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Posts posted by Dafydd

  1. I never liked the gamecube ones. Going from the super-smooth controls of Super Metroid (which is my favorite, too) to the bulky, stiff, gamepad-controlled FPS controls of the Prime series was a nightmare, imo. I was also struck by that bug where I had to play the game all over from the start after not receiving that item after killing that boss, which made the nightmare unbearable. I never beat the game.

    Not saying Metroid won't work as an FPS, btw, I just prefer playing FPS games with a mouse and keyboard.

  2. The idea, though, is that bios should be written to be true years after the bio is written. Sweeping generalizations like in the above quote shouldn't really be in the bios, although it's really hard to avoid sometimes. I mean, before New Vegas came out, it didn't seem like there would ever be a Fallout game where this fact was no longer true, but I wonder if it would be a good idea to write stuff like:

    "As of the third installment, each Fallout game follows a lone descendant of the original vault dwellers, [...]"

    However - regarding mascots being featured in games that came out after the article was written, I welcome you all to tell us about those new games in these cases (expanding on what the first post says):

    • The mascot has very few games in its list
    • The game has OCReMixes
    • The game is a huge bestseller or otherwise important somehow

    Also, if any game already in a mascot's game list has OCReMixes, it should always be a link to that game's page here on OCR. Please let us know if this is ever not the case.

  3. "in the vein of"

    In the vein of spelling crits:

    The album is suppose to be listened through all at once

    supposed, right?

    Anyway, I gotta ask - am I the only one who thinks the guitar is out of tune some of the time? Like, badly out of tune? I'm guessing it doesn't bother most people. Will gets this complaint from me all the time, I just wanna know if anyone else is hearing it.

    Like I said before though, cool soundscapes overall, and I really like the flute parts.

  4. The Recuit & Collaborate subforum would probably get a lot more visitors if it was listed in the forums dropdown menu in the site header. I found it by accident a few minutes ago, before which I had no memory of ever visiting it (even though I realize now I must have since I've posted in some of the threads). I know there's a Forums Home, but my guess is I'm not the only guy who mistakes the list in the dropdown menu for an exhaustive one. The Forums Home link looks more like a list title than a link, anyway.

    It might be a saucy thing to do, but I would think this is kind of important, so I'm quoting myself in case this got overlooked somehow.

  5. From what I've seen, most projects like this fail because the programmers drop out (or were never there). It's actually kind of heartwarming to see someone try to recruit new ones. For Game Maker, no less.

    Based on the screens on the blog, it's just going to look like the GBA games? I'd be interested in helping with this if it were an HD remake or something that really improved on the original and brought it up to date. If it's just going to be pixel art, then what's the point? Super Metroid is one of the best looking games on the SNES.

    Seriously, does anyone think an HD version of Super Metroid would even be fun to play? I have a hard time imagining the feel of the original could be captured in higher resolutions or with higher-quality sound. Of course, it would be kinda awesome to play another platformer with Super Metroid physics.

    EDIT: Added the apparently necessary quote.

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