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Posts posted by jane

  1. 9 minutes ago, HoboKa said:

    Took me a bit to understand what the title of your song meant "Be What You Needed".  Man that is depressing, but it hits me where I live.  I am glad I discovered your sound lmao.  You listen to Akira Yamaoka, right?  If not, you should >:3 - at least for his Silent Hill stuff. 


    I'll need to listen to the 7 other songs you got later... Plus I'm tired lol. 

    Really enjoying the forward momentum of some of your tracks too, bröther!

    (Totally love Akira Yamaoka. Also Michael McCann's work on Deus Ex: Human Revolution obsesses me, it's so great). 

  2. 2 hours ago, HoboKa said:

    No worries.  Not sure if SC appreciates my thoughts.  Some of my comments got buried in the soundwave widget player thingy.  Or maybe that's just my browser.  Right.  I'll go through the rest in a bit.  You've got some pretty kick ass sounds going on. 

    My personal fave is 'Be What You Needed' but it doesn't seem to resonate with others like I thought it would? Maybe it's the spoken word stuff (I like poetry). 

  3. 15 hours ago, Nase said:

    vocals kickass, sound too abrasive, not like hardcore too abrasive, just a bit too much for its own good. i'm getting a kind of qotsa freakout vibe from this, except much more OFEOIAFDPIFOADKGPE=GjweJr3i0ri3i0OKE"=dksfsidfoi. is this stoner metal?


    METAL BROFIST SISTER! is this shreddage? let's make a joint thread for some bananametal

    oh yeah do post the lyrics, i wanna know whats up with that insterdan, i feel soooo old loosing connectun

    Hey whoa whoa, how can anything ever be TOO abrasive :-P c'mon now, I got all the raspy feelings. Alright, some lyrics:


    Hello again / I've crossed the distance to be / here today so that I can see / approximately what you might perceive / to be the me(me) I desperately wanna believe

    Desperately wanna believe / desperately wanna believe / desperately wanna believe / desperately wanna believe / desperately wanna believe

    (I want your)

    Attention! Affection!


    Is it the end of my turn? / This must be the end of the world


    Hello again / now I see whatcha mean: / wholly reliant on emotional machines / failures of consciousness face-painting / scene after scene after scene of idealistic scenes

    Idealistic scenes / Idealistic scenes / Idealistic scenes / Idealistic, Idealistic / Scenes, scenes

    (I want more)

    Retention! Redemption!


    Is it the end of my turn? / This must be the end of my world


    Hollow followers / building / mirrored bubbles / to reside inside / and cast aside the outside

    'Goya' is a word when unreal / is so real it is / synonymous with a story well told


    Please, notice me

    You're on fire, another sun

    Please, notice me

    You're on fire, while I burn~

  4. 9 hours ago, CGrail said:

    Didn't know what to expect when I opened this up, but I really dig it. Then again I am a weirdo fan of heavy music. Right off the bat I thought of some Strapping Young Lad/Devin Townsend influence, which is always a good thing for me.

    But aside from that the track sounds good! A few of the lead guitars kind of stuck out to me as being too loud or seperated from the rest EQ wise. Overall though a pretty solid mix, maybe some mids could be carved out for a cleaner sound.

    I'll have to check out some more of your stuff.

    Legend, thanks for listening.

    Can you spotlight any 00:00 where said guitars might be annoying? I'm so deaf to it right now.

  5. Hey hey. So I feel like this track right now is the absolute zenith of what I've managed to come out with in terms of composition, recording, musician-y stuff... and I'm super into the tones of the guitars and bass, which can drive me super nuts. Anyway!

    Even if you're not into the heavier, weirder side of the spectrum, I hope ya'll find something to dig here.

  6. On 26/08/2016 at 8:56 AM, The Nikanoru said:

    Really glad to see a Legend of Mana track on here. One of the most beautiful OSTs of all-time (IMO) and I'm happy to see someone try to tackle some of these awesome songs. Not sure why it took three months for me to notice this one, but here I am now. :)

    This is ... loud. The guitar parts are very interesting (although I'm having a bit of trouble working out the source) and I like the original spin you put on these, but they sound muddled together, like they're crashing over each other to get to the spotlight, and it leaves the bass in the dust. This could really benefit from some good mixing. Maybe some stereo panning and more reverb for depth, and volume adjustments for the harmony/rhythm parts that don't need to be center stage. Also, I think the distortion on the guitar is a touch heavy on the rhythm parts; the low end sounds rather muddy to me.

    I'd like to hear this again once it's been mixed a little better. I'm not sure I can hear everything being said in the piece the way it is now.

    EDIT 8/26: I don't know whether you redid this between posts or I was just not paying enough attention, but I'm hearing different panning and reverb now. The intro sounds better than I remember it, and I'm hearing the individual guitar parts more clearly. Still think the middle has too much going on in the center for the feature metal parts, the low distortion is muddy, and EQ work still needs to be done overall, but this DOES sound better to me today.

    I wonder what I'll hear tomorrow? LOL

    Haha yeah, I'm a super big and obsessive revisionist. Thank you for noticing my musical OCD.

    Awesome feedback. Thank you for listening (and you too, Starphoenix, good times).

  7. Hey hey,

    So this year I've decided to broaden my musical horizons and play (live) bass with a trap/hip-hop crew. It's cool! I'm learning a lot. Mostly about 'pulling back,' which is super odd for me since I've been playing hyper-technical progressive stuff for years and years.

    Anyway, I'm so into this that I thought I'd write my own track (and completely rip the epic Battle Royale opening in the process):





  8. Writing for one of my band's new records. This one came out after I'd been up all night reading about the Ian Watkins trial. I inadvertently discovered the treble knob on my bass during the recording of this demo and it changed my world. Such gnarly tone from this Sandberg, wowie.


    Comments welcome! But it's still in demo phase. My guitarist apropos hasn't destroyed it yet, the dickhead :tomatoface:

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