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Everything posted by EmissaryOrca

  1. Hi there! I'm not really a remixer insofar as I've just barely dabbled in very basic audio programs; the extent of my canoodling with VGM comes from playing along to a track on the piano and messing around on the fly. But I've played piano and cello for decades and have always loved VGM, and I used to frequent this site without an account when I was younger. I still have fond memories of the first time I heard DaMonz and Trainbeat's "Tough It Out"; no other Kirby remix has come close in my mind. I've always been interested in the scene, even more so when insaneintherain and the 8-Bit Big Band came into prominence, and I hope that even with the limited free time I do have I can become a bit more familiar with the communities involved. (Magfest has always been a bucket list convention for me, lol) Neither here nor there, but I'm also still on a years-long crusade to figure out the identity of one remixer who had their work stolen by fairuzonss. To this day no one in the Kirby community that I've seen has figured it out and I do worry about the metadata becoming lost in the cracks of an ever-evolving mediascape. So if anyone wants to contribute info I'm all ears haha Thanks for being an inspiration all these years, OCRemix
  2. Better a late upload than never tbh! I definitely agree about the drums; to this day they make my ears very happy. Considering this has stuck in my mind alongside DaMonz and Trainbeat's 02 remix for about 10 years I would say the track succeeds in being memorable. As for the source track that served as an inspiration, I'm 90% certain this is just a black hole of missing information for Kirby fans ever since fairuzonss was revealed to be a thief. I know fairuzonss stole from small sites like Blankfield but this one track has eluded perception. Believe me, I'm about as puzzled as anyone else, even after digging through untranslated doujin sites and SBFR/Salvation by Faith Records' Kirby catalog, and I'd love to see proper credits given so my mind can rest
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