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Posts posted by Cazetta

  1. Hello, friends!

    Long time admirer of Ocremix. I'm trying to start a 3D artist carer and, as you, I like to remix some things from old games to practice. While you do it with music, I do it with 3D and Unreal Engine.


    These are my first two remixed stages from Donkey Kong:





    And now I'm trying my third one, this time the Ninja Training Grounds, from Maui Mallard - Cold Shadow, snes version.


    Some early pics:











    What I want is basically a kick ass remix of that song that follows some simple requests:

    -A little bit slower than the original.

    -It appears the song has a mix between oriental and tribal styles. Please keep the same instruments and this 'tribal/oriental vibe', but sounding like real instruments instead of midi/chiptune. 

    -Keep the fidelity of the song, melody is the main part and the drums must be strong.

    -Add greatness. Like Vincent Rubinetti's remix of Lockjaw's Saga on the second video above.

    -You can add personal touches if you like, just don't add any electronic instrument please, keep the 'folk feeling' (maybe adding some shamisen, oriental flute etc). 


    Once it's ready, I'll upload the video on Youtube and ArtStation with a link to your page and the appropriate credits. I can send you a full hd version as well, so you can share it anywhere (just don't forget to link me if you do).


    This is a non-profit work. We're doing it to sread ours skills and to enhance ours portfolios.

    Ask me questions if you like, and thanks in advance. Let's do it? =D

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