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Tyler Heath

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Posts posted by Tyler Heath

  1. Hey, I recently switched to FL Studio, I just have one question. I'm just wondering if those Samplefusion samples are worth downloading. I don't wan't to download 2 gigs just to find out that they're crap.

    They are worth it.

    assuming you're talking about the percussion, yes. there's some excellent stuff there. I don't know so much about any of the actual intruments, though - who's actually bought some of the pitched-instrument sample cd's from them and can give us a headsup on quality?

  2. I don't understand at all how there could have been a huge brass-'n-kickass finale at 3:17. I also don't understand why you (SixthFlyingMan, SpaceDrake) refuse to view the song as a progression as opposed to a single idea. Chrono Trigger is full of development, full of change and evolving characters/plots/emotions. I was trying to capture that concept of change, and to claim that Chrono Trigger was comprised entirely of seven heroes traipsing through time on a whirlwind adventure is arrogant and ignorant. I wrote the ending that way on purpose, and I could honestly care less about how you think I should have written it.

    So maybe write out how you think it should have gone, send me a sample, and then I might think about changing it. Maybe.

    man, I really come off as an ass in this post.

  3. Man, Darke - you beat me to it. :D

    However, I would add that anyone participating is a volunteer, and I'm pretty sure I haven't heard anything about money going in any direction. To reiterate what Darkesword said, remixing isn't something that you view as putting time and effort into. It's something you do because you enjoy doing it.

    At least, I am. Maybe you just don't know what you're talking about?

    Speaking of this project: any more WIP's/final versions out?

  4. Btw Tyler your song is awesome.

    hooray :D


    I'm going to leave the song the way it is for now. I haven't heard the full editions of anyone else's songs yet (or even a wip, in some cases), so I'll wait and see who else made what. I'd kind of like for everyone to have a fighting chance, you know?

  5. I love days off from school. I finished my audition piece in another few hours. Rellik, just for you I stuck closer to the original near the end. :D

    It's more than long enough now (4:20), with more emotional pull (I think?!) and variation. I'm actually considering submitting this to VGMix - I hadn't expected to get a full work out of an audition. :P

    Tyler Heath - Predetermination

    This song is pretty much done. If anyone has any specific suggestions/problems with it let me know and I'll look into fixing it.

  6. I dunno if DarkeSword will allow this... but oh well. I wrote a song for ReVamped that's something to do with love... I guess...

    If you can grab "The Prophetess" from my briefcase, that'd be awesome. I'm not at liberty to give details, but know that it's about an important character in the game. :D

    Oh yeah, it's more of a sad kind of love song than a happy style. Just a heads up, in case that ruins your groove. :lol:

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