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Posts posted by Protricity

  1. This song is exceedingly hard on the ears. Some of the percussive samples are delayed rock set samples and using them for a beat like this makes everything sound out of sync. Secondly, everything is exceedingly repetitive. Very little variation aside from the differen't layering.

    The ending is about twice as loud as the rest of the song and does not conclude. It just ends.


  2. Very cool movement here! Unfortunately, the samples were really lacking. However, even with bad samples, one can make them sound good. Try some harmony, counterpoint. Try some effects like reverb and eq.

    The spanish horns were wayy too loud next to the other instruments.

    Take what I said into consideration and resubmit :)


  3. Hehe, Mideast beat. nice.

    Two main issues with this song:

    Length - way too short. 2:30. Just starts and stops. Hardly a song.

    Drums and main progression - Drums are ok, but not mastered well. They are weak and hollow. Main progression is pretty much the same as the original game song with some minor piano.

    I really like the improv stuff.

    Make this song twice as long, and work on varying up the progression and you'll get my vote.


  4. Somehow, I got the opposite opinion of flamboyant Dan. I really liked the intro and it only got annoying once the detuned synths came on and repeated the basic melody. When techno comes into place, everything must become simple.

    Theres a lot of original material here, nevertheless. I like the piano improv sections. Cuts up what would otherwise be generic techno.

    Like the intro. Good job.


  5. We have pretty high standards for piano pieces.

    This is excellent as far as arrangement goes, but it fails in that it is way too artificial. After all, it is artificial. Piano songs should be played on a real piano, or at least be made to sound exactly like a real piano being played.

    Aside from that, I dont much like the octave chords and dissonance chords.

    Big issue is - try to get a live play and resubmit.


  6. Whats the deal with every song of this kind following the same exact arrangement pattern?

    Is there like some program setting it up with fill in the blank melodic riffs?

    There are a lot of melodic issue thats should be addressed here. Lots of notes playing over into the next chord progression. Sound ugly. Aside from that, this is a simplistic dance rendition of the original without anything significantly different, so


  7. First half of the song is simple bass hits, then when the melody comes in, the percussion goes away. Then piano all by itself. This is extremely minimal.

    As vig said, there could have been far more going on here.

    Please make a full song out of this rather than a ghost of one.


  8. Interesting stuff here. Real issue is that there are so many renditions of this song on this site. Anything new really has to show some impressive material. This is a well arranged, but very low quality remix. Most of the song follows the notes exactly from the origina. Beat doesn't change up much. A few nice bridges...

    Needs to be far better to justify putting another terra mix on OCR :P


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