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Avatar of Justice

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Posts posted by Avatar of Justice

  1. Yeah, had a great time meeting everyone. I'm a bit sad that I didn't know the names attached to some of the remixes you all had done, especially you audio fidelity, as The Might of Baron is one of the most badass things ever. I loved the spontaneous Mario 64 Bowser stage theme jam session. And hey, I can play a mean egg shaker.

    At the next meetup, we need more ladies, especially ladies who can swing dance moves that may/may not result in death.

  2. Alright, so I am definitely coming to this. Taucer, you only live one minute from me (I live at Sumter Square Apartments), so that sort of obligates me. My roommate would probably like to come as well, if too many people aren't already coming. I might just bring a pizza or something if that's cool, rather than cooking. I might be able to get a friend to come as well who is a pretty good bassist, I just don't want to bring too many people.

  3. There are several animes out there that don't suck, but they are far outweighed by the crap.

    Think of anime as a Wii. There are worthy titles, but most it is the worst thing ever.

    This is basically true for every genre of entertainment. Look at television, books, movies, music, and video games. It's almost all garbage. Anime is no better or worse.

  4. So, I'm almost done rewatching Gundam SEED Destiny and I have to ask, can someone remind why we're supposed to hate it so much? I've found it to only be pure awesome the second go around, as opposed to being dissatisfied with it the first time.

  5. When I was at MAGFest last year, I didn't bother to try to find any OCR board people even though I went to the OCR panel. I was with 3 of my real life friends and this MAGFest I'll be 6 of them, so I don't really need to hang out with strangers to have people to do stuff with. I met up with some Internet people in my city from the DustLoop forums and they freaked me out, so I've been sort've leery of meeting up with Internet people again.

    You guys seem to know each other better than it seems like you could through a message board. Do you all just AIM each or something? I used to hang on the OCR IRC when I was at work but got bored.

  6. I'd also like to take a moment and discuss the main overlying theme of the game. I know what Square was going for here, but really, did they have to think their entire audience SO obtuse that they had to beat us over the fucking head this hard with the allegorical religious content?

    No I take that back, it's not even allegorical, because an allegory would use one different situation to refer to an existing situation (District 9 vs. apartheid, Animal Farm vs. Government, 1984 vs... well, you know), but the storytelling is SO heavyhanded and hamfisted that I can't help but wonder what the hell Square was thinking.

    We have to atone for our sins? Praise be to Yevon? Yevon is the way? Blah blah blah? I really get what Square is saying here but they could have been a bit more SUBTLE about it. You can take the religious content of this game and layer it over our own society and BAM it matches perfectly. A quick character dissection as I see it:

    It's kind of hard to be subtle about religion in a story when the focal character is her world's version of a priestess. I mean, are they just never supposed to tell a story about a religious character? I thought it was brave of them to put religion in a story, since video game universes tend to forget about it and the fact that it actually influences people.

    The story's message applies just as well to a less religious society like Japan as well as American society. Yuna is willing to sacrifice her own life for the greater good of the people of Spira and that's portrayed as a negative. I've noticed that less religious societies such as Japan tend to instead teach their citizens to put society as the forefront of their concerns, rather than God (like Western religion), or themselves. The message of FFX still works, religious society or no.

  7. This was the best part of Final Fantasy X:

    I have a save file right before this scene so I can watch it again and again.

    Favorite quotes from it:

    Wakka: "But if we atone for our crimes, Sin will stop coming back, ya? Someday it'll be gone, ya?"

    Yunalesca: "Will humanity ever obtain such purity?"

    Auron: "Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!"

    I'm sorry, but I think Tidus is the shit for sticking up for his woman.

  8. ...and the two main characters, Tidus and Yuna, are both pretty annoying. :D

    I've never really understood why everyone hates Tidus. He was the first character in story, besides Auron, who called everyone on their religious bullshit and refused to let Yuna be a martyr. I thinks that's pretty awesome.

    As for Yuna, she's determined, nice, cute, and quiet. What's not to like? She develops out of her martyrdom, her one real character flaw.

  9. The Wonder Years narrations -- seriously, not only does he SOUND like Daniel Stern as the grown up Kevin Arnold, but he starts his narrations just like them -- "I didn't know it that day, but our lives had changed forever..."

    You don't read a lot of books told from first-person perspective, do you?

  10. Just thought I'd point out, since I didn't see it mentioned on that differences list, that apparenty the slim PS3 has removed the "Install Other OS" option. Read summary here: http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2442

    Well, I know it's probably a small minority of the people owning/potentially owning PS3s for that reason, but that does seem like a bit of a dick move too. The cell processor is a great piece of hardware for things other than gaming and this puts those potential new users out in the cold, now standing along side people who wanted to play all three playstation series of games on one console that didn't jump on the $500-$600 bandwagon when it first came out. That's a shame.

    Heh, I used to work at Red Hat (and use Gentoo on my home PC), and even I didn't even bother to install Linux on my PS3. I wonder what the size of the Linux PS3 user base is.

  11. I have to say, I am hopeful that the PS3 will now have brighter prospects. With the price drop, holdouts will hopefully jump on board, and with FF13 coming out in Japan and rumors saying some Japanese RPG makers have been holding back waiting for it (as they expect FF13 to spur Japanese PS3 sales and increase their market), I am hoping that nichey games will live once again on the home consoles instead of winding up on the DS. Hopefully, Konami will announce Suikoden VI soonish.

  12. watched the first episode, which is summed up by saying I watched a naked faceless loli walk around while all these people were meltsploding in shows of red paint err blood

    i stopped watching after that should I not have?

    Heh, I think Lucy's breasts attest to the fact that she isn't a loli. It actually is a pretty intelligent show with thoughtful things to say about nature vs. nurture.

  13. I've read a synopsis for the manga, and I'd recommend against it. It doesn't seem to have the nature vs. nurture themes of the TV show, Kouta isn't the super-forgiving nice guy of the TV show, and it has a lot of extra senseless violence. But then, I don't know if you like Elfen Lied for the same reasons I do.

  14. And I'm pretty sure the component cables are only compatible with the slim PS2.

    Nope. I have the component cables and an old PlayStation 2 and they worked together fine until the PlayStation 2 decided to stop playing PS2 games, and I had to get a slim PS2.

    I pondered selling my 40GB PS3 and getting a slim (lower power consumption for the win), but I figure I'll get a slim PS3 when my PS3 inevitably fucks up.

  15. I'm currently rewatching Tylor with my new roommate. God, I love Andressen and Cryburn. Also rewatching Gundam SEED. It's funny, but damn if SEED doesn't have some crappy animation compared to Tylor.

  16. Check out The Place Promised in Our Early Days. It's a very very beautiful anime movie and one of my favorite movies period. It deals with themes of longing, loss, and betraying the dreams of childhood as you grow into adulthood.

  17. Is it illegal for a gun shop owner to sell modified rifles or hand guns that MIGHT be used to potentially kill someone? (well...yes and no)

    Can I re-sell a sharpened kitchen knife set?

    Yes, but copyrights are obviously more important than human lives. Obviously.

  18. Kallen? I mean seriously, she was basically a fangirl with a giant robot who had no idea about anything and had was less loyal than fricken Starscream when the chips were down.

    What? She was the only one who pretty much remained loyal to Lelouch and held out hope that he wasn't a total bastard who had used the Black Knights for nefarious ends. Her kiss certainly didn't say "I HATE YOU!" to me.

    Code Geass 2nd season dragged a bit (China arc I'm looking at you), but I loved it overall. Lelouch is one of two male characters that I would be gay for (the other being Gaius Baltar from Battlestar Galactica). :-) The fact that you can't really pin him down into any archetype besides Magnificent Bastard makes him totally awesome.

  19. Is it just me or is Shinobi for the PS2 more like what Ninja Gaiden Xbox should have been if Ninja Gaiden Xbox had wanted to be a 3-D translation of the quick, hard as hell, platforming gameplay of Ninja Gaiden NES? I tried out the Ninja Gaiden Sigma demo and it just seemed like Devil May Cry with ninjas.

    On a related note, I got in Ninja Gaiden III earlier this week making me the proud owner of the entire trilogy. I also got in Final Fantasy I for the NES as well. I've heard that it is the version to play if you want it to be fun, since the GBA version has been nerfed.

    Does anybody else here still try to play games on a real NES/SNES instead of emulating? One of my gamer quirks is that I like to play games on the original hardware if at all possible. That's right, I have an NES plugged into an HDTV. They usually don't look too bad. You can E-bay most NES games for <$20. I recently played through Link's Awakening on a Game Boy and Super Game Boy. Damn, Game Boy's have shitty lighting.

  20. Yeah, one nice thing about Wing is that it IS pretty easy to keep track of the enemy suits. I think a lot of it has to do with the logical progression of the suits and the fact that there are less of them (and that they don't all look really similar). Original Gundam and Zeta Gundam just constantly throw new suits at you and they just don't seem that different besides maybe being a different color. 00 suffered from that too.

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