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Everything posted by Shoejuggler

  1. Well now I feel embarasses. I though I made a date for the next WIPs on the forums, but really, I just sent it a a PM post. Sorry. Therefore, I'll bump the next WIP date to 11/20 Sound fair guys?
  2. Alright, the second due date has come and gone; so here's what's up: So far I have a WIP from Sbeast, and a revised WIP fromMalcos. Both sound pretty damn good, and I can't wait to share them with everyone. As for the next check-in, i'm thinking it should be in either August or October. Let me know which you guys prefer. Lastly, if you want to get in on this tribute, there's still time to claim a track. We've got plenty available. That's it for now folks, ~Shoejuggler
  3. Okay, I've decided that the next WIP due date will be May 16th. Is that okay with everyone?
  4. Sorry to hear that Angelcity, but I guess I would rather have no track at all instead of an uninspired one. Hopefully, you'll come up with something and come back to the project soon. If not, know that I appreciate you being one of the first to sign on the album. You helped this thread get the attention it needed to go from no songs at all, to five songs claimed. Thank you for your time. Sbeast, you are welcome to take the track. Welcome aboard. Lastly, since one WIP was turned in, I guess I'll have to push back the due dates for the rest. What date do you guys think is fair?
  5. Also, Morrigan's theme just became available again. Get it while it's hot!
  6. Just posting to remind everyone that the first round of WIPs are due in three weeks: February 10th. There is still time for any artist to get on board, so don't be afraid to claim a song.
  7. Okay, just checking in with some news on the project. First, did everyone see that the deadline for the WIPs has been posted? It's now the 10th of February. So mark your calenders. Course, if you can't make it by then, PM me, and I'll see what I can do to change it. And now for the biggest piece of news: While we have a good number of tracks claimed, we're still a ways away from having enough songs for a full tribute album. If we don't get more tracks claimed before the project nears its planned release date, I was considering just releasing it as an EP. Thoughts?
  8. Okay, first off, I'm not dead; and neither is the project. I have been talking with each of the artists collaborating to produce the album to determine a fair and plausible deadline for the first WIPs. I'm thinking of having the deadline on February 3rd 2015. If all of you are comfortable with that, let me know so I can make it official.
  9. That's...not actually a bad idea. That's good to hear. Good work. On that note, what do the rest of you guys think would be a conceivable deadline for your WIPs? I'd like to get a general idea so I can make a due date for the first batch of remixes claimed.
  10. Great to have you on the team Malcos. I'm alright with adding one more track if you're down for remixing it. But which player select screen theme did you want to remix? Or did you want to combine the two?
  11. Well, my inspiration for the name "Vampire Maestro" was the titling pattern for the Japanese versions of the games (Vampire, Vampire Hunter, Vampire Savior). I'm starting to lean over to that name right now. But then again, "Jedah's Jam-nation" is too good of a pun to waste. Especially when we get an artist attached to this. Could you imagine the cover art?
  12. Okay, I edited the goals of the project, and reduced the number of tracks so we can finish it sooner. Hopefully, It'll attract more talent as well. I also decided against including the characters ending themes as bonus/optional tracks. Lastly, I think think the name "Vampire Maestro" would be a good name for the album, but I still think "Jedah's Jam-nation" is still a pretty rad title. Thoughts?
  13. Like what? Makai melodies, or something? It could be just me, but I don't think the word "Makai" lends itself well to attractive wordplay.
  14. That's all quite true. Even if we were to split the tracks that appear for more than one fighter, we would still have five less tracks. I would like to add the character's end story themes for bonus/optional tracks though. What do you think? Lastly, for the title, I was thinking of either calling the album "Vampire's Symphony" or "Jedah's Jam-nation". Anyone have any other suggestions?
  15. Okay, so it seems that the Darkstalkers 3 tracks are more popular with remixers than all the other songs in the series. That's fine and all, but it's making me think that maybe I should base this whole project on the third game rather than then all of them. What do you guys thing about this?
  16. Sure, that's fine. I was actually expecting remixers to be busy with other projects in the meantime, so that doesn't really mess up anything. I put you down for Tower of Arrogance. Is that cool?
  17. Well, nobody's claimed anything, so feel free to claim whatever track you want to remix. Be aware of your own limits though. Don't bite off more than you can chew. I agree, although I am aware that other remixers are busy on other projects at the moment, so I'm not too broken up about it. From the number of people taking peeks at this thread, I can see that there is an interest though. So I'll be patient, and wait for people to sign on.
  18. Because cartoons.
  19. Aw man. I loved that one. Nice work, man.
  20. Everyone knows is the happiest theme. See how happy I am just talking about it?
  21. Not exactly what wanted out of a Guardians movie after reading the stuff coming out of Annihilation, but I enjoyed it a lot nonetheless. The synergy between the team was enjoyable, Rocket was mostly played as an actual character and not an annoying animal sidekick, and it was humorous as well as exhilarating. I like how Marvel now has a new Sci-fi franchise they can lean on when this Superhero movie popularity bubble inevitably pops. Hopefully Warner Brothers and Fox, and will take notes and ease off the dark and gritty a bit.
  22. Darkstalkers 3: Jedah's Damnation Tribute Project After reevaluating the project, I've decided that it will be much easier to make a remix album for Darkstalkers 3 rather than the whole series. The idea behind this project is that since Capcom isn't exactly doing anything for the 20th anniversary of the game, and there seems to be a shortage of remixes as opposed to other Capcom titles, I believe the sounds of Darkstalkers would be good candidates for getting a tribute album. The songs themselves are too good to be left unappreciated if you ask me. Since we technically aren't doing individual character themes anymore, all styles of music are welcome. I think it might be possible to get this album finished by late 2017- early 2018. Ideally sometime around the fall season, but nothing's set in stone as of yet. As this will be my first project, I would appreciate any help anyone can give me. I am looking for an assistant director who can help me coordinate this project. Collaborations are okay by me. Tracklist In no particular order 1. Forever Torment (Victor/Lord Raptor's Theme) - Claimed by Sbeast: 2. Tower Of Arrogance (Felicia's Theme) : 3. Vanity Paradise (Hsien-Ko's Theme) - Claimed by Cidfox : 4. Deserted Chateau (Morrigan's Theme) : 5. Green Scream (Rikuo and Sasquatch's Theme): 6. Concrete Cave (Jon Talbain's Theme) - Claimed by G-Mixer: 7. Feast of the Damned (Demitri's Theme): 8. Red Thirst(Anakaris' Theme) : 9. Q-Bee's Theme/Iron Horse Iron Terror : 10. War Agony (B.B. Hood/ Lilith's Theme) - Claimed by Malcos: 11: Jedah's Theme/Fetus of God : 12. Abaraya 1: Link 13. Abaraya 2: Link 14. Darkstalkers 3/Vampire Savior Opening: Link 15. Player Select Screen 1 - Claimed by Malcos: Black: Open Red: Claimed Blue: First WIP completed Orange : Second WIP completed Green: Final WIP completed Indigo: 100% Complete Please PM me if you are interested in being a remixer, an arranger, an artist for the album cover, or an assistant director. Also, feel free to leave suggestions and comments about the project.
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