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Everything posted by DOOM

  1. Great to hear! I was hoping to finish it this week, but forgot that I have to go to the In-Laws this weekend. lol
  2. Here is my next W.I.P. It's just the title screen at the moment. After the fade out, the Stats Screen melody will start to play. It'll be some heavy crushing guitars. What do you guys think so far? https://soundcloud.com/the-doom-1/doom64-work-in-progress
  3. All that is quite possible. I'm doing all this on cheap PC speakers at the moment. However, at the end of the month I'll be putting my order in for my Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 and Yamaha HS5s. It'll be a godsend! I tend to do extra panning with my cymbals in general and toms for a crazy stereo width spectrum - sometimes when I use too many of one cymbal it can get lopsided like that. Thanks for the comments! I've got a Doom 64 one in the works at the moment.. and planning my next ones in advance.
  4. Hey there, thanks a lot! I need to think of a way/place to make these things downloadable. I'm barely able to get one of these out per week with my current work schedule. If you have any other songs you'd like to see, I might be able to hammer it out.
  5. Hey all, my most recent cover. Doom 64 is next. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VntCh7i5fvA
  6. Hey guys, It's been a while, but here is my new cover/remix. I kept it pretty simple, though wrote entirely new drum lines. I used Sonar Platinum, Dimension Pro, Massive Metal Bass, and Addictive Drums 2. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBykHrWObQs
  7. Another one for you - but a movie theme this time around. I've always loved Basil Poledouris and his music for Conan the Barbarian is iconic. Here is my go at his epic 'Anvil of Crom'. I arranged this one in 11/8 meter. Enjoy. https://soundcloud.com/the-doom-1/anvil-of-crom-metal-remix
  8. Hey guys. This has the VS screen, title track, Sabrewolf theme and Cinder themes. Enjoy. https://soundcloud.com/the-doom-1/killer-instinct
  9. I always thought that this one could be much heavier and beefier. I'm considering re-recording the whole Quake II soundtrack like this. https://soundcloud.com/the-doom-1/march-of-the-stroggs
  10. Hey there! Pretty cool theme and it'd be a perfect candidate for the theme you've chosen. When I was listening (I listened twice through and then jumped around a few times) it really felt like all the melody-dominant instruments were coming from the left-pan only and that all the rhythm was coming from the right pan. Also, the song really gets pretty loud when all the instruments come in. I'd consider backing instruments that no longer carry the main melody back. Also, wouldn't hurt to throw a touch of overall reverb. The melodies are really good. I quite like what you've written and I definitely could see the forest in my mind when I was listening to what you wrote. It honestly really reminded me of the beginning of Ocarina of Time.
  11. Here is something I just recently finished. I used 'Intermission' and 'Stage 1' from Altered Beast to create a bit of a black metal/80's metal mash-up. Hope you guys enjoy! Again, if any strangeness, please let me know what you hear and what you were listening on. (Headphones, PC speakers, home stereo, laptop speakers, etc.) https://soundcloud.com/the-doom-1/rise-from-your-grave
  12. I've heard their library before. It sounds really good. A bit out of my range at the moment, so I use http://corybrunnemann.bigcartel.com/product/texas-grind at the moment. I'd like to upgrade to Trilian in the future.
  13. Thanks for the notes. I don't have any high end audio gear to listen and mix from. Just a cheap pair of computer speakers and a pair of Sennheiser HD215's which don't much. I struggle with low end often due to these factors. The guitar was built with the free TSE 808 and the LE456. I backed down the gain input and used a Marshall JCM900 GT75 impulse. I definitely agree with both of you about the lead guitar (and lead guitar in general I'm still not very good at recording yet). Do you use a real bass or a VST library? Just curious. Thanks for your thoughts.
  14. The lead guitar (solo) is straight down the middle while the other leads are at about 80% left/right. It does have a delay, but the free delay plugin (Kjaerhus) doesn't do much for me. In fact I need to play with it a bit more to be honest - but definitely want the solo guitar to sound better. Cannibal Corpse for sure! That solo is a page right out of their catalog, lol. Thanks for the suggestions!
  15. It was a bit of everything. I opened the mix up more with a hi-shelf and did a more aggressive compression/limiter to help the song get a bit beefier. Also brought down the snare and noticed out some muddiness. Glad it sounds better for you!
  16. Agreed to disagree. Cheers.
  17. And? What? You're right - always? If it's not your opinion, then whose opinion is it? If an individual makes music for themselves and enjoys it themselves - then who cares? What part of that is so hard for you to comprehend? Most reasonable musicians want to improve. They seek out help and they do enormous amounts of self-critique. There are those that, by God, just want to mess around in ACID with some drum loops and whatever and 'make a song' that they think is cool and already wouldn't give a hoot about your overinflated opinion that apparently isn't yours. Defeatist, eh? You're a gem. I'm fairly certain I said that meaningful critique is very good. Only a scared little kitten would never put their personal music up for critique. Those are the musicians who are too scared to develop and I'm not talking about those or the OP of this thread.Do you read what I type or do you just like the sound of your keyboard? So, your subjective experience means that your subjective opinions are fact.
  18. Did you ride a bike right away without training wheels? If you did - it probably really sucked and that wasn't a lot of fun. Most people here had some training wheels. Taking a MIDI for the first couple times to learn it would be the training wheels. Good musicians develop their ear over time and are able to "see" the music on their instrument of choice. That is a given and doesn't need to be said. My advice? Download the MIDI and learn it. You'll quickly realize that everybody rips off everybody and you'll recognize chords and melodies quickly after learning songs. What these people are saying is that you should never look for an aid but to put your dick to the grindstone and hammer it all out by ear. That's good if you're a masochistic individual who enjoys pain and long fruitless hours.
  19. This is your opinion and that's fine. If you like it - that's all that matters. Who gives a damn otherwise? If you're in the business to write music to make money - then yes - you need to write formualic garbage. If you want to mess around, experiment, do something new and have fun then what you said does not apply. Again, your opinion and that's fine. Meaningful critique is always good. The rest is a fart in the wind. That's just called bad musicianship. I'm talking about experimenting with songs, structures and ideas. You have your opinions, I have mine. Cheers.
  20. Great job on the song. The mix is really well done. Everything is in it's spot and you have great definition. About the lack of punchiness - I might suggest to experiment with some aggressive mastering. For example, if you throw on a multiband compressor on your Master fader, and then going for a -6dB limiter with an -0.1 output. This will thicken up your sound and can help with punchiness. Layering is also a really good idea as already mentioned. I like your track a lot - especially the vocal work. Well done as well with your velocity and dynamic editing of the libraries. Fantastic
  21. I wrote this in 2012 for a friend who slipped into a coma. I recorded it in the studio last summer. It's a little bit progressive, a little bit orchestral, a little bit metal. Enjoy!
  22. First thing I want to say is that the teacher calling you a 'musical enthusiast' is an asshole and you should forget they ever said it and erase it from your head. Otherwise, you'll have a psychological limitation on yourself and anytime you experience difficulty, you'll think back to the teacher calling you a 'musical enthusiast' and you will assume that because you lack this, that, and the other, (or whatever else) you will somehow be incapable of making musc remixes. I'd like to say that is a complete pile of steaming bull. Toss that right out the window. The truth of the matter is that writing music and/or remixes of music takes a huge investment of time. It doesn't require a Ph.D in music, and there is no magic button. The only thing required, besides time, is creativity. That's it. I took one music theory class in my entire life, and I walked out the moment the teacher told me that songs have to be written in a certain way and certain things can't be done. Experimentation is how we ended up with all the music we have today and it will be how we end up with new and different kinds of new music tomorrow. My advice to you is to forget all that garbage, take a MIDI file of a song you really like and learn how to play it first. After that, mess about until you get that feeling. You'll know. Write that down. If it sounds good to you and you like it, then that is what and how you should write it. PERIOD. I have no formal education in music, so I suppose you can take my rant with a pinch of salt. But I have been doing this for 15 years and with time, practice, consistent effort and the willingness to grow, you will achieve whatever it is you want to achieve with remixes.
  23. Hey there, This is due to clipping the signal while recording. When you were recording, where was your microphone placement? Natural instruments like the flute depend heavily on microphone placement. It sounds awesome during the low dynamic parts, but as soon as you go into higher dynamics with layered flutes, the signal starts to crumble. The best way to deal with clipping is to make sure you have got headroom when you're recording. (Like -6dB for example.) That way you have 6dB of volume headspace to work with when you're recording. Also, since this is a natural classical instrument, there won't be much you'll want to do with in the way of EQ or compression, so it'll be mostly volume fader mixing. You can do a master to bump up volume in the end. Main thing: make sure your signal isn't clipping when you record originally. Second thing: when mixing, make sure the sum of all the parts does not clip the Master fader. Aim for -6dB while mixing. Worry about volume after you have a good mix. I hope this helps!
  24. Edit: I've posted an updated mix on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/the-doom-1/the-wastelands-of-death-adder Original post below: Hey everybody, I've been a huge fan of game music for a long time and never thought to do a game remix 'till now. Here is the first ever remix I've ever done. It's a heavy remix with a Cannibal Corpse-esque type solo. As for production, I'm a home musician. I do the best with what I have - but I'm always open to hear if something was too loud/harsh/muddy for you. If you have a suggestions, please let me know what you were listening on. (Headphones, laptop speakers, home stereo, PC speakers, etc.) I really enjoyed doing this, so I have more planned. If you have any suggestions, let me know! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maZvMHn1jjI
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