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Tyler Heath

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Posts posted by Tyler Heath

  1. so I'm starting to wonder if maybe some people on this site might be losing their perspective.

    some people do this kind of thing as a hobby/amaeture kind of thing, and when new folks come asking how to make their music sound better a lot of the answers are almost immediate jumps to "well you'll probably want _____", followed closely by "_____ isn't very good, you want THIS _____".

    not everyone's looking at doing this professionally.

    also, to zirc and compy in particular (although not necessarily isolated to pertain to this thread) - yes, we know you are good at what you do, and yes, we appreciate what you come up with, but that doesn't really give you a right to be pretentious jerks to people "beneath you."

    just a heads up.

  2. ONLY 512!?!?!? come onnn maaaaan

    Oh, I should have mentioned that my sister got 30gig ipod (with video). Heheh. That's 60 times more space that 512 :D :D :D

    LOL kewlio!@!@!

    In the real world, that $300 I could have spent on a video ipod my wife wouldn't use except for the mp3 functionality (and she doesn't have the 7,000 mp3s it supposedly holds) is going to replace our car that may not start up again after the short trip to my mom's on Xmas night. In fact, that $300 ipod was just about our entire Christmas budget, but I guess you won't learn that spending time with a wife and son is more enjoyable than spending lots of money on things until you no longer rely on your parents to provide basic needs.


    I think a video ipod is a waste of money. Don't take what I say too personally.

    you could, in theory, just stop being such a retard.

    in other news, I got an ipod mini (cool), a new boss tremolo pedal (cool), and a leather jacket (which was unexpected).

    I think it goes without saying that this was a pretty good Christmas for me.

  3. If honesty and thinking that music should be about the emotions it produces, and not its structure equates being an ass, then ok.

    (hah, that sentence has a poor structure, doesn't it?)

    you're assuming I'm responding to your opinion on music. I'm not. I was actually talking about your response to hemo's question.


    it seems to me that you're saying that music should be pure, raw emotion and no refined elements, thus making music on the whole a hit-or-miss scenario. it also sounds like you think your opinion on music should override centuries of work and theorizing and structuring that defines what elements within music are. music theory is an organization tool - a way to teach musicians what can sound good, what usually sounds bad, and how to write in a way that is generally appealing. music written solely by intuition would eventually result in a catastrophic array of dissonance and generic chord progressions.

    on another note, the more I read of what you post in this thread, the more it's beginning to seem like your entire aim in this project is to get people to arrange these songs purely for your enjoyment. it's like a "screw everyone else, screw the artist, do it my way or go to hell" kind of attitude.

    but hey. I'm not in charge of this project, so in this regard my opinion is apparently null and void when the all-deciding project leader steps in.

  4. seriously, like that high-pitched guy-falls-off-a-ledge scream that's been in like every action movie?

    also, who cares if a sample is old or not if it gets the job done? personally, hearing that particular scream makes a movie all the more enjoyable for me - almost links the movie with the older ones.

    (also, if you're going to complain about something, try fixing the problem first)

  5. it would be very ignorant and arrogant to claim that there are no wind (sfx) soundfont files anywhere, ever.

    this is yet another piece of evidence in favor of my many arguments against your sanity, arg.

    chavous, drop me an email/pm and I can hook you up with a wind soundfont. it's even free, whoodathunkt

    also arg, stop giving away (or offering to give away) commercial products. I'm pretty sure that's piracy.

  6. Then your option really is a real guitarrist only, as every other guitar simulating VSTi will sound fake to you too.

    Harsh words, but true.

    this makes it sound as if wanting to use live guitars in music is a bad thing. wanting realism is completely reasonable - if it doesn't sound realistic to the composer, why would it sound realistic to others? (this, assuming that we subtract the "general public" factor in the equation, because I've had people ask me if Slayer was me playing the guitar)

    also, "this guitar-emulation VSTi sounds fake" doesn't necessarily translate to "all guitar-emulation VSTi sound fake"

    also, if live guitars are entirely outmoded, the only way guitar players can make any sort of living is through shows, and unless they're really good they'll probably starve. I used to be one of those people who thought that finding ways to do everything in the computer was a good thing, until I realized just how ridiculously valuable the "human touch" is when making music. an orchestra really isn't an orchestra unless there's some kind of emotion put into it. music, in fact, is not MUSIC unless there's emotion. it's a universal language, a way of communicating thoughts and feelings and ideas through a medium everyone can understand (at least marginally).

    anyway, I've gone on longer than I meant to, but my point remains that given the option, a willing live guitarist is worth thousands of dollars of sample libraries.

  7. like I said, the way the guitar sounds is actually pretty easy. making it sound like someone's actually playing it, not so.

    but perhaps this is one of those things we will forever disagree on (in fact, I have a horrible feeling that a lot of people are going to chime in and support you, zirc :P)

  8. kungfu: yeah, I knew that. I asked mainly because I didn't know if HE (she? no matter, it's just the internet) knew you could. if he didn't know it, and it WASN'T that, it could be a problem, yes? anyway, I think color changing is a silly way to customize FL, because it looks pretty cool already.

    sora, I don't know what the problem is. I'm sure it's something simple that we're all missing (it always is) but I don't know what that simple something might be right now. I'll keep looking.

  9. I can pretty much guarantee you that your best bet with the guitars is to just find live performers to do it for you (or better yet, learn yourself). samples and soundfonts can never come close. never. the expression, quite possibly the most important part of playing, can't be done by computers - no matter how hard the kind folks on the other end try.*

    if that doesn't help, though, what you might do is check out Slayer, for starts. seriously, though, people will hate you for it (nothing personal, everyone hates anyone who uses anyslayer), so I really really REALLY reccommend live recordings and the FL audio clips function.

    * this is assuming they don't invent an rockstar AI that can play your parts for you. computers don't have emotions, though, so metal would not be easy for them (since a lot of metal seems very angry). also, I suppose it's not entirely impossible to pull off, but it would be very difficult. I was mostly exaggerating the point, because I personally hate synthesized guitar stuff with EVERYTHING IN ME, but that's just me.

    also, for people who will read the never never part and say "no way u sux" immediately, it's usually a good idea to read my entire post, if only for the context.

  10. sora, is your playlist blue for any particular reason? I've never seen anything like that - but then again I just leave FL on all the default visual settings so perhaps you changed a skin around.

    bobby, the slides are basically just that - slides. two things you'll need to pay attention to are voices (what color the notes are) and length of the slide. if you have two green notes and one green slide, both green notes will slide to the new note, giving you a generally unpleasant sound (although it's surely useful sometimes). that may be what happened to you. another thing to watch for is what kind of instrument/synth you're using. external VST can't slide, as far as I know, and soundfonts (for example, because they run on wav files) will sound gross if you slide them up or down too far. you know how your voice sounds when you octave it up in sound recorder to make prank calls and chipmunk albums? it's the same basic principle, only with strings and guitars instead of alvins.

    let me know if any of this helps or applies.

    edit: ok noop, let me help you clarify.

    if you want to slide from A up to B, place a whole note (4 beats) on A. then click the slide button and place another whole note on B. now, DO NOT make the slide start at the same time as the note. this is an almost instant "wait, what was that." also, if you want to actually be able to hear the note you slid to, let the slide finish earlier than the original note.

    also, you understand already that slide notes on their own do nothing, right? you have to have a normal note entered for them to do anything.

  11. can you take a screenshot and link to it from somewhere? I think you may have clicked on the wrong tool in the playlist. check up in the top lefthand corner of the playlist window. there's a pencil, paintbrush, knifeblade, magnifying glass, etc. it sounds silly, but make sure the pencil/paintbrush is selected. I'm pretty sure the knife only works in the audio clips section. anyway, check that. if not, post screenshot.

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