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Newbie (1/14)

  1. YOU STARTED ALL OF THIS LOL. Even though you and i been going back and forth. you should really look into teaching music arrangement. just a thought
  2. how do you delete your username/ account? been trying for 30 mins. Help would be appreciated.
  3. this comment is boring... all i saw was a bunch of :sleepzzz::sleepzzz: your moms the laughing stock at magic mountain. Dont Fuck around? please kid, you cant do shit from vagabond
  4. my man it was a country song how dare you say it was hip hop
  5. You Don't fuck around
  6. im not attempting to hit you up in 2 different sites am i. YOUR MAKING A BIG DEAL lol.
  7. "so I left another one here on OCR" DUDE YOUR STALKING ME LOL. Had to add there was alot of reverb in one of your mixes. not outta retaliation is just you failed in your mixes. my opinion just like you have your opinion on my mixing. but you are stalking me though. 2 different sites of blah
  8. you want to pat my ass?:puppyeyes: i don't go that way. bye creep :arrow:
  9. Actually i have gotten positive statements on soundcloud that say different, obviously your just upset that you added too much reverb on one of your crappy mix. Dont even try to "troll" me on here now. you seem upset that you cant comment on my soundcloud anymore so you had to waste time in your life to log on overclock fourms just to "respond". On a Saturday night too! SMH. Not Trolling and Entirely True. if you want any instrumentals purchase at http://www.myflashstore.net/pjmbeats
  10. Big giant black dicks
  11. i see myself shopping at the tomato market with this one.. great job:-P
  12. whats up people. great to be alive and typing
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