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Everything posted by MaiaLead

  1. I've previously listened to your tracks, and generally exit out once the main beat starts (immediately..). There's just too little going on. The style in this one, however, is perfect. Akin to Nujabes, but with more "modern" mixing. I was still hoping for a bit more, but it was an enjoyable listen. I hope you develop this style further.
  2. Remember to link to the source song for those that aren't familiar. Good selection, though. Plok! has an excellent ost. lol
  3. It's not an issue with timing, eq, panning or anything else related to hardware or sample quality. It's the writing with or without the guitars. I think you should start reading about and applying chords. It'll shape your melodies around bars more properly (rhythm), and your melodies will feel like they have direction (harmony). You've just got to learn a little bit more theory, and it'll improve the quality of your music much more than panning and eq will. Trust me!
  4. You need to work on your writing, first and foremost, mickomoo. I think you'd benefit much more as a musician if you focused on being able to craft a decent .mid before trying to perfect your guitar tone. From the music you've written, I feel as though you're a person who doesn't want to make generic sounding music. However, before you can dive into classical insanity, you've gotta learn the basic rules that you're trying to break first. Jam with the white keys to this to build a basic sense of what a generic song is supposed to feel and sound like. Even if you won't be sticking to a simple "kick-snare-kick-snare" kind of drum beat, or simple progression, you really need to build your sense of rhythm and harmony. Like.. I had always assumed TT, in each of its revisions, was in some obscure, difficult time signature.. until I counted the beats today. It was just really unrhythmic and reeaaally slow. I'm glad you're still at it, though. I think examining some vgmusic midis will help your understanding quite a bit.
  5. Just remember to consider the whole mix. The drums are too loud.. for this song. Say you dropped those drums into a crazy loud, compressed-to-death song.. Those drums might actually be drowned out by the rest of that particular mix. Then they'd be too quiet! So, it's not that your drums are simply too loud; it's that you've now got to bring the rest of your track up to the same level as those drums. I know there's a bass guitar. I was saying there was a lack of bass in the EQ spectrum.
  6. At the start of the song, the sound you've got for the instruments is okay, because they're all getting exposure. Once the electric rhythm guitar comes in, though, problems arise. The piano playing the main melody is barely managing to voice itself with the rhythm guitars. But, actually, the piano problem isn't as big once the lead guitar comes in. You can barely hear the lead guitar, right? You want everything important (especially leads!) to be legible, so raise the volume on things to even them out. The rhythm guitar, piano and lead guitar all fight for pretty much the same space in the mix, so to have them work together, you've got to EQ and pan them appropriately. The choir works out all right as a pad, so it's good as it is. The drums are generally well mixed, but I think you could spare the cymbals some lower frequencies as well. Compared to the snare and kick, they don't hold the same.. power? Though, sometimes, like at 1:38, the kick is too strong for how the rest of the instruments sound. Also, there's a lack of bass throughout. It's okay for the softer sections to be missing it, but it's definitely needed during the "upper" parts of the song. It could be covered by a bass guitar or maybe deep strings or something. It'll help the overall mix a lot. The acoustic guitar always sounds good as far as I can tell. I really like the drop at 2:43, though. It sounds very "epic," even when it's using the same progression. The solo seems like it'd be pretty hot, as well. Just keep comparing your mix to a song with the sound you want. Keep changing volumes, EQing and panning until everything feels just right. ^^
  7. soundcloud I hope you guys enjoy. I love mecha game/anime songs and all that, so I just wanted to hear some with actual instruments. "actual instruments." Aanyway, looking for feedback on production and (the very little) writing. ^^ btw, I bet you can tell where I stopped playing a solo and just started point-and-clicking. lolol
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