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Posts posted by Coaltergeist

  1. What, no golden sun!?! I see the title of the thread, and i get really excited, b\c he did the music for golden sun, one of my all time fav games... doesnt get much love lately, not after unleash never took off. Anyways,im not trying to be too critical, but why are you limiting the games? Is it to keep the album focused, because I can respect that.

    Edit: tales of symphonia too, man, youre killing me...

  2. FINAL BUMP IF NECESSARY: As stated above, i am still very interested in this project taking off. Unless someone (rather, multiple someones) else is interested, however, there is no chance of this happening. I am bumping this one last time to see if anyone wants to try to get this off the ground (i doubt we can make it by november). If noone else posts, ill take that as a no and we can all just get on with our lives. Who knows, maybe someone else will pick it up later, i dont know. Regardless, unless people at least post their INTENT to work on it, I doubt itll go anywhere.

    Edit: i also thought it was necessary to state that the size and scope of the project can be altered if enough people so desire. This can be anywhere from adding other games to removing tracks. Hell if enough people wold join if i changed the project entirely, that coild be arranged.

  3. with the amount of remixers we currently have (1), I'd like to keep the song list short and sweet. if you count the first 3 as 1 song (they pretty much are), we have 10 songs, which is less than I'd like but more than we have enough people for right now. If we get some more volunteers, i would have no problem with adding songs, maybe even some bonus tracks (I had already pitched the idea of having bonus tracks from other games in the series, but that is not possible right now)

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