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Everything posted by dolphin92329

  1. So far, this is basically the same thing as the OST, but must decide where to take this remix. Trying to attach a WAV file here: MM9WilyBattle0001 2025-02-08.wav
  2. Awesome real instruments. One of the songs is already an alternate song from Super Smash Bros Melee it sounds like too.
  3. The vibe of the video game is definitely there to me. The bounty hunter signs no contracts, nothing but rain. I think the song is catchy.
  4. Sounds good. Almost too literal for my taste but it is still cool nonetheless so far. Look forward to the completed version.
  5. Next release is probably going to be the submission to panel. Not yet finished composing the remix. Need to make sure the volume is consistent across the entire song. Yes there is some mastering and some plugins used here. I am hoping my spinoff remix has contorted the OST enough where the theme is still recognizable like on the descending chromatic E natural to B natural portions of the OST. Link to Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dolphin92329/mm9boss0009-2025-01-17-01-round-3-preliminary/s-6JTuFeRO4rB?si=c241d178d71e401da45fc0c881f77339&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  6. This is a chill, yet upbeat remix. It explores vast darkness in peace. Could listen to more like this.
  7. Great remix. Timbre is great, I like the reverb or delay you had there. Well done fellas.
  8. Hello OCRemix, I want to continue working on this possible OCRemix song, but I want to know if this remix is not literal enough or if some other concern is present... besides mastering, the composition, and "all that jazz" is not complete here. I would like to create a remix that is going to pass where being too artistic is not a concern. I think the general framework would pass as it stands now, but obviously the song is not complete. Incomplete song here is about 3mins in length, looking to make it 5 or 6mins total. The bass line repeats quite a bit here and is a focus of my possible remix for OCRemix.org. Drums are essentially missing for now. -- dolphin92329
  9. This to me is a nice ambient remix with attitude behind it. Nice medley! I am not big on mastering myself, but saw one or two very minor areas of improvement (one with the bass at a slightly different frequency, just me), but nonetheless a great remix! Great work!
  10. Huh. Not too shabby fellas! It hits a few different keys and has a great taste of its own. Me like! Prog-Rock feel in the remix sounds pretty good! Keep up the good work! The keyboard/synth here is awesome.
  11. https://on.soundcloud.com/s3n7ZLhGUGTeCv456 I am probably going to "drop" a different REMIX here on OCRemix.org in the near future, but I am seeing it will VERY LIKELY not be literal enough to pass here. A 5:45 song with 1:30 of a literal depiction from the video game track. Hmmm.... LOOK: SOUNDCLOUD This is preliminary work in a REMIX song for OCRemix.org. I hope to complete it someday! The upper treble portion of the BOSS theme is intended to be included in the 2nd or 3rd iteration of the bass alteration. Also showing the fine judges HERE I am capable of a more literal REMIX style... when I eventually "drop" a different REMIX song in the near future... have no idea if that song will pass or not for not being literal enough, but that is perfectly OK! We will work around it in different REMIXES!
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