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Posts posted by gavmq

  1. Thanks for all the feedback guys!

    @DevilBeats agreed. I had this song finished a while ago, but it wasn't good and I re-recorded most of it. That was one element that I didn't, and I should have.

    @T- Ape I tried using synth for the fast(ish) riff at 0:17 but it got lost in the mix. Could be my amateur mixing skills though, I'll try experimenting with synth more in the future.

    @jnWake Lots of advice, wow! First I'll agree to disagree with the tempo change. The source song (https://youtu.be/l2ejlmLmi8c) only references the intro lick once, and I figured it would be a great way to make a splash into the song, and then stick the faster tempo. I think it sounds better slow. Also the drums do warn you of the tempo increase! Here's an example of someone else who maintained tempo (https://youtu.be/En5QKDXbhOQ)

    Agreed about the vibrato. Trumpet is my primary instrument, I don't practice guitar much these days. Sometimes I need to think about what I'm doing on guitar rather than it coming naturally to me like it does on trumpet. Looking back, I didn't even think to vibrato when recording. I'll keep that in mind, and practice more.

    The low part I'm assuming is at 0:56. Yeah I tuned down to I think...B? It was very low. Probably a bit too much, but I really wanted to make that riff sound suupper heavy. Would have been better had I transcribed the song into a different key I suppose.

    Thank you, regarding the mix! I've been using headphones for a long time but I just bought a pair of Yamaha H7s to mix with and it reeaallly helped me out.


    Thanks everyone!

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