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Posts posted by eggsngaming

  1. Refreshing to hear AA in a key that isn't C. Pads are warm and atmospheric like they should be. The lead sounds...half right and half not. I don't know the term, but the beginning of the sound just doesn't click with me. Really enjoy the sonar sound, little dabs of piano here and there. I would definitely play this mix super loud if I owned a dance club or something.

    Overall well mixed, I could hear everything and nothing was too loud. Sometimes there's a tendency to make the snare super loud but thankfully that isn't the case here. Sir_NutS, what did you dislike about the ending? I thought it was fine.

  2. The new Halloween Brawl is fun, even though it gets old fast. The game has some serious PvE potential for the future. Those new skins and victory poses are awesome except for that goth Soldier 76 skin. Why god why

  3. On 8/2/2016 at 3:41 PM, DrumUltimA said:

    Hmm... I guess it would be a toss-up between Undertale and Okami.  Undertale because I just want to be able to marry a monster without being judged.  OKAY?!

    Okami because it's beautiful and everything there is beautiful and I just want to be surrounded by beautiful things

    I'd go with Okami or Dragon Quest 8. Maybe it's just the cel shading they use but dang them worlds is pretty.

  4. I can just imagine sweeping shots of thousands of imps and pinkys being created underground, orc-style with all that slimy gook and everything. The anvil is used quite a bit, but it fits everywhere it's being used.

    I feel like one could cut some slack for being too liberal to the source, considering all the instruments being used, and most of them seem to play the main melody at least once anyway. The key change in the second half makes the atmosphere even darker than the first half!:blink:

  5. Still my fav Palpable remix. Manages to keep the atmosphere/snowy mountain vibe of the original Ronso section of FFX, but with a simple yet polished beat to carry you through. That synth sound at 3:15 is like getting frost blown in your face. Super cool, pun completely intended.

    I'd say this mix is a good example to follow when you're first starting out learning how to remix. I say this not having even finished any attempts at making one just yet:blink:

  6. I feel like the industrial sound fx could've been fleshed out a bit more, and been placed in more than one section of the track. Maybe bring them back in the final refrain but mix them quieter? You can never really go wrong using Life Force as a base for a mix though, so even if the arrangement follows the original too closely, it works.

    Really not bad at all considering it's only his second mix. 

  7. On 11/15/2004 at 5:07 PM, killthrush said:

    I think Liquid Tension Experiment is covering NES songs now incognito...

    I totally wasn't expecting a cover like this - this is the real deal! I bow in reverence. Great work!

    10/10 overall.

    On point with the LTE comparison 8)

    The first half kinda plays it safe and it's almost closer to a cover instead of a remix, but it starts to really evolve at 2:20, and at in the 2:30s the tritonal bassline and next few parts are very unpredictable, almost Uematsu FF esque. *insert clapping hands emoji*

  8. If there were ever a good reason to get good headphones, this is it. The buildup in the first minute almost makes me feel like there's cool air blowing on my neck and giving me chills. You imagine that you are IN the forest in this game, or in a hidden forest that wasn't in the original game. You're surrounded by mystery and yearning.

    Growing up, I think we all imagined what it would be like to actually BE in the settings of NES games, or SNES games, or PS1 games, etc. We imagined being Crono and leading the team through the enveloping story and time periods. This mix transports you to that place only music can.

  9. Went into this one only knowing the title, and knowing it was from FF6. Kind of enjoyed the fact that I was completely in the dark as to what the source was until about a third of the way through the mix, when the prelude theme appeared.

    Love the energy of the mix and the weirdness of being in A# instead of the traditional, happy sounding C. Also really loved the plucked guitar that has a ton of reverb8)

  10. Having never played Wild Arms (heresy I know, I'll show myself out), everything on OCR from Wild Arms is brand new to me. Blind kills it every time, but this one might be my favorite of his. Gorgeous vocals by Ashleigh, strings and soft synths make the first half an easy ride then BAM, the synth chords at 4:20..man. I've replayed that part so many times I've lost count. Then bringing them back at 6:33 is perfect.

    I also have a thing for trance when it's in the key of G for some reason. It's always relaxing and energetic at the same time.

  11. On 11/21/2011 at 10:58 PM, Velocifero said:

    I love love love this song, but....ever since I've listened to this, something has bugged me. That ticking sound that comes in at 2:21. Seems to be a liiittle off, like just behind the underlying bass beat. It might not be as noticeable had it been a little quieter maybe.

    I think the ticking is just fast triplets. Never really bothered me but I can see why it can put some people off.

    Agreed completely with Crulex, this definitely feels like a trip through time and space. The tragic tone of the mix remains even as the trance beat comes in which is impressive. Sometimes when I listen to this mix, it makes me feel hopeful for our future, like we're exploring among the stars for new life. Other times it makes me feel...sad. Like we've made mistakes that we can't undo. I dunno, it's hard to explain. Minor key for ya


  12. WillRock, thank you for making this piece of awesomeness. I've listened to this remix more than other remix on the site by a pretty solid margin. "Go Straight" always pumped me up to go out on the street and beat up some bad guys, but this mix gets me, like SUPER pumped! From 3:21-end, I get chills literally every time. All your synths just come together so perfectly. This will (heh) always be one of my favorites. You totally nailed it!8)

  13. THE best Argle remix, and that's saying something. The calm piano part is so goooood. Argle manages to keep the piercing synth lead just quiet enough that it doesn't drown out the aggressive guitar, and I'm really impressed with how seamless it goes from aggressive to quiet (and vice versa) so seamlessly several times throughout the remix. The calm, atmospheric parts are very Metroid-y and remind me of what it was like to play these games back in the day.

  14. Super Metroid meets Extreme G/F-Zero/some other futuristic racer. I can hear the Extreme G bikes in the background while listening to this very loudly. :)

    Love this mix. Simple, driving sounds, very pleasing and not obnoxious. Always get chills at 2:20 when everything kicks into high gear. I'm torn on the piano ending; it's not bad but I just don't think it belongs with the rest of the song. Probably still my fav Super Metroid remix.

  15. Was the original track in a major key? If so, then changing to C minor definitely adds a dark and dramatic flair to what was originally a simple, groovetastic, paradise-y song. Loved Sir Nuts's vocoder on his SF2 Zangief mix and here it's even better. Synth leads are very busy so it takes a few listens to get used to just like some of Willrock's stuff but I like it in the end. Nice original take on Green Hill sir.


  16. I'll admit it took me a while to warm up to this one. The sax was probably the reason but I got this remix stuck in my head recently and listened to it like, 10 more times. Enjoyed it more each time.

    REALLY love the ride/hi-hat/rimshot groove. The piano is super soothing. Definitely a departure from the feel of the original, but hey that's what OC ReMix is all aboot. Listening to this remix is like walking into the sunset whilst a cool breeze gives you goosebumps. Or something.8)

  17. Wow, very refreshing to hear a mix of JENOVA that isn't fast tempo techno/trance (nothing against it, it just seemed difficult to dissociate the source from the genre). Changing to 80s synth pop certainly gives it a bouncier, walking-down-the-street vibe as opposed to the intense, dramatic flavor of the original. If you asked me to remix a song from FF7 in the style of mid-tempo 80s pop, this wouldn't have been my first choice. Credit that to Anti-Syne for having the creativity to make it happen.

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