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  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
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    Sytrus, TAL Noisemaker
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar

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  1. Thanks folks! I was able to borrow a pair of mastering headphones from a friend, and I definitely see what you guys are saying now... Will put a lot of time into EQ. Tim, I appreciate the explanation! Been just using EQ1. Will swap over and fix things that way. Thanks! Also, good ears on the guitar haha, mostly just using that at the moment until I can figure out a way to record my electric in that doesn't sound like somebody farting through a walkie-talkie. I'm broke at the moment so almost everything I'm doing is with free stuff or jerry-rigged old equipment. Will look towards a suitable replacement for Slayer. Thanks! Again, thanks for the help Short, Tim, and Trism. Still learning FL so this helps a ton.
  2. Hello folks! Been stalking OCR for years now, listening to the glorious tracks that people have made in this community, and it inspired me to get into music years ago. Figured I'd give a remix of something a shot. Granted there's been a million and one remixes of the Corneria theme, but it was one of the few songs I could play well on a piano so I figured I'd give it a shot. Bit of a newbie with FL12, so I know the mixing is godawful as it stands, par for the course with anybody new, but I'm trying my best to learn. Big thing I was going for with the mix was the sense of adrenaline you'd get when playing any high-speed/intensity games and get that perfect streak. Going for a heavy-hitting, glitchy drum mix with strong basslines and orchestral elements. I know the piano could use some work but I'm not sure how to best go about this. Big questions I'm asking are the best things to do to balance out the mix, as well as bring out the original themes elements more strongly without taking away from the aggressive nature of the mix. Have been trying to record guitar Sixto style for the track, but haven't been able to get it to sound right in the mix. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Download link on soundcloud is lossless .wav. 60 megs. https://soundcloud.com/isaac-doud/iked-bandits-inbound-sfcorneria-remix-wip Many thanks in advance!
  3. Heard of sidechaining, never looked into it. Will check it out, thanks! And alrighty on the starts - question on EQ ducking though. With the starting pluck, I had bass frequencies ducked to about 50% - is it beneficial or sketchy to cut them completely? Kind of had a gradual slope from low bass up to normal EQ on the highs. Is it better to do full cuts vs. a sloping EQ? (Using FL Parametric EQ 2, if I'm not explaining it right, the little slope on there with the freqs). Kind of trying to do that with parts of the mix, cutting a little bit of mid and a lot of high end on the basses, lightly ducking low and high on the mids, and ducking low end on the highs. I thought it was a kind of crude way to do it - is there a better/more efficient way? And yeaaaaaa.... Vocals. :L I'm probably going to just try to build a little bit better, but then that ties in with trying to make more room for the instruments. Thinking on that one. But yea, thanks a ton man! I appreciate it.
  4. Hey guys, lil bit of background before I post the track. Background in a lil bit of music, my mom was a piano teacher, so got started on that at an early age. Tought myself guitar. Still kinda suck at that. Bought FL Studio about a year ago, dabbled in it, picked up a old Yamaha keyboard with MIDI out to try to make some tunes, as well as a Blue Yeti for the aforementioned terrible guitar playing. Finally decided earlier this week that I would suck it up and make use of the $200 I threw at FL Studio, and make something I would be proud of showing off, and possibly sell if people thought it would be worth it. That being said, I've been stalking OCR for years now, just never posted anything. Sixto was the entire reason why I wanted to learn guitar (The Passing of the Blue Crown was and still is one of the most-played tracks on my iTunes. :L), and Zircon was the reason I bought FL12 in the first place. Got a ton of respect for you guys, and the community here in general. So, for that reason, I'm asking anybody who's willing to take a listen to a track I'm re-starting work on that I originally slapped together in about a week 5 months ago. Loaded up the file earlier this week and made it a point to start trying to get it perfected, as this was one of the only tracks out of the 300-some I've made since the FL purchase that I've felt had some decent mixing/sound/balancing to it. Streamed/downloaded from Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/isaac-doud/infectious Please blow the crap out of it. Anything that can help the mix, I'd greatly appreciate. Anything that stands out with progression, flow, overall mixing (I don't have a pair of studio headphones, using my HyperX Clouds for it, not the best, not the worst), please, if you could take a second of your time to let me know or explain the reasons behind it, I would greatly appreciate it. I know the vocals are sketchy. Probably going to remove them. Using all free stuff that came with FL Studio / can be aquired on teh interwebs so the strings are a bit off (YAY FREE VSTS, QUALITY FTW), working on those right now. Anywho - thanks in advance. Cheers!
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