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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Marvin Valentin
  • Location
    Añasco, Puerto Rico
  • Occupation
    Composer, Musician

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Recording Facilities
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Bass, Guitar, Piano

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thanks, I hope I can bring a good remix to this album
  2. I want claim Fronzen Factory from Sonic Lost World. Can I?
  3. Here A New Remix, An Sonic Modern Remix: Click the Image to Hear the Song!
  4. Hey Guys, I love Making Music, so here a New Rocking Song: Click the Image to hear the Song!
  5. Thanks for the feedback, it could be for need for speed game xD
  6. Here a Other New Song, Please Leave FeedBack.
  7. Hey Guys, This not a Remix, but is an Cover: Click it to see!
  8. I really wanted to make a Song Fun, and I am a Maniac for Slapping Bass! x3 and Thanks for does Words, Glad u Liked
  9. Thanks, Glad u Liked xD There going to be more different types Music in my SoundCloud
  10. Hey Guys, Here another Composing, tell me what u think: Click the Pic to hear!
  11. @Paul, Thanks for those words, I really appreciate. And is ok, u can use the tracks xD let me know what u going to do with it. It will be more Just Wait! :D

  12. Thanks, well thats the first thing i think when i go to the beach, Relaxing and Fun xD
  13. Hey,

    would you be ok if I use a couple of tracks in my research project I'm doing? The project is part of my doctorate in composition and I am examining music composed by gamers. There are so many talented people here and I'd love to give a shoutout to all you in academia! There is more to music than Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, etc.

    I'm particularly in your Beryl Beach Kirby sample project and the Breezy Sky Mario Style piece.

    Keep writing awesome music.

    Best wishes


  14. This a New Song for another Sonic Fan Game, Please give a Like: Click the Pic to hear!
  15. Soon xD There will be more in my Souncloud.
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