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Everything posted by YannickJason

  1. http://www.box.com/s/cdf595a1b4fefaf865a1 almost done. This is a shorter song, I'm hoping the addition of percussion makes this sound a whole lot better.
  2. http://www.box.com/s/600d1c9cf8fb7e59e135 Hoping this is the final version of this song. I've come to love this one a lot *seeing as it's something of a mascot song for the album* Also, I've dwindled the number of tracks down to about four or five.
  3. Thanks! Just the advice I needed. I'll be sure to go over this again in a few days. *I'm a little tired of listening to it, lol* Anyway, this one's a smaller update. I changed some of the lead and percussion, but not a noticeable amount. http://www.box.com/s/748b9c6a99b27b4d294d
  4. http://www.box.com/s/800d9cc6df9b8f68c9a1 Finished the tune. Would love some good critique.
  5. Thanks! I'm thinking of submitting this.
  6. http://www.box.com/s/6fe81390c5e641f6bed8 Update!
  7. Thanks! I'm glad to know that I'm off to a good start. I'll be sure to upload an update as soon as possible.
  8. http://www.box.com/s/cf63fe6aa024459eeba3 Well, this is a first... I'm trying my hand at dubstep. So far, I like it, but I definitely need some help. Anyone?
  9. http://www.box.com/s/ngyffo1t1rn94oofrcqa Here's a little update. I took out the intro and tried some work with a voocoder.
  10. Thanks! I think I might just take out the into and use it in another song though... I've reworked the beginning and tried something new with the EQ.
  11. http://www.box.com/s/cdf595a1b4fefaf865a1 Something of a starting point for my album I'm working on. Sadly, I'm starting to run out of inspiration for this. Help?
  12. I'm glad people are liking the mix of styles I'm using. I'm here to learn, so thanks for the advice!
  13. Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely work on making it more dynamic.
  14. http://www.box.com/s/zn6m5dza5a4fbk6cb6ue Almost done. Some pretty big changes here. I moved the entire second bass to the second half of the song as it is more intense. I think it works better this way... Would still love some more critique though.
  15. Great start! I like that I'm hearing a solo piano piece. Haven't heard one in a long time. It's coming along, the EQ will definitely need some work in the final though. Keep going!
  16. Thanks! I'm going to for a more Generations type of feel. I've also been into a lot of Mega Man lately. Any advice on instrumentation?
  17. Thanks! It's funny, that is what was going for.
  18. http://www.box.com/s/t0z5isqd1a17j7z6dkai More of a test. Thought it sounded nice. If I get a good enough critique, I may go somewhere with this
  19. Sounds interesting. Give me some time and I can get back to you.

  20. I like it, It's a coherent, fluid piece. I don't often hear that from early compositions. It shows that you've taken or at least know some musical theory. Props! Although... The beat gets a little jumpy, even for a progressive song such as this. Try and keep those kicks simple; it'll take ya farther! I can't say much in the ways of EQ because I'm currently listening to this on my laptop, but the grainy frequency at the beginning wasn't too bad, it just needed some tweaking. Nice use of Oscillators; I often use them. Try to create different sounds with them though, a default noise is very obvious and can be easily picked out. Really experiment before you dive into a song. One thing I like to do before I start a tune is listen and take reference to how songs of the aspired genre sound and think of how I can use them together. Overall, I like it. Very catchy. Keep going.
  21. http://www.box.com/s/ngyffo1t1rn94oofrcqa (Is the same link as below. ) Don't know about that snare drum... but I do like me mixing better on this version. I slao found a better guitar. What do you think?
  22. Still fiddling around with the lead synth. I can't seem to find one that works well in this song... The beginning is also kind of iffy for me. I might change it completely to suit the rest of the song; maybe something progressive (?) Yes! I'm going in a new direction with the song as a whole though. Lower tone, new instruments, etc.. Thanks for asking!
  23. http://www.box.com/s/uv1dm5mimus3vnce51a2 Did some fixing and changed the lead synth (along with some other stuff).
  24. http://www.box.com/s/zcglszlft31b7jxo2uv8
  25. I can tell you one thing I thought from the first time I heard it... The drums need more variation for this song to work well. Its very D n B sounding too, but its hard to hear the loops over all the sounds playing. Try to tone them down slightly. The song also loses interest after the first minute and a half because nothing really stands out with the bass or the melody for the matter. I'd love to hear an updated version though.
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