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Posts posted by brynolf11

  1. On 3/26/2020 at 6:06 PM, Souperion said:

    Listens for 5 seconds: yup, sounds evil enough. I'm no authority on most things music making, but it sound metal to me, of course vocal are kosher here, and length is largely subjective. It's imposing, deep, dark, and almost traumatizing. It's impressing and memorable. I'd say good work on this.

    Thanks, that's a lot of adjectives! :D Yeah, length is a subjective thing I guess but I'd probably like to make this one at least a minute longer. We'll see what I can come up with.

  2. 14 hours ago, Ordonis said:

    Wow. Very impressive. The transition into the addition of the orchestra gave me goosebumps. I feel like I lose the cellos around 2:04 to that kinda saw wave sound (possibly trumpets?) but they come back by the end. Super great job, I'd absolutely finish it.

    Thanks! Yeah, the french horns come in and blast the cellos away a bit. Not sure anything should or could be done about that.

  3. 15 hours ago, Souperion said:

    Do love me some choir work. This is pretty cool, gotta say. I'm getting a kinda odd sensation from the altos during the first half of the song, an EQ issue I think. I wish I knew more about equalizing to help you here, but it disappears for the last quarter of the piece. Still, this is neat, good work.

    Thanks! Hm, I wonder what EQ stuff you might be talking about. The choir changes from "mmm" to "aaa" about halfway through. Could it be that the "mmm" sounds a bit more dull and muffled in contrast?

  4. Long time since I stopped by here. The pandemic at least allows for some studio time... Here is a metal version of "Epic war" from the first ever RTS, Dune 2 by Westwood. Not sure who wrote the original, but Frank Klepacki was involved even back then so lets say this is one of his. I think it sounds evil enough. Thoughts are welcome. Is the arrangement metal enough? Is the mix in the ballpark? Is it too short? Are vocals kosher around here? Other opinions?




  5. I like the atmosphere, the pads, bells and little FX. The drums don't quite fit in though. They sound a bit muffled in comparison to the rest, and probably at least 3db too loud. And maybe even too "simple"; the pads and stuff adds up to a rather complex sound image, while the drums sound like they were put in there as an afterthought, just using a factory hiphop drum beat from a casio keyboard. I would scrap the whole drum track and make a new one with less lows, more high end (some filter resonance perhaps) and a more varied and complex pattern.

  6. 19 hours ago, Gario said:


    Loving that source, there. I've never heard any of the music from that game, but it's catchy as all hell. It seems that your arrangement really catches the spirit of that source and takes it to new places with those synths and jazz flute. I'm liking what I hear a lot. It really sounds like one of those old school PS1 game soundtracks, and I'm digging every second of it.

    Since you asked about the flute specifically, I'll reassure you and say it's pretty well done. At worst, I'd say it's just a little too heavy on the decorative trills, but that's more a personal gripe than something that's legitimately wrong with it. It's mixed well, the performance is solid and it gives the arrangement as a whole a completely different (but still welcome) feel to it.

    The biggest issue that I can recognize is the crowding that happens at 1:32 and 2:49 due to the stacking of reverb-heavy instruments. It would probably sound better with one less line playing in there, or if the reverb were decreased a bit at those points, but overall it not a crushing issue. If you could clean that up prior to submission that would certainly be ideal, though.

    Yeah, if you submit this you'd probably get a little flak on the two messy sections I mentioned, but it'd probably still pass just fine. It's pretty darn good, overall, so I hope to see it in the inbox soon!

    Thanks, glad to hear it! Yeah, those two parts were even messier a couple of drafts ago so maybe I can blame mix fatigue. Trimming it down further would require killing off another couple of darlings. I'll see if I can bring myself to do it :)

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