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Everything posted by moebius

  1. This is a remix of Good Riddance from Hades. I took the melodies and did a complete reharmonisation. I also added a second chorus between the first and second verse and a solo between the second chorus and the third verse. The Intro is adapted from the Hades (Menu) Theme (No Escape). I am mostly hoping for feedback into any issues the mix might have, especially in the very dense third verse after the solo. Sources: Good Riddance: Hades Theme (No Escape): No Chains Remain.flac
  2. Love this track, the vocal performance is truly stellar and the production quality is through the roof!
  3. I am also interested, but would likely be unavailable towards the last few weeks since I am visiting Japan from the 2nd week in September.
  4. I have used it a little bit and had an annoying bug that would have me lose some progress. Overall it is very functional, but the touch controls really made me wish for the PC experience.
  5. Thanks a lot for the feedback, and also the help on Discord fine tuning the tremolo. I tried to address all your points. I decided to try without the whistling, to also get away from the original further Adjusted the tremolo and some additional programming on the guitars. Changed the middle section to half time feel. A few edits to the melody lines to make them more unique and distinct from the original https://drive.google.com/file/d/11MUAvDkXcK-Vifl3GQ_Ha1gSO0XKnjxi/view?usp=drive_link
  6. Hey Pixel, Sorry for the oopsie, I fixed the permission! 🙈
  7. Hello! I am currently reworking my remix of Life is Beatutiful for submission to OCR. Heres the original: On prior versions of this track I have had the following feedback: The kick drum was not easy to hear. Too conservative on the changes from the original. A bit hot/cramped on the mix. Sound pallete was very static throughout. More changes in dynamics. Besides trying to adress the mixing issues I did the following changes to the arrangement: Wrote an interlude loosely based on the original melody to introduce more changes. Added two lightly distorted guitars that also play the repetition of the A section and improvise some of it. Added an electric piano to get a more childish toy-like vibe. It plays the melody in the first half and the harmony in the second. Removed the whistling in the second half and only bring it back at the climax of the piece to play alongside the guitars. I would appreciate to know how well I have addressed the issues so far. :) https://drive.google.com/file/d/10hoKOBtCiOJWAcGhUAnvkRb9Wc4asNO8/view?usp=drive_link
  8. Hello! So I went ahead and got live recordings courtesy of Lucas Guimaraes and also incorporated the suggestions made here and in the discord. I have also started working on the mix, but feel like it is not quite there yet, and would love some thoughts and a fresh set of ears! https://www.dropbox.com/s/vf4tltx0ru8e6m5/Day Market Render.mp3?dl=0
  9. Hey everyone, I'm currently going through the tracks I want to submit and giving them another pass. This is the first one I would like some feedback on: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yh8fr78j7oc3dwekmv374/Day-Market.mp3?rlkey=okfbgxwvlfvdnetgnbaauiob5&dl=0 Original: Some notes: This track takes the original song and turns it into a much more upbeat version of it (hence the title). I changed the time signature for the A section to 4/4 but kept the B section in 6/8 and use metric modulation between the two sections. To keep things fresh I wrote an alternative A section for the repeat that features the two saxes playing different lines instead of playing unison.
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