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Posts posted by WT_Neptune

  1. That is interesting. There is more room to make things simple and straightforward or go at really interesting and complex when it comes to arranging than I realized. Is there like a "at what measure is a mix still an arrangement of the original vgm?" type thread around? I've read plenty of stuff on copyright, but not anything on how far a stretch from the original can be. Do mixers sometimes, for mashed up tunes, give one melody the tonic of the other and then just use similar intervals to the original?

    Right now, I'm kind of at a place in music theory where things are starting to make a little more sense, but I don't really have a considerable grasp on anything to really lean on my own instincts or understanding here, so sorry if I'm asking obvious things, or am asking things that don't make sense.

  2. Were the Mavericks paired by the key of their songs? Also, were the 'matches' between mavericks predetermined, or did people just get to call dibs on whatever two themes they wanted? Analyzing this could be a good way for me to educate myself on composition and arranging. I saw some bizarre mash up of Ke$ha's Tik Tok and Katy Perry's The One That Got Away which the creator cited as "easy because they both were in D minor" and it reminded me of the remix battles, so I'm wondering if there is similarity here.

    But more generally as well, how do you all decide if two vgm pieces are compatible for an arrangement or not?

  3. Did this project ever see the light of day, just out of curiosity? NWM was like last weekend.


    Edit: Also, for games like USF4, do you need to be remixing one of the new characters' themes? How do themes with overlap from SF2 and whatnot work? Sorry if this has already been asked.


    Edit2: Also with games like P4A2, do reused (not remixed) themes like The Almighty have to be credited to Persona 3? I'm assuming you can only use original themes like Circus Bear. I would imagine a certain rigor would be a good practice in situations like this, even if it is tempting to use tastier themes.

  4. Hey, my name is Tyler a.k.a. WT_Neptune.

    I mostly dabble in fighting game tournaments, but I am trying to drum up some general production skills. 

    Some future goals are to create some good Youtube content maybe in the area of comedy, and to be able to make a coherent piece on here that is submittable. 

    Programs I like so far are FL Studio and Adobe Premiere, but honestly I am at the beginning of my learning journey. Links to any helpful materials on different sound files and the differences would be greatly helpful if anyone has that handy.

    My favorite submission on here so far is actually probably 'OC ReMix #2594: Final Fantasy 'Sentient Machines' [Floating Castle] by mithius & Brandon Strader' from the Random Encounter album.

  5. This may sound like a lot of Bruce Lee inspired drivel, but if you cultivate an appreciation for criticism and recognize when people are going out of their way to direct you forward on the path you are trying to take in your learning, these 5 year painful learning experiences can be compressed into maybe even 3 years. A lot of time in learning processes are wasted in doubt and frustration. If you accept the painful parts, look for pragmatic ways to fix the issues you sense in your own works, and cultivate diligence, each moment you spend on your improvement bears a lot more fruit.

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