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Everything posted by notMe

  1. you mentioned to let you know when I updated a piece a few weeks ago... not sure if you'll have time now that you're a bigwig... if you're still interested, I would love any feedback you might have! thanks!


  2. Been busy, but I've finally got around to working on this a bit more. The updated version now includes a bit of panning, reverb and other such effects, so I think it has filled out a bit more. I don't know if I went far enough, but I'll let some fresh ears decide that. I tried to concentrate on sound design a bit- I've done some layering, a few completely new synths, and added some new backgrounds to compliment things (I hope nobody minds arpeggios:smile:). I'm terrible with drums, but I found something else I thought might work- I'll definitely want input here. Overall, I think I succeeded (on some small level, perhaps) at making it sound a little less amateur-ish. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks!
  3. I switched this to mod review... If I was wrong to do so, please let me know. I was feeling like I didn't know what else I could do here, and have not received any further feedback, so... hopefully peeps are fine with that.
  4. So... I hate intros. I basically took out the abruptness of it, but it doesn't really floor me much. Changed that synth too; I don't know if I'm sold on it (I wasn't sold on it before, I just don't really know what kind of sound I'm looking for). Any suggestions?
  5. Ok. Got it updated. Here's a list of what I did- -added reverb to the glock -"humanized" the piano with more accents and stuff -replaced parts of the organ with a synth, changed the other parts -varied the drums more at the end -added automation with a phaser and some low frequency content to the bassline -took out the silly bass fart at the end -tried to "dry up" the floor tom a little bit -a few other tinkering things Some things I only barely changed, so please let me know if I didn't go far enough with your comments. And I would absolutely love any new/additional comments you may have! Fire away!
  6. Thanks for the comments! It’s good for me to have someone’s fresh perspective on it, because after so many times listening to the same thing over and over, I get used to something that I might have thought was only so-so the first time I heard it. Anyway, I agree with the comments about the ending bass (I don’t know what I was thinking) and the beginning bass (I do know what I was thinking, but I couldn’t think of any other way to do it). I will definitely try to make it more interesting. As far as the piano goes, I had tried to use different attack velocities, but I could not hear any difference between really hard and really soft, so I gave up, thinking there was something wrong with the sound font. Now I'm trying a different font player (not sure if that’s what they’re called) and I seem to have control. So that will be fixed. By “the higher organ”, do you mean the organ in general throughout the whole piece, or just the parts where it’s higher? I probably will at least try something different with the organ solo at the end per the doc’s request. And about the kick at the end- could I just take it out and end with the ride cymbal only? I have a really hard time figuring out how to bring instrument in and out if you can’t tell. Anyway, thanks again for the feedback! I will get to work, although I’m not sure how long it’ll be before an update with me being rather busy right now, and also extremely slow at this in general. You could probably feel me blush if I told you how long it took me to write that piece so far.
  7. Hello all- this is my first attempt at a remix, so any and all feedback is very welcome. I am rather green around the gills when it comes to mixing/production/digital music in general, so try use small words and speak slowly. Oh, and I'm pretty new to forums as well, so hopefully I'm doing everything okay. Anyway, here it is- Free MP3 download: My Favorite Couch-001.mp3 source: http://youtu.be/PGwfBvW3YA8 Thanks much!
  8. thanks much friends! we'll see what I end up going with (and how soon that will be), but for now, I definitely have a better idea of what I'm looking for.
  9. does under 1000 work at all?
  10. let me cut it to you straight. I need help. lots of it. and I know someone out there will have pity on me. the rest might flame me, but here goes: I know music. no problem there. I'm just starting to get into the whole computer aspect of it though, and I'm quite illiterate. and before you flame me, I've been searching this site for almost two weeks. maybe this information is out there, but I just haven't found it. if so, please redirect me to it and we can move on. I'm in the market for a computer, and I know nothing about computers. So is anybody willing to post the specs I would need if I were to get into music production/remixing? Here's what you might need to know: 1. Extremely tight budget. 2. Eventually I might want to do some recording stuff too, so I'd want to have a machine prepared for that 3. Please keep your language simple, like you were trying to explain this stuff to your Grandma. 4. Most likely desktop, and I'm thinking a Mac, but am open to suggestions. okay, I've got plenty of other questions if anyone has nothing to do but help a newbie, but perhaps I will post those later after the smoke clears. okay- have at it! and thanks a million in advance!
  11. Howdy. I'm interested in all the various aspects of making fun tunes, and I came here to learn! So hopefully I will- I know next to nothing about most of this stuff.
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