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Flam1ng Dem0n

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Posts posted by Flam1ng Dem0n

  1. So I don't know if the For Everlasting Peace: 25 Years of Mega Man had a limited run or something (or the copyrights for it ran out) but at this very moment I can't seem to purchase what songs I didn't initially buy.


    Anyone else having troubles buying the album? Might just be a Amazon issue, but if it's no longer purchasable then thought someone here might know.


    (The link I am using)

  2. You two offered WAY more knowledge then I anticipated. Thanks a bunch!

    21 hours ago, timaeus222 said:

    Just my 2 cents here, but the "swell" you speak of in the strings is a minor 2nd trill (fast alternating notes a semitone apart), and in terms of notes, what I'm hearing is an ascending scale in a minor key (seems like E relative minor, meaning you start on E and end on E, but use notes in G major, having only F#).

    Among the textures, what I perceive is a harp glissando on the left, a flute (or perhaps piccolo) playing the scale legato in the middle, and probably some violas playing legato on the right (ending on a perfect fifth below the flute)

    Jesus, you must have a good set of ears. I couldn't pick out all that as well as you did. Though I am not musically trained, so that probably plays a part in it. Thanks for the awesome break down of it!

  3. So I am having a hard time figure out how to recreate a common music technique heard in many fantasy songs. The best example I can give is the start of "Towards the Gate" from FF9.

    Towards the Gate

    Right at the start a bunch of woodwinds (and maybe some strings, I can't fully tell) play to where they swell (though I don't think that's the right word) towards higher tones. Giving a positive and joyful mood, but at the same time a sense of wonder.

    This same technique is heard in other songs as well from other things such as movies, and other games.

    Does anyone know how (if it is possible) to create this with samples? Meaning not live/recorded instruments? Having a hard time breaking it down and recreating it in Sonar with the samples I have on hand.


  4. This song was just simply so beautiful. It hit all the right spots to make you feel. I played Final Fantasy IX back in the day and I still have my disc copy for PSX. The ending of the song hit me the hardest (with emotional chills going through my body), as it reminded my very strongly of the ending cut scene from the ending of the game. The cut scene filled me with happy and also sad emotions, you song did the same thing with how well it captured this part of the story.


    Amazing job, and keep going where ever home may be. :)

  5. I have always had a interest in the 80s style of music. It's sort of a mashup of different styles and instruments that you would think may not work out well, but yet it does. Within the first (about) five seconds into this song I instantly got that 80s music vibe. Even though I was born in the 90s and enjoy Orchestral music as my favorite type, there is something about a 80s synth that you just can't beat (or not dance to it's beat). And when you have multiple synths, it's even more interesting and fun. This song not only does 80s music (or what much of common day pop culture thinks 80s music is, like Kung Fury Ha ha ha), but also does the original song from the Chrono Trigger game (same name the game has but is the song) incredible justice.

    It's not everyday I could get down and boogie to a video game song that is remixed, but throw that 80s feel and vibe into it and you might have my Moon Walking like good ol' Michael Jackson. Great job on this classic song, and may your Wings of Time carry you far into your future of success.

  6. Personally I had a hard time wanting to listen to this piece. The beginning of the song was quiet, very quiet. I had to turn up my headphones (very nice ones mind you) to almost 100% volume. At first I thought it was just me, but I listened to other songs too (several from OCremix) and those were the correct volume. So I went back to the song (still with my volume high) and at about the 0:35 mark I get a ear blast from the song. There wasn't even a gradual raise in volume, it just slammed my eardrums with noise. This was a poor job in Mastering the song.

    The second issue I seemed to have with listening to the song (even after the ear blast), was what previous people had mentioned. The instruments used don't meld and mesh very well at all. The piano seems to be playing the melody, but the acoustic throws that off. At times I can't tell if the acoustic is playing the melody or if the piano is. I think this is because the piano is placed (audibly) in the background (so it is harder to hear) and the acoustic is placed somewhere between the foreground and mid-ground. Because of this, it's hard to tell what instrument is doing what. I can somewhat hear the Great Fairy's Fountain melody being played on the piano, but because of its placement it's hard to tell.

    Along with that, the beat that the percussion is trying to set seems all over the place. You should be able to tap your foot to a beat of a song (even ones that don't have drums), but I can't follow what the beat is in this song. The drums give a "up and down" feeling (like a Roller Coaster), which throws off the usual "feeling" you get when listening to the Great Fairy's Fountain theme.

    Overall, I think this song needed a lot more work before being posted. It's hard to follow and the sudden volume change in the first 30 seconds is startling. There is not even a "lead in" for the volume change. Just an ear blast.

  7. So I am trying to pull apart The Main Gate theme from Mega Man Legends. From what I can tell there are two Melodies, and one Chord section (Strings to be exact). The first Melody plays throughout the song and the second Melody plays a specific times during the song.

    However I am still struggling with figuring out how to make it unique or my own.

    Any suggestions?

  8. If that's the case, then try finding a MIDI file of a song and importing it into your DAW. Look at the notes, the chords, notice which instruments are given which voicings. Then delete the melody track and try making your own. Or erase the chord progression and try to make a slightly different one. Or experiment with changing up the rhythm of the track, fiddling with the percussion, etc. This is a great way to go "under the hood" and learn while also dipping your toes into rearrangement.

    Sounds like a good plan! Thanks for the help. Now to either work with Halo: Covenant Dance or Mega Man Legends: Main Gate theme. :mrgreen:

  9. This:

    As for music theory.. Tricky. If you want to "create" something, you don't need that. You just pick your favorite instrument and PLAY.

    Remix? Ha! You do same thing! Just try to play something like source. SOMETHING! But if you aim to big bad orchestra stuff, music theory will help a lot!

    Where I seem to struggle the most is trying to get the notes down to begin with. If it doesn't sound right, I change it and this seems to be a repeating process with me. I guess I am overly critical with myself and it has to be perfect, even from the start.

    Anyways, thanks everyone for your helps and good suggestions!

  10. This time last year I was taking a MIDI production course at a local college where I used to live (have since moved) and during that course my teacher called me a "Musical Enthusiast". He told me that I am someone who wants to make music but however does not have prior music theory knowledge or does not play a instrument.

    Fast forward to now. I still seem to struggle with composing/remixes songs so that they have my own "spice" or "kick" to them while still staying true to the original piece. I do have a 48 key Midi Keyboard now and really try to create or remix music. However I find that I get frustrated due to my lack of knowing everything about music composition. I don't fully know how to read sheet music and most just "try" to play something by ear.

    My question for anyone who can help me within this community is....What should I do to help improve my music creation/composition skills? I have looked on Lynda.com and have not found much in the way of helpful tutorials as most of their tutorials are just teaching you about how to use the software.

    I am currently using FL Studio and understand the Interface rather well, I know how to place notes and use plugins or Soundfonts. Again however I struggle with actually composing the piece I would like to make.

    I mainly want to remix currently existing songs right now. Maybe later I will make more of my own music but I really enjoy listing to video game soundtracks and wanting to remix the songs I listen to.

    Can anyone lend me some helpful advise?


  11. For some reason, at 0:25 - 0:42, the harp seems to be playing notes that feel disjointed and looplike, and at 0:42 - 1:22, the instruments' rhythms are hard to pin down (i.e. it's hard to tell when to expect their emphases on each measure; they feel awkward).

    The same goes for 1:32 - 1:48 as it was at 0:42 - 1:22, especially in the brass. It just feels like something in the rhythm is making it "too human" or "overly loose", and some notes just don't make sense IMO.

    Overall I'm just getting this feeling that this is too repetitive, and the awkward rhythms are distracting. The harp is also really, really busy compared to a normal harp part in an orchestral piece. :whatevaa: You have a nice concept going in terms of using a thunderstorm sound effect with this, and the general arrangement idea has potential. I'd try working on fixing the rhythms of the non-harp orchestral elements and the flow of the harp notes. It would take a fair amount of work to up the realism of the other instruments.

    Wow! Thanks for the awesome feedback and reply! I was actually expecting sort of a...half a$$ response, as I usually seem to get those in other communities.

    If there was a "Thanks" button for your post, it would have been hit. :-D

    I am currently in Game Art College, so I work on songs off and on when I can. So your feedback should be very handy when I get some down time.

    Thanks again!

  12. YAY!!

    Got them working! I had to do a bit of hunting and install DOS-Box to get them up and running but they are now In FL Studio. I had no idea about about RMI being a Midi Sub-format. Thanks everyone. Also for those who would like to also get those file working too. Go to this website and fine the file called RMI2MID.


    Then install DOS-Box (because the EXE file is originally meant for MS-DOS) and then follow the DOS-Box tutorials from there.

    Thanks again everyone for the help! Much appreciated.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that I had to rename the file extensions for those RMI/MIDI files from .mid to .rmi to get the MS-DOS program to work.

  13. Are you trying to import the MIDI file straight from FL, or are you opening up the piano roll and opening the file there?

    I am going File->>Import->>Midi and like I mentioned nothing happens.

    It's been many MANY years since I played around with MIDI files but IIRC, there were a couple of weird subformats that didn't always play well with certain software. They might actually be RMI files with a renamed extensions. I think you can find a converter or something for them to change them into Standard MIDI Files.

    Interesting, never knew about Midi having a sub-format. Maybe you can take a look at the files? I found them at this web address.


  14. So a while back I found a website that hosted Midi Files from some of the Final Fantasy games. a couple of those files were written based off of the Final Fantasy: Symphonic Suite (from 1990) and I was thrilled to be able to finally tinker with one of my favorite Orchestral soundtracks.

    But something odd seems to be going on with the Midi (or Mid) files. I can open and listen to them in Windows Media player just fine, but when trying to import into pretty much any Music application that loads Midi (such as Audacity, FL Studio) it won't work. FL studios status bar reads "Parsing Midi Data" but nothing ever happens and when moving the mouse elsewhere in the window the text in the status bar changes to show what your mouse is hovering over. Almost like FL Studio was never told to import the file.

    Also there is one file that throws up an "Error Parsing Midi Data" in FL Studio, but even that one works fine in Media Player. So to be honest, I have NO clue what the heck is going on.

    The last update to the website was back in 2009. Though even with the age of the website and the files on it, it should not matter. Since Midi is still in version 1.0 and has been that way since its creation (as I was taught in my Music Applications Class).

    I can link the website if necessary, otherwise I can upload the files on a file sharing website if that would work better.

    I would really love to import these Midi/Mid files into FL or even Audacity to tinker with them and play around with the Midi Commands. Though with what is oddly going on, I can't. If anyone knows what might be happening, then that would be awesome.

    Thank for any help given.

  15. When I heard about the new Super Mario 64 OC Remix album, I was so excited to hear music from my childhood. And to top it off, Koopa's (Bowser's) Road was and still is one of my favorite songs from the game. So when I started listening to this song, I was really pumped. Though I was NOT expecting a Dubstep sort of twist to the song.

    Let me say that I am not a huge fan of Dubstep, but this song is one of the few exceptions to that rule for me. When I heard it go into Dubstep "mode", I was shocked and rather iffy about the song. Though listening to the whole thing changed that feeling into something different. I actually thoroughly liked the song, even with the slight Dubstep twist to it.

    So all in all, great song with a new spin while keeping the old feel from the game.

    Rating: 10/10 (Not joking either).

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