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  1. Insane work. Some tracks have even become instant OCRemix favorites for me!
  2. Looking forward to the Soonth of Soonember.
  3. Sorry for being so impatient, but is there an estimated TOA? The album has been completed for months and it was even approved already, yet more than a month has passed by and still no news
  4. Ah, another false alarm in my notifications! lol. I really hope we don’t have to wait much longer.
  5. Bummer. After this shitty year I hope we can have some satisfaction and get it done for Xmas, ha! Cheers and great work coordinating such an endeavor!
  6. Now that we got the name of the tracks and this announcement I'm feeling more impatient than ever, lol. How long are we talking about for a delivery date? Days, weeks, a couple of months?
  7. Wonderful!! Super pumped about this. I hope it gets released sooner than that!
  8. @Darkflamewolf I'm a bit confused. It appears on the official topic for the project that a few tracks are still not taken. If that's the case, I think some of those (Spacestation and Flume) would be great options to be remixed by the creator himself, as those are the most "complicated" ones (by my totally non-professional criteria), given their atmospheric and, for the lack of a better word, non-melodic nature. Now, if everything listed there is definitely taken and the list is just not updated, what do you think about rounding up to a 20-song tracklist? Because there was an additional one called "Unused Track" (I downloaded it with the rest of the tracks from Rare's official website maaaany years ago), and perhaps you could offer that to Mr. Beanland. I mean, given that he took the time to answer me on Twitter about an eventual orchestral arrangement, and that he has done something like this on the past, why not asking OCR's staff about the matter and contacting the man in a more "official" way? By the way, given the rapid evolution of the OCR project, when do you estimate it'll be completed? :)
  9. Great to learn about this! I hope my post created some enthusiasm about this soundtrack back two years ago, lol. Why not trying to involve (or at least inform) Mr. Beanland himself? He participated in the OCR album for DKC2, and said he would love to see something new related to JFG’s music.
  10. This weekend I’ll be sending some emails I guess. @Light_of_Aether fuck I’m in love! Really good start for Sekhmet.
  11. Cool work! I'll be honest though — those tracks are far from being my favorites . I'm more inclined to those with an epic vibe, such as Ichor Military Base, Sekhmet... I don't know a lot about music composition so I gotta ask, why would you say your tracks are not finished?
  12. Yikes, sorry for the incredibly late response. I received the notification on my iPad, then left the message there sitting, waiting to get on my MacBook and write a decent response and just forgot about it... First of all I really appreciate the author of such good work coming to my thread. I'm afraid that it's not too much what I can do regarding a JFG project, though. I mean, 1) I'm not American, and 2) I'm not a musician. Anyway, here is another remix from a few years ago that I found on YT, which also is pretty cool: It makes me wonder though why people stop there. I mean, with talent like your or this guy's, why not going ahead and cracking the entire OST? Yes, I know it's not the same as pulling off an orchestral interpretation, but it definitely looks like working with samples is the best we can get for now. I think JFG really deserves it.
  13. Hi, thanks for your thoughtful reply. You are right that JFG music is not Mario or Final Fantasy in terms of popularity, so it's hardly going to happen on Rare's own wish. Considering that and that having a good orchestra costs a lot of money, I was thinking that if the cause doesn't look too crazy, crowdfunding or some kind of pressure on Rare could get us somewhere. If I have to be honest, I know JFG (let alone JFG music) doesn't get enough recognition even in the gaming community, even if it's a top-notch soundtrack, however I was hoping that OCRemix community could be different given their nature. Now, if the idea doesn't go anywhere for a lack of enthusiasm, well, I understand and at least I tried. Regarding the possibility of the community tackling a project like this by themselves, it'd be cool but far from being something like what I was thinking. JFG epic score was definitely made to be orchestrated. (Unless a OCRemix orchestra or something is formed in the future, who knows...) Thanks, and yes, I heard that one long time ago, when I started researching if there was something like an orchestrated version of JFG soundtrack. Cool track! Still I think the original is better, lol.
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