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Posts posted by jane

  1. Looking forward to reading - really had some excellent & unique questions for us!!

    How would a yankee like myself go about ordering a few physical copies to keep for posterity??

    Hey there OC King. You can order hard copies internationally from here (though I don't think they've updated this with the new issue yet, so hang tight until they do).

  2. Hello gentlepeople of the OC ReMix community,

    A few weeks (months? Not sure. I am terrible with time. I don't even know how old I am tbh) ago I was hunting around these parts looking for sources. Sources? Sorcery! I wanted to write a big ol' story about OCR because I love the place and its people, always have, and feel it is all very interesting.

    The editor of Hyper felt the same way, and hey. Check it. Ya'll made the cover, too.

    It's out tomorrow over here in Aus. Thank you to everyone who helped me with this, especially Larry who went above and beyond.

  3. It's pretty close to the original. It's hard to hear a lot of what's going on because it's so muddy though. Use an EQ to roll off the lows (start around 100hz and move it around a bit until find a good spot that doesn't sacrifice the quality of the sound) from any instrument that isn't considered a bass instrument and that should clear up a lot of it. When you have a lot of guitars and strings/pads sometimes you'll have to scoop out some low mid frequencies as well, around 200-250hz.

    The playing and singing are done pretty well, kudos on that. Just practice those vocals so you can hit those notes easier

    I'd recommend trying to make this your own a bit more, add some new ideas so that people listening will hear something new. It's really long too, since it's so close to the original which is also long. I'm a fan of longer songs, but a lot of people aren't.

    Good stuff!

    Hey man. Sorry I missed this, just catching up now. Thank you for the comments, much appreciated.

  4. I wanted this game when it came out in 2012 and then I forgot about it - thought the demo was great. Bought it a couple of days after Christmas so it counts for 2013! I have been playing it every day since new years day, it is amazing. The sequel to this game is going to be absolutely incredible.

    Just finished it properly last night. What a super-Japanesey ending. Loved it. I thought the online ideals were so progressive and didn't get the props they deserved from the media. Lot of love and thought went into this whole thing.

    Hopefully they'll tune up the aesthetics so the sequel sticks out a bit more (it'll have Inquisition and Dark Souls II to contend with just like the first one got drowned by Skyrim and the first Dark Souls). I'd also like to see some kinda personality development in your pawn. That'd be awesome. Make 'em a real unique thing somehow.

  5. Tomb Raider. What a big word in the sexism debate. Incidentally I was the first person in Australia to finish it. I know, right, god I am amazing (just let me have this OK).

    Shadowrun Returns. <3

    The Last Of Us. Still recovering.

    BioShock Infinite. See above.

    Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Gave it five minutes the first time around and completely wrote it off. Something compelled me to go back. Glad I did. Man. I was/am obsessed. And my pawn is such a hottie.


    This year is the year of the old school JRPG, though. It's taken me 14 years to get Chrono Cross happening, and I am going to murder it with love.

  6. What I can say on the subject is if you love a game to death, go and give it a shot.

    When I first joined OCR, one of the first things I did was asked for a Crash Bandicoot remix in the requests area - must've been around 10 years ago. The thread never got picked up. So instead I dabbled into Crash when starting out on remixes. I made a few in my time, but eventually lost confidence thinking people won't like them because of the source material.

    But you know what finally encouraged me to try shooting Crash to OCR again? THIS MIXPOST BLURB. And in time I got to realise that what we send to OCR these days aren't dependant on what the listener wants, but more on the point of it recognising OCR's mission, whether the source material is popular or not. It also taught me a few things in regards to being happier remixing source material that absolutely resonates with me.

    Long story short, we don't care whether the game is good or bad, popular or known by few, old or new; if you tackle the source with OCR standards in mind above all else, then you've got a shot at making OCR history. Remember that mixpost blurb! :)

    Rexy, WHY did you have to post that Mixpost link NOW, when I am in the middle of playing Chrono Cross for the first time ever.

  7. That's why I couldn't work with yours; Justin was my first and only recruit before I opened this up, and he's on til he says he's off. "Tension" is everybody's favorite, so we already knew there'd be "quarterback controversy", but I have to be strict with sources. Feel free with any of the open tracks, and don't forget to give me an idea of your arrangement approach.

    That's cool NP. There are some good 'uns that aren't on your list like "Difficult Move" and "Triumphal Arch" and "In Danger" - room to add any? I also TOTALLY love "North Downtown." Dat groove. :tomatoface:

    Otherwise I could do a mean "Theme of Jaime." I was thinking like, something jazzcore. Kind of a hybrid between the street-sleaze of the SCC Memorial Series version and the kill-everyone of the Kukeiha Club take. Just a fort.

    Edit: Also "Innocent Girl." Think I could get pretty arena and emotive with that. It's really moody, which I like.

  8. I'm glad you came around, because Larry already put me on to your work a few days back, and we both agreed you'd be welcome on this project. I felt a need to keep far away from double-dipping on sources for this album, so I can't find a way currently to include your track (and I wanted to!). However, if you think you'd like to have a go at another source, please feel free... we have plenty of time :)

    It may well be needed, so I'll keep you and possible others in mind, then I would only need concern myself with sound levels :P

    We'll be keeping track soon of anyone else who wishes to volunteer for album art/assets/other stuff. I will be art directing, as I have design ideas in mind (including album logo), but will likely need other folks to put the ideas to virtual canvas.

    BTW, officially welcoming ARGLE!

    Oh for real? That's awesome (hey thanks, Larry).

    I love 90% of the tracks on Snatcher, so lemme know what isn't taken and I'll get moving on one of 'em for you.

  9. Haha, you guys. I would love to talk to ALL of you, but unfortunately I can't, I only have so many words to play with. Thank you for all your replies, though.

    The piece is for a magazine in Australia called Hyper. Really great publication.

    Big Giant Circles, I will be hitting you up ASAP. Thanks.

  10. Hi everyone,

    I'm a journalist in my day to day, and I've been commissioned by a print publication to write a feature exploring OC Remix.

    I'm looking for interview subjects. There seem to be a lot of hands involved in the community nowadays - who should I be talking to? Is the man djpretzel in the house?

    Of particular interest are the site's biggest hitters, too (Big Giant Circles!).

  11. I just don't compress the master unless I "need" to (i.e. mixes where loudness can be controlled but still loud). I tend to use a generic soft knee limiter and... that's it. Try lowering the volume of the guitars and bass by a similar small amount.

    I tend to use The Glue by Cytomic.

    Hot Tips From Timaeus :nicework:

  12. Makes sense, though I was intending those to be examples of production rather than sequencing style. :P

    Oh I getcha. In that case I got a hard-on.

    The loudness thing is killing my mixes, I think. What kind of mad outboard compressor do I need to get to just get everything BANGIN' without smashing it to bits? Fat sausages are only nice to eat, not to listen to :(

  13. A little too heavy. Some things I notice:

    The piano is a little thin-sounding due to only one note being played at a time. Playing octaves could be thick enough. The kick is way too fast at 1:01, 2:44, etc. No one can play that fast, and that also overcompresses the mix for too long at a time. Suddenly 2:18 feels too narrow in comparison to 1:00, and that should be addressed. Lastly, 4:24 is missing a connecting sound to lead into the outtro, which exposes the thin one-note-playing piano as noted before.

    Either the guitar has too much distortion or the bass is playing too low in many places. I'm hearing some instability in the bass notes which disrupt the clarity of the notes. This is consistent throughout. Overall there are lots of compression issues, drum sequencing issues, bass sequencing issues (if you played it, then its amp tone doesn't work for lower notes), and some stereo imaging issues to be looked into.

    Here is a good metal mixing reference. Apparently your mixing was louder than this, 'cause I trust Ian Dorsch's mixing quite a bit. This is another good metal mixing reference. Seamless mixes a little louder, but still not too loud.

    Gr8 feedback, thank you.

    Although re: that Ian Dorsch stuff... I am so not into that. It's exactly the kind of metal sound I'm trying to avoid. I do appreciate the clarity of it, though, that's cool. But it's really boring, and really sort of overdone (IMO, of course). I prefer the disgusting crust of the stuff Kurt Ballou does with Converge. I want to be on him.

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