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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Lawrence Gilmer
  • Location
    San Antonio/Converse, TX
  • Occupation

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  • Collaboration Status
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)

210LG's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. thanks so much for the feedback! Actually this was done in Logic Pro! As for the empty parts I strongly believe in good lyrics so when people rap on em they wont "hide" they wack lyrics behind my beat! lol I'll try to keep that in mind next time!
  2. I agree with the piano sounding off and the violin...other than that its a great take! And I like how u added a bit of the Bowser's boss jingle in there a lil bit!
  3. my only gripe is the lead in certain areas being "buried" underneath the rest of the sounds (:43-:52 is an example) other than that its very creative!
  4. so far its sounding good...Its kinda got that Timbaland-esqe feel to it!
  5. Hey guys I got another Remix for you to check out! One of the most remarkable games of all time: TETRIS! Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!
  6. Thanks for the feedback!
  7. thanks so much! I will keep that in mind!
  8. Hey guys how u doin? My name is Lawrence but you can also call me L.G.! Im a 25 year old Christian Rapper/Producer and Im big into Music AND Video games! Im currently building my YouTube channel so I would love it if you guys could check it out and let me know what you think! http://www.youtube.com/user/lawrence20081987?feature=mhee My Channel is a mix of Music (Christian Rap and Beats), Vlogs, and Gameplay! Looking forward to hearing from you! Peace and God Bless L.G.
  9. nice work...but to me this sounds more techno-ish than dubstep...I like how creative this is!
  10. So far so good to me...Keep it up! what program you use?
  11. wow...this is nicely done! I subbed!
  12. Hey Guys how you doin? Just wanted to share this remix with you of off my Gamer's Paradise mixtape! Would love to hear your feed back!
  13. Hey how's everyone doin? My name is L.G. and Im new to this forum! Im 24 Yrs old and been makin beats since i was in HS...I been around music all my life (Church boy) and I also LOVE video games...Here's one of my first remixes I made: Cordova Town (From Castlevainia Curse of Darkness-Xbox/PS2) Hope you guys enjoy!
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