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Posts posted by Doulifée

  1. This thread should be called Game of Thrones! You guys sound like hipsters, honestly. "Oh we knew about it before it was a cool TV show"

    never heard about that TV show until i was looking at 'game of thrones' instead of song of ice and fire. 'Fuck TV'.

    *Slaps Brandon with a doorstoper.

  2. The YouTube user was last active 2 weeks ago, maybe he can be gently persuaded to credit the original? I commented on the video saying McVaffe was the original author, and that it was posted here in 2001. Maybe that'll be enough?

    yeah, he didn't claim to be his, so asking politely for credit and pointing him to the proper adress (the ocremix page or a youtube link ) so he know where that come from.

    Sometime lack of credit are just from ignorance.

  3. I got legacy because I forgot I was paying for the game.

    ahah, i was still around because we had a cool linkshell to play with (even if the game itself had a awful start) but yeah 3 month subscription wasn't a hard task to reach.

    if we can we should totally met somewhere during the beta testing.

    EDIT: http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/02/21/massivelys-comprehensive-preview-of-final-fantasy-xiv-a-realm/#continued

    some video.

  4. I checked out that WiiU Street View. It's pretty cool! I checked out Antarctica -- it has a few "roads" there. I also checked out Midpoint Island in the Pacific Ocean... And it's pretty boring and urban!

    Who needs to travel, eh?

    my town is still with old 2008 streets. funny, my old car is visible at work and in front of my home.

  5. EA Games buys out Square Enix. Then we can finally have Madden Fantasy Football. XIII-4

    Maiden BLitzBall 2013 !

    i enjoy buying new game when they are awesome title (elderscroll, Ace combat, GTa) but i mainly use 2nd hand game. Yeah we all know Steam use demat stuff all along but i don't see shop selling a pure console with no game to sell.

  6. Oh crud, I forgot... if you make Cid die, that goes into a sequence that makes me blubber almost EVERY SINGLE TIME. ;_;

    Hence why in future runs, I wanted to make sure he lives >_>

    hell yes, the overworld music, the small barren island, the poor creatures that die by themselves, and then Celes suicide. Hopefully Terra push the mood in the other side.

  7. In the original Disgaea, you could only get the best weapon in the game (Yoshitsuna, if I recall) by going into a difficult dungeon and delving to the bottom (100 levels of dungeon). Then, you had to steal the sword from an enemy. The steal chance is 1%. I literally tried 99 times and on my 100th try I got it.

    On a side note, I was playing at the time with a friend of mine who was into mathematics, statistics, etc. I was joking that because I had tried 99 times, it would obviously work on the 100th time. He said something like, "No, probability doesn't work that way!" And then of course I got it on #100 and he was literally gaping. Haha.

    never tell that story to mmo player please. :D

    and to stay in subject think i will never do again, knife run in RE veronica.

  8. Nano Assault Neo is only 10 bucks and is said to be a great value.

    I bought 'Little Inferno' and it's certainly addictive yet mindless fun while it lasts. Burning things in an interactive digital fireplace has never been so captivating. The price is a bit high at $14.99 (though the devs can drop it at their discretion) but I would say it is worth getting.

    i concur, a price around 10.00 would fit better. Burning stuff and trying to find combo is still fun thought.

    *Removes ashes from his fireplace*

    Also now i see why i wasn't able to look at the assassin creed 3 info last sunday.

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