    Re-recorded rhythm guitars and leads




    Snare drum

    That's all finished now but would still love some feedback. I'm sure I will have missed something :)

  12. Thanks so much for the feedback guys, I didn't post earlier coz.....well I didn't have an update. I've been working on it trying to address the issues you posted. I suppose the biggest thing update is the new section at the end. Took a while, but managed to get a solo whacked in there. I'm still not quite sure of the mixing. Been experimenting loads but don't seem to be able to improve it beyond this latest update.

    Remix: stats.png

    Thank you again for the feedback as it really helped motivate me to stick at this and try to improve it :) Much love!

  13. I don't know of any mixing tutorials for rock I'm afraid, BUT, I'd say the best thing you could do is post up one of your tracks for people to listen to. If its original, whack it on the originals workshop forum let people listen. The problems that you're experiencing could well be caused things that you hadn't thought were problems.

  14. You definitely don't want to be boosting the lows of the guitars BUT the guitars are EQ'd too harshly. They've lost their body somewhat. If you got the Rhythms high-passed then just bring it back some. Guitars can be such a bitch to mix as just a couple of DB or 100hz can be make or break with the tone and sound. This is personal preference and will change from setup to setup, but try and High-pass up to 115hz-ish, a scoop (perhaps) -6 to -8db at around 6-700hz with a fairly wide Q and another scoop at about 400hz of roughly -2/3db. Obviously this is just a suggestion and may not work at all for you. Guitar tone can very much be an individual thing, but experiementing with that kinda thing you may be able to get power and clarity with little sacrifice of fidelity. The top end seems fine, but its difficult to tell. I dunno whether you do this, but I'm always referencing other bands/artist with the kind of tone I want and using it as a guide by listening to my track then theirs.

    The lead sounds much much better btw :)

  15. I love the idea of this competition and hearing the mixes just make me think that this could be a great series of competitions for people to partake in (or just listen). I'm sure there have been a share of niggles to get around but I think the whole thing of people using the same DAWs is just meh. Its kind've like projects where people collab or are just able to give more focused feedback (but more so), not everyone has the same DAW. In truth, particpants will probably learn more by focusing on general production/musical feedback than the odd idiosyncrasies of their DAWs. This first round is kinda proof of that as the quality of the entries is great! Well done on a crackin' pilot :<

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