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Everything posted by coolaggro

  1. Nintendo and Heineken need to have this in a commercial for the new zelda. Missed opportunities here people
  2. Listening to this and thinking about Satoru Iwata's passing makes you want to cry. And I didn't even dwell on his death that long when it did happen. But this tune will pull out emotion from you for sure. Very well done.
  3. From the name I thought it was going to be Katamari inspired or something. I could maybe see a bit of the feeling of some of the slower Katamari songs Katamari or not, this is an awesome mix and arrangement of a great song
  4. Awesome job on an awesome song. I'll never get enough of this.
  5. Awesome job. Really gets the epic feel of the main theme while still incorporating all the feelings from the other themes. Well done.
  6. A bit late to the game but I definitely would be interested in an Advance Wars album. Some great music and the fact that theirs no remixes on this website needs to be rectified!
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