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Everything posted by Laarx

  1. Yeah, gotta make sure they don't get left out. 'Tis the 21st century after all. Many thanks!
  2. Im definitely up for Elizabeth Bartley: Calling From Heaven since there is a lack of heels.
  3. Thanks man, Im honoured to be sharing the Crash love with you! Im really grateful for what the judges have said, and everyone else for that matter since the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Regarding the humanisation issues, I agree in every way because i used to be a little lazy when when it came to programming midi without a midi keyboard. Its also funny because this track is one, if not more than a year old and since that time I feel i have progressed immensely as a composer, particularly in terms of arrangement and mixing, so listening back to this tune really is a bitter-sweet mix of nostalgia and the feeling you get when you scratch your nails on a chalk board.
  4. Sick stuff. Very Chimp Spanner-esq, in a good way. Maybe you could have cut off a bit of low end from the rhythm guitars to help clear up the mix since there are quite a few synths. Other than that its awesome lml
  5. This is seriously filthy! Love the groove and the references made.
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