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Posts posted by XPRTNovice

  1. In my experience, the foreknowledge that marriage is work and the desire/will to work on it are the two leading criteria for success in one. Those that think it's supposed to "work" without work get disheartened.

    But yes, marriage is awesome.

  2. Yo Ecto, I got a diet question that's related to teeth and not fat, if I could pick your brain. I love me some balsamic vinegar; it's virtually the only dressing I use, and I eat a lot of salads. Also, one of my favorite quick snacks is a dill pickle spear. This can add up to one or two salads a day with balsamic vinegar, and one (or at most, two) spears a day, which occurred to me is a fair amount of vinegar. Other habits like brushing and water drinking aside, am I setting myself up for teeth issues?

    Thanks doc!

    I thought vinegar cleaned teeth?

  3. Seems good to me, covers all the basics. I personally want 3 days a week for lifting heavy things, because of my work schedule, but sprints and HIIT are good too.

    You get gypped with Fitocracy points though. :P

    I'm going to try this plan for the 30 days I am on Whole 30 and let you guys know how I went. Though, in true parkour form this morning I ripped my hand open trying to jump up to a railing from which to do pullups. I slipped and it was sharp.

  4. Hey, anyone ever see this paleo guru's workout plan? As I mentioned earlier, I want to change mine up.


    In other news, while using my vibram 5-fingers during parkour, I managed to use one foot to rip off part of my toenail of the other foot. I think I might need to wear normal shoes for a week or so while that heals up...But, for the record, I -really- like the barefoot shoes while doing parkour. It really helps you absorb shock. I just wish my toes didn't slide out of their holes doing anything other than normal motion.

  5. I always find it weird how people will complain about the plot of X-2, but worship final fantasy games from the 1990s that actually had far more absurd plots.

    I think it's pretty easy to make any plot sound absurd if you put that tone on it. There actually used to be a guy that wrote for TV guide that used to do that. For the Wizard of Oz, he wrote: "A young girl in a new land kills the first person she meets, then teams up with three strangers to kill again."

    So, yeah. You can make anything sound stupid with the right verbage.


    any story will look ridiculous if you reduce it like that


  6. Also...you slogged through that garbage for however many hours and still, in the end (spoiler), found nothing. In order to ALMOST find something, you had to get the game to 100%, which hurt. Even then, though, what did you get? A three second glimpse of Tidus amid the ambiguity that she might not have actually found him? Pah!

  7. I played the early FFs during my childhood/teen years, so they had a lasting impact on me, as do many things during that age. I think that's why we cut them slack.

    This, DEFINITELY. It's why you like Voltron and Transformers, even though they were awful. Come on, admit it. They were bad.

    Edit: I also think this is why there's such a big argument about new games like FFXIII. If you're playing it, and you're 15, you'll have a different reaction to it and you'll have a knife fight with a 25 year old who, when he was 15, was playing FF7-8 instead.

    The old games don't have super detailed art, meaning your imagination works harder to fill in the details. Maybe that adjusts expectations?

    I agree with this, too. I think this is a major reason why a lot of people don't like movie renditions of novels.


    The disparity of opinions on FF games always struck me as kind of insane. Cash&Change asked about some flaws, so I'll bash all of them here. You might notice I focus on plot and characters rather than game play. Sue me, I'm a fiction author.

    For me, FF1-3 were worthless. There was no story at all, the battles were slow, dungeon crawling was painful, painful. I've only ever played each of the once and I don't think I'll give them a shot. I understand why people would like them in isolation, but having started with FF4, retrograding was agonizing.

    FF4 had a lot of great things. Great soundtrack. I liked Cecil's and Kain's story. Rosa was a worthless female character. Golbez was convincing, but the Zemus switch at the end was laughable and stupid. I don't see where this is the weakest game.

    FF5 didn't take itself seriously, like it has been said, and I didn't like that. Exedeath is also the worst name for an enemy ever. The plot seemed extremely similar to FF4 in many ways, and a character named Butz is just silly.

    FF6 is one of the best, so it's hard to point out flaws except things like translation and script. The soundtrack was awesome. The plot was pretty awesome. I wished for a bit more resolution in the ending, though, like what happened to all the characters afterwards. The continual hinting at the romantic relationship with Locke/Celes that never got resolved has always been a peeve.

    FF7's major flaw, in my opinion, was the ending. I don't give a shit about Red 13's puppies, despite the anatomical impossibility that THE LAST OF HIS SPECIES CANNOT REPRODUCE. I want to know what happened with everyone ELSE. I spent 60 hours getting invested in these characters, and all I get to see of them in the ending is Tifa extending her hand to Cloud?

    FF8...you know, I really like FF8. I don't get why people give it so much hate just because there's a bit of an angsty teen thing going on. I thought the orphanage sequence was absolutely retarded, though, and it really lacked a good villain.

    FF9 - the Return of Zemus. Who...the F@#%....is Necron? Why did I spend 50 hours getting to him? I also didn't like the goofiness of the game. It was a little too cartoony and weird. I

    FFX....voice acting. Oh my god, voice acting. Tidus was a whiny little bitch, and I really didn't like the linear flow of the game and not being able to travel/explore easily.

  9. I hated FFXIII. I mean, really hated it. I will probably never play it again. When I saw XIII-2, I felt like I wanted to cry. I realized that I would never buy that game, making it the only FF I don't own (MMOs aside, because those are stupid).

    [blasphemy]But there are things that are similar in the old FFs that probably means I should hate them, too. I mean, if you added bad voice acting to FF5, for example, what would you get? Bad dialog is in there, too, and confusing plot points (Zeromus, ho!). [/blasphemy]

    Sometimes I just feel like I'm being a fan boy. I'm replaying Secret of Mana right now, and the plot is awful. Yet I would easily play that game again rather than play some of the newer FFs. FFX was sort of a breaking point for me; it was good, but X-2 destroyed my soul. And then I didn't really enjoy 12 that much (I tend to like plots that include main characters that actually matter).

    Just wondering if anyone else had this thought in the back of their head - we worship some of the older games in SPITE of their flaws, but crucify the new games because of some of those same flaws. I do, at least.

  10. I got pretty far in X-2. If you can look past the girlishness of the entire thing it's actually a pretty decent game.

    Explain yourself! "Three girls team up and look for a boy, using pop songs and various outfits as their weapons."

    The battle system was -sort of- interesting, but that didn't help me fight the ubiquitous nausea that was a result of the plot/characters.

  11. So I just found out about this project and Id like to purchase the CD when it comes out, is it too late to do this? >.<

    The album, like all albums on OCR will be free to download once it's released. In order to get a physical copy of the album, you had to donate a certain amount during the kickstarter campaign. You will absolutely still be able to enjoy the epicness that is going to eat your ears from the inside out.

  12. As far as subs go I've used the KRK 10s, I really like it (trying to find one at a good price right now, actually).

    In all, I bought a pair of KRK Rokit 6 and a KRK 10s for $275 total. I think that's a frigging steal. I'm waiting for a friend of mine with a pink noise calibration machine to help me set it up though, because my studio kind of sucks for acoustics.

  13. Whole9? How do they sleep at night? How can anyone say to eat real food and cut out processed crap and call it their program? :-| I guess it's not all bad. They do give you a sticker at the end of it.

    I'm not really paying for it or anything, so I couldn't care less what they call themselves :P Besides, I'm handing full reins to my wife because stressing about food is against my religion. I eat what she feeds me.

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