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Electronic Samurai

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Everything posted by Electronic Samurai

  1. I fully support the idea of a date extension. I'd really like to be able to work out something a little more meaningful than the one above. Also, that's gorgeous, Ninja-san!
  2. I really can't justify this. This isn't really an entry - my brother asked me to draw it for him. If I don't have anything else done by the time the month's through, I guess this will be my submission.
  3. As far as I've seen, the thin cases have no sidings and just a front and inset cover (no back). I think they're also slightly smaller length- and height-wise, although I don't have a larger case to compare it with. What I'm mostly worried about is losing information or artwork if I don't use the back cover, or if I replace the inset with the back (as often do when buring with a thin case). Do you have the tracklist on the back or on the inset?
  4. Will there be any alternate case designs? I'm looking in particular for a thin-case style.
  5. I was bored this afternoon, so I made up these possible cover designs for you. The second has Ayla and Robo removed, because they weren't featured in Claado's script.
  6. I'd like to add a link in my signature to the I, Mario forum, but at the moment it would surpass the 255 character limit. The code for my signature right now is: [img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v356/Electronic_Samurai/xSR388x_ES_Sig.jpg] [img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v356/Electronic_Samurai/IMarioSig_ES.jpg] Hats off to xSR388x and Bean! And I'd like to change it to the following: [img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v356/Electronic_Samurai/xSR388x_ES_Sig.jpg] [img=[url=http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=46078&start=0]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v356/Electronic_Samurai/IMarioSig_ES.jpg][/url] Hats off to xSR388x and Bean! Is there any convenient way to do this?
  7. Sephfire - I have listened to probably a thousand orchestral songs, and probably over a hundred OverClocked orchestral arrangements. Suffice to say, I have listened to a lot of music. Very few arrangements impact me on any emotional level, and those that do I find truly expectional in quality and performance. The Chrono Trigger game has always provided tremendous benchmarks in orchestral pieces. Of these, only a few have actually moved me to tears as I listened to the tunes that evoked memories of this great, timeless game. Your arrangement 'Inciting Incident' was one, as was Spekkiosaurus's 'The Trial In Concert', DarkeSworde's 'Blue Skies over Guardia', and Unknown and Zyko's 'When All Hope Has Faded'. Thank you for making this song.
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