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Avatar of Justice

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Posts posted by Avatar of Justice

  1. I watched a friend play this over the weekend and found it unimpressive despite initially liking the character customization. The combat seems fine, I just didn't like the simplicity of the social interactions. Most people can't really speak to you, all you can do is dance and fart at them or something. The speed at which my friend's character got married was kind of silly. I was expecting some kind of elaborate courting, but all he had to do was dance at her. I would like to see a Japanese company take the knowledge they've gained from dating games and apply it to this kind of game to get something a little more story and personality driven. The game world doesn't feel stupid only if you view all the interactions as abstractions of real social interactions.

  2. They should've released the game. Fuck it. I don't even care about LBP and I say that. If they had put in some Latin quote from the Bible that talked about how unbelievers are damned to Hell or something, I as an atheist would've cared less and that would've been a direct attack on me. Biblical latin quotes are cool. This Qua'ran stuff wasn't attacking anyone. I'm sorry but some line about death doesn't qualify as dark or inappropriate to me. Death is a truth of the universe as much as Life is. No use hiding it from anyone of any age. If you actually listen to the song, it isn't like the song is of some genre that just doesn't work well for LBP. If it had been about death AND Death Metal or Nu Metal I would've been a little more questioning as to whether the song worked for LBP just because of the genre choice.

    Of course, since everyone is going to go out and buy the game next week, Sony will assume you don't care about what they did.

  3. ZP! is not meant to be taken seriously, as much like AVGN he gives his thoughts and reviews in his own way and style. Perhaps you find his remarks and reviews juvenile because you don't like seeing your favorite game getiing critizied by one person & exposed to the masses in fears that he becomes charismatic and others begin to join him in like-mindedness? He doesn't like JRPG and that's fine, especially since I enjoy them. He hates SMB:Brawl for his own reasons despite many others still playing the hell out of it.

    Or has his remarks brought about a little gremlin that now ruins your gaming enjoyment that tells you that you don't really like a game as you first thought..?

    Take a look at his mailbag clip...

    Nah he hasn't pointed out anything in any games I like that I didn't already know. I hate Brawl (Brawl is to Guilty Gear like checkers is to chess) too so maybe he and I can be friends. I think the main reason that I find him unfunny is his delivery. He just sounds like he really is a jerk. I guess that delivery doesn't appeal to me.

  4. I watched about 4 or 5 of these and was surprised that they were mostly unfunny. Are his reviews serious or no (does he actually like the games he slams)? Even if it is all a joke, I found his metaphors and insults that I'm sure he finds clever to be pretty juvenile. I mean, I like the AGVN who can be accused of the same, but at least I find his videos legitimately funny when he isn't spewing out nonsense about animal feces. If this guy's reviews are serious, he comes across as someone who can't handle a plot and not talented at being funny.

  5. I got my new 72-pin connector and replaced it. Everything works great (well the NES games that I owned as a kid work, some of the ones that have been given to me later on, not so much) with one little quirk. The games typically don't work if I push the spring loader down into the locked position. Instead, I just push the cartridge in and leave the loader up. I assume this isn't really a problem, it just makes me wonder if I put the NES back together slightly wrong or something.

  6. Selling:

    King of Fighters PS2 2000/2001 $20

    Electroplankton DS Game $45

    Diddy Kong Racing $13

    Trauma Center: Under the Knife $25

    Soul Calibur II for the Gamecube $5

    Scrapped Princess Volume 1 DVD $5

    Zeta Gundam Volume 2 DVD $5

    Banner of the Stars Volume 1 DVD $5

    Shipping is an addition $2.50 for each of these items. Prices are based off what they went for on E-bay.

  7. Why is he suddenly complaining now? Because OCR is sending a lot more e-mails now than it used to. Surveys, interviews, albums, and stuff. I mean, the administrative e-mail thing implied it would be important stuff, but I feel as if the e-mail's now are less important than they used to be. An "administrative" e-mail to me suggested terms of service changes, not an interview with some guy I've never heard of. And it is all stuff someone who regularly checks the site would see anyhow. I'm unsubscribing.

  8. Made sure I had the rom ready to go yesterday. I think I'm going to have to clear my schedule for the day now.

    Not surprised to see a thread here already... a little surprised that it's already on page 5.

    Yeah, I got my ROM back in April haha. Mother is not something one fucks around on.

  9. I think one has to really play the game critically to really come to the feeling that the story they're putting out definitely isn't the only facet to the story. I don't think there's really that 'one' aspect that makes you realize it's a fantasy (not like in Star Ocean 3 where they give you a slap to your face yelling "IT'S NOT REAL" to make the point).

    Also, I think this site shows one of the ways players own imaginations and preconceptions basically shape Earthbound.

    The general ways the Mother games have been made is just pure genius. I mean, if you want to play RPGs for their gameplay, there's always Star Ocean and Tales games.. But the exotic, quirky and the surreal always tends to belong in the Mother series.

    Since you can't point out anything specific, I'm of the opinion you might be overcomplicating something you really like.

  10. Really..? I thought it wasn't as popular because many could not find the actual game.. I sure as hell couldn't find it when it came out... Kinda like how I couldn't find a copy of Digital Devil Saga 1 or even two back when they came out. So very few copies...

    There's probably not really a whole lot of demand for it which is why they don't provide much supply. The only places I know to carry it are dedicated game stores and online retailers.

  11. I get bitter about Smash Brothers because it gets all kinds of attention, but a clearly superior product (Guilty Gear) gets no attention. It's like if everyone around you never wanted to play chess and only checkers.

  12. On the surface, yes, but the quirkiness had a reason to it. It's not popular just because it takes place in a modern day setting. The game isn't even REMOTELY realistic to begin with.

    It's because Earthbound/Mother was a distinct post-modern game of criticizing and analyzing the old Japanese RPG conventions while staying within it. The quirkiness basically comes from that entire context and study of existentialism pertaining to a child's imagination (you never really know if the RPG is basically someone's imagination or not). It was just so much more than the generic 'story' + 'action' you typically get out of videogames. It was basically an artistic expression within the JRPG format.

    What part of Earthbound, specifically, suggests that it is all a fictional child's fantasy, aside from the fact that it actually is a video game and is a real person's fantasy?

  13. Oh hell ya. That who album is just gushing with emotion.

    The end of "Sons of Fate" is just epic and beautiful. When Megaman yells "The Fight of Protomaaaaaaann!" as the Humans sing behind him.

    Anyone who loves Megaman and rock n roll owes it to themselves to listen to The Protomen album.

    I get choked up because of The Stand because I empathize with Protoman's feelings every single day.

  14. The reason things are going in the RE4 direction is because RE4 sold well. Most of the market isn't going to go for survival horror due to ammo expectations and survival horror games often having funky controls. A shame, but true.

  15. I figured this would be the best place to ask this question, but why does everyone go so gaga over the Mother/Earthbound series?

    I saw it maybe once in the store but never played it. So someone help me out here please.

    It's quirky as hell. That's my reason, at least.

    Interesting. Although they make it sound like cartridges are some sort of indestructible medium, which anyone who's ever owned an NES knows is completely untrue. :P

    I dunno, my mom ran over my copy of Mario Bros. 3 by accident about 10 years ago and it still works fine. As do the other games she ran over, but Mario Bros. 3 took the most damage from that incident.

  16. Why are these guys bothering to release on the Genesis? Why not release on a more profitable platform that is still cheap to develop for (PC)? I don't know what the quality of the games are, but this strikes me as highly gimmicky. If they are trying to make money, they are hurting themselves, and if they want as many people to see their art as possible, they are still hurting themselves. I'm all for retro gaming, but you didn't see Capcom release Mega Man 9 on the NES.

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