Hi Hadyn,
I listened a few times to your piece. Good job ! It is really pleasant to listen.
Here are the modifications I’ll consider to do if I was making the remix. Feel free not to follow them since all of this is really subjective
- from 1:25 to 1:36 : I’ll add a crescendo there. I’ll even try to begin it at 1:12
- the last 4 notes on the violin (D, E, C, A ?) should be louder. In my viewpoint this is the resolution of the climax, so it should be louder, or doubled with another instrument, or even the same violin one octave higher. I’ll also maybe try to put the three first notes staccato. We were waiting for those 4 notes from 2 minutes ! Make them rock !
- the passage from 1:40 to 2:05 is 4 times the same question/answer from 2 instruments. You keeped the same melody than in the original, but there are lyrics in the original wich make it sufficiently varied. Changing some notes the 4th time, giving them higher pitch, may be a good idea.
In my opinion, a remix should tell something new, so I don’t see the problem if the nods to the source material are subtle, but I do not feel it’s the case in your piece.