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Everybody Man

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  1. Is this reharmonized? It sounds like you're in Bb mixolydian going between Bb and Fm with the melody beginning on the tonic, and the source (I think) is in Eb and goes between Eb7 and Ab with the melody starting on the 5th. There's not a ton of context in the source, but that's how I always heard it. I could be wrong, but something felt weird when I listened to yours so I tried to figure it out.
  2. Sick arrangement! I agree mastering is hard lol - that's something I've been trying to learn myself recently. You've improved the bass, mostly by turning it down I think. While it is better, I think you took away a bit of it's punch. Might benefit from decreasing the attack there and maybe turning it back up a smidge? I think the drums overall fit really well. The snare is a bit jarring when it first comes in (not as bad as the first version,) but that might be a design choice since you've got an unsettling feeling going throughout (which I like.) My main gripe with the drums is your crash sample - it almost sounds like it is clipping, but I don't think it is. Almost sounds like it's hitting twice or something. What was your mastering process? I think it's mostly an improvement - it's more cohesive, but I think it lost some of it's "Bigness" if that makes any sense. I've got the same struggles, so curious to know what you did. Overall really cool! You mixed the two sources super well. Good luck with it!
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