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Posts posted by JJT

  1. the arrangement shows a respectable ammount of effort, but paired with the especially weak production, this isn't going to make it.

    everything is covered in a thick layer of reverb, and the levels for some of your instruments don't make any sense to me. it sounds like you mixed this on cheap headphones or computer speakers.

    it also sounds like you just assigned reverb to the master output. everything muddles together and sounds indistinct. pay better attention to how you process each element of the mix.

    this isn't terrible, but your arrangement and especially your production skills need to improve before they'll be at the level we required for OCReMixes.

    Keep at it. I'd like to hear some subs from you in the future.


  2. You will find my remix posted on my website.

    edit (actual vote):

    your approach is right, and this is an admirable attempt to make things sound organic. However, the acoustic guitar and vibes samples are really cheesy. Part of the problem is how dry they are. A little verb could help that immensely, though I would look for better samples if you want to submit some more stuff.

    This isn't bad, and you're definitely talented enough to get posted here. This track isn't gonna make it though.

    Keep working on your production skills. Hope to hear more from you.


  3. And I wanna remind everyone out there, including M1lesTeg, that when you pick a remixer handle, don't pick some stupid nickname you'll be ashamed of in a few years time. C'mon, you're basically stuck with it if you get posted here. Better luck next crime, young lovers.

    Wish I'd heard this back in '02.


  4. this is very enjoyable. the more i listen to it, the more i like it. there's enough originality on the arrangement end to keep this interesting, and lots of tasty production twists (filters, etc) that add color to overall presentation of the mix.

    things get really, really cluttered in the mid frequencies, though. the synths really need a lot more room to breathe, so to speak. there are also some sections (1:15) where the mids are screaming but the low-end is a bit neglected.

    with all this taken into account, i'm gonna place this sub on the sunny side of the bar. alliteration for the win.


  5. this really needs

    1) a kick drum that i can hear

    2) a bassline that i can hear

    Not a bad try, but your mixing is pretty bad, bro. The bass is buried and the hat and melodic synths are all you can hear.

    We're also looking for a little more interpretation on the arrangement end.

    If you want this on the site you're going to need to put a lot of work in.


  6. I agreement with the sentiment that this sounds like background music a.k.a. this suffers from melodyitis.

    the melodies just aren't prominent, and with the exception of some brief segments there's nothing for my ear to hold onto, except the feeling that there should be dialogue superimposed over the music.

    i feel bad passing a NO vote down, because i can tell a lot of effort has gone into this. i just need to hear some melodies out of this arrangement before i'm willing to pass it.

    this is close, don't give up.


  7. A few times, when in defense of a certain clause or wording, you've said words to the effect of "Guys, trust me, I'm not going to screw you over." That's reassuring, but ultimately doesn't mean a lot, because it's not in the policy. If one day you did decide to screw us over, there's nothing we could do, because the contract we signed gave you permission to do that.

    If you could provide a concrete example of exactly how Dave would screw us over, that would help your argument.

  8. I have to reluctantly side with Jesse on this one.

    Gave this a couple listens, and then jumped around to different places in the arrangement at random. i have to agree with the assesment that you're simply taking a couple themes and running them through the same filter, one after the other. The song hangs at pretty much the same volume and tempo the entire way through, save for the occasional/not-so-occasional ritard.

    This is very pretty, and it sounds great. However, i think more thought needs to be put into the shape of the arrangement before I'm willing to pass this. There are others who do and probably will disagree with me, but I'm sticking to my guns.


  9. gah.

    the bass and that synth in the high register are slowly driving me mad. those two are really clashing bro, giving the track a constant feeling of dissonance. in the context of house music it sounds really awful and amateurish.

    also, no arrangement to speak of. sorry to be glib, but this isn't gonna cut it.


  10. regardless of the actual methods used to create this submission, this *sounds* like you got ahold of some funky loops, slapped 'em together, then recorded some groovy hand percussion shizz over the top.

    the abrupt transitions, lack of continuity, and the cutout ending all smack of this approach.

    if this isn't how you pieced this together, then you should put some more effort into your arrangement. if this is composed primarily of loops, then you should probably take some more initiative in writing your own stuff. that makes it easier to actually build a cohesive structure for your song.

    still, this sounds pretty good.


  11. yeah, well I got a full length vg cover cd here in the works which I AM going to include a track I have posted here. according to this policy it seems OCR has a say whether I can do it or not. and that is something I am not willing to accept.

    As I understand it, the only thing the policy would limit for such a release is you using OCRemix in the track tag...which you wouldn't do anyway. So what's the problem?

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