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Posts posted by JJT

  1. looks like you guys had a lot of fun with this. great concept.

    for what it is, it's pulled off remarkably well. the acting and the story arcs are pretty weak compared to the sfx, but the series is fun, and the filmmakers' enthusiasm for the project is easy to pick up on.

    other misc thoughts:

    *the gaming sequences look amazing.

    *despite an admirable attempt to shoot around it, the back of chad's Duke jacket becomes distracting (at least for me), especially cuz its never explained. i don't like pretending that I can't see a giant blue devil every time captain s turns around.

    *take this as a compliment, shael, but you're not convincing as a dumb guy ;)

    *for as much as this is a tribute to saved by the bell, i really wish you guys had made the story arcs match what we see on TV. captain s is not a protagonist, cuz he never seems to learn anything from his adventures except "cool, i can kick stuff in 16 bits." i can't imagine how much effort must have gone into the sfx, so it was dissapointing to be shortchanged in the story category. if you guys do season two, please make Chad adapt from his journey. flat characters are hard to become invested in.

    like i said before, you guys have done a lot with a little, and you should all be proud. thanks for posting this on the boards!

    edit: oh, i almost forgot. great soundtrack!

  2. There are sections of this that sound midi-ripish. that's not to say there aren't any original ideas in here, but some of the pitch bends sound identical to the original, in a way that seems suspicious. i know this soundtrack well.

    The instrumentation/textures are really, really, really, cheesy. Like, trying-to-stifle-my-laughter-while-I'm-listening-to-it cheesy. It may seem harsh to say that, but I've gotta be 100% honest with you.

    Even if this started as a Midi-rip (or has sections pasted in), I can tell that a decent amount of work still went into this, which is why I'm shooting you straight. If you want to get something posted here, you're gonna need better sounding drums and realistic textures (Guitar and brass are ridiculously hard to make sound cool. You're setting yourself back in that respect). Everything here sounds General MIDI quality, as if this track were embedded in an Angelfire F-Zero fansite circa 1997.

    Keep at it. Parts of your approach are right, you just need to improve your arrangement skills a little and your production skills a LOT. Good luck.


  3. The arrangement overall is pretty creative and interpretive.

    I don't see how this, paired with your minor production criticisms equals a NO.

    Yes, the textures do sound a little off/amateurish in a way, but this sub really grew on me with each listen. The groove works really well, and there's an emotional sensibility that speaks to me through the soundscape. Wow, did I really just say that?

    Anyway, it's not as good as it could be, but I'm comfortable passing this.


  4. the other NOs sum up my thoughts re: this submission.

    the only thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is that i think the crash sample is overused to the point of distraction.

    spend some more time with this one. give the arrangement some kind of shape. that ending just doesn't cut it.


  5. Great arrangement, despite some very cheesy drum/bass/guitar samples. Sequencing saves this, plus you've got a good understanding of the nuts/bolts of how the different elements of an arrangement should interact. Basically, that's some great part writing.

    Were this my mix, I would've left the voice samples out, but whatever man.


    edit: I also think you should've gone with wasteboarding, fyi.

  6. The mixing is what kills this, though the repitition doesn't help.

    That EP sample is buried 6 feet under the drums, and that's not gonna cut it.

    There are some great ideas present in the mix, they just need to be expanded and executed a lot better. Keep at this one, I like where its going.


  7. :00-1:53 = borderline yes

    1:54-end = not gonna cut it.

    From a performance/arrangement/production perspective, everything kind of falls apart at 1:53.

    DA, your voice sounds a lot better this time around, but there are still a few intonation moments, and unfortunately they're really exposed. A great example of this is right at 1:53, actually.

    In the latter half of the mix, the arrangement feels really aimless. Having all those melodic lines in the same register as DA's voice really muddles things up, and the fact that they're inhabiting the same space in the stereo field doesn't help, either.

    Also, the rhythm section after 1:53 needs to be revamped. Epileptic hi-hat patterns + staccato bass line = awkward foundation for everything else. The bass really, really, needs to be holding down the groove here, instead of bubbling in and out of consciousness. Think longer, more melodic bass lines that can give the mix a solid harmonic foundation.

    To sum things up, the supporting instrumentation needs to be rehashed for this to work, but honestly, you might be better off scrapping the whole second half and coming up with something different.

    Keep at it.


  8. Things that are supposed to be bad usually succeed in being bad. And contrary to hipster belief, bad isn't actually a good thing.

    if you think army of darkness wasn't watchable then arguing with you is fruitless. i'll just stick to my hipster ideals and you can go watch "sideways" for all i care.

  9. Some of you may have noticed a bunch of extra names thrown into the thank you page. Here's a full list:

    Ellen Ripley - full name of Lt. Ripley from the "Alien" movies.

    Registerfly.com - a domain name registrar that's effectively screwed over thousands of customers in the last month (check out registerflies.com)

    Starwolf Ken - A character from Fugitive Alien, a movie MST3K riffed on

    Claire of E-Claire - Eccles submitted remixes for awhile as "E-Claire," a collaboration between him and this girl he was either friends with or was dating. After the "live" Mother remix debacle, the existence of "Claire" has been a topic of debate in some OCR circles.

    Dr. Robert Otnick - Ha. I'm clever. Or something.

    Douglas Arley* (RIP) - Another reference to SgtRama faking his death.

    Ryu Hayabusa - a.k.a Ninja Gaiden

    Jack Thompson - Anti-video game lawyer, activist, attention whore. Wishes he was Geraldo.

    George Stephanopolis - A Clinton aide during the White Water real estate scandal. I think.

    Pai Mei - Watch Kill Bill.

    Alex Kidd - Had some adventures in Miracle World on the SMS

    Ray Szmanda - a.k.a the Menards guy.

    the original creators of Sonic the Hedgehog (who were ripped off by Sega) - I don't know why I added this, but I thought it was funny at the time. This isn't a reference to anything.

    Paula Schultz - The name on the gravestone where The Bride gets buried alive. Uh, Spoiler. (Kill Bill)

    John Basedow - A fitness celebrity. If those exist.

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