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Posts posted by VinnyMac

  1. 8 hours ago, DarkeSword said:

    Hey everyone. Figured I'd get this discussion rolling now.

    So during Magfest I know that everyone likes to coordinate when we go out and get food, when we're gonna hit concerts, and other general hanging out. In the past we've used GroupMe, a mobile messaging app, to coordinate. Other options are Hangouts and Facebook Messenger. I personally would ask that nobody include me in group MMS and SMS texting (it costs me money on my phone if you're not an iPhone user).

    The "OverClocked ReMix" group still exists on GroupMe, but I'd like to propose we make a couple of chatrooms for coordinating. One for food meetups ("anyone getting lunch? where are you guys going? what time?"), one for concerts and panels, and one for general hangout/magchat stuff. What do you guys think?

    I've renamed the OCR group to OC ReMix @ MAGFest 2016

    Using GroupMe as usual with a few chatrooms sounds like the plan to go with to me.

  2. I am not sure what I was really expecting before giving this a few good listens but I can say without a doubt we have a delightful and somewhat bubbly remix here from a classic game I have not thought about in a long time! The first literal thought when hearing the intro was, Back to the Future?!...what the...oh I see! The title 'Coming to Chimerica' is clever and I laughed a little when I realized why Binster named it as such. What we have here is a fantastic combination of hard hitting drums, bass, and sounds which bring many 80s and early 90s memories to mind like the many hours I spent playing Galaxian. My only criticism is that I felt the ending was more abrupt than I would have liked before the final set of clocks. It's not terrible, but I would have played it out for a few seconds more.

  3. Probably my favorite part is 3:28. =D

    That's my favorite part too. The track definitely has that feeling of being in a cyber rich environment like that of Deus Ex, Watch Dogs, and Cyber Punk 2077. It's an immersive experience which puts me in the shoes of the main character sneaking around in dark places in the city trying to stay alive. I have always thought of 'The Search for Ambrosia' as being the "hackers track".

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