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Posts posted by tgfoo

  1. Like others, I would definitely recommend against trying to rum FL with VMWare (or Parallels for that matter). If you're already married to FL then just install a windows partition via Boot Camp and then you'll have no worries. Of course, I'd say get Logic Studio or Logic Express and go with those instead. Since money seems to be an issue, you could always cozy up with Garageband for a bit until you have the funds to purchase a version of Logic. It's a more powerful program than most people give it credit for.

  2. Anybody here seen Kamen no Maid Guy yet? I thought it was going to be one of those pointless fan service shows (which is half is) but it is absolutely hilarious. I'm also enjoying xxxHolic Kei and Golgo 13 (I love the xxxHolic manga).

    Oh, and of course Macross Frontier and Code Geass R2 rock as I just as I knew they would.

    I've watched the 1 episodes of a few other series (and have a few more that I've downloaded and yet to watch). Nothing else has really given me that "I have to watch this" feeling.

  3. The Wii has almost no hard drive space and gimped online service. This news is disappointing, but it's not like it should come as a huge surprise.

    I think that this is the most sensible thing said in this whole thread.

    I know a lot of people who own Wii's and I don't think many of them will really miss online play (hell, most of the people I know who own it for the 360 wouldn't miss online play). If you really want the full enjoy ment out of the game you need 1-3 other people... playng in the same room with you. Playing online is basically the same as playing by yourself really. Yes, it is a cool option to have, but it really doesn't add a lot to the games enjoyment.

    Sure they could have spent a bunch of money implementing a somewhat functional online system that most of the people who buy the game won't use very often. Or they could save the cash (and the hassle).

    As for the graphics, do you think 90% of Wii owners are going to notice that it's a PS2 port? I don't.

  4. I know someone who recently made the same switch for time reasons.


    Of course, like I've already mentioned, I can most recommend One Piece, the long-runningly most popular manga in Japan (for good reason, and not just because it's in Jump). I heard Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a classic in terms of ingenuity, too (comparatively with OP). Oh yeah, and I should probably start Hajime no Ippo (an already-mentioned popular boxing series) since the anime just stops (though it seems to initially spark people's interest in the manga). All three of these are pretty similar(ly interesting).

    I overall prefer anime 'cuz of music, but this site is refreshing to know about. Click on chapter pages' images to bring up subsequent pages.

    Interestingly enough, that's where I go mostly when I read manga online. I've always been a book > movie type of person. I know a bunch of the series are licensed, but almost almost all of the ones I read there are either unlicensed or licensed and not yet released domestically. (Like One Piece where they are releasing it in the U.S. but I'm reading the ones that were released in Japan that week... which won't be available for purchase here for who knows how long.)

  5. The Damned, thanks for the recommendation, I checked out 20th Century Boys and it has great reviews every I looked, so I'll check that out sometime soon.

    DarkeSword, I was actually happy with the ending to Ichigo 100%. Manaka ended up with the girl I was rooting for, even though I was 99% convinced throughout the entire series that he'd end up with someone else. Guess it's just a personal preference.

    I had actually planned to read Hatsukoi Limited, but I was first I was going to finish Lilim Kiss (also by Kawashita Mizuki) since it was already completed. As for Azumanga Daioh, Suzuka and School Rumble, I've already read all of them, well, all of School Rumble that's been released thus far anyways. Azumanga Daioh was prety good, I loved Suzuka, and School Rumble is perhaps one of my favorite things ever (season 3 woot!)

    I'll give Salad Days and H2 a look though, thanks.

  6. Anybody here read a lot of manga? I've found myself reading a lot more manga than I have been watching anime. For instance, I just read Ichigo 100% in the last couple weeks, mainly at first cause it just looked like a fun series, but in the end it turned out to have a great story. Now I'm looking for another series to read, any suggestions?

  7. Nice, anyone know how much it's going to cover? Hopefully all or at least most of the 3rd semester. I've been trying to find info on this, but all I can find is that they are releasing dvds with manga volumes 21 and 22. So is this just going to be a 2-4 episode OVA? Perhaps it'll be like between seasons 1 and 2 with an OVA and then the 3rd season in the fall. Well, the more the merrier I say.

  8. Then you must have never seen Zombie Loan, nothing could be worse than that.

    I don't even think Zombie Loan was the worst anime that came out that season, let alone ever. Having said that... yeah, it was pretty bad.

  9. Also School Rumble 3rd season needs to hurry up and become anime.

    YES. This is one my all time favorite comedies (both the anime and the manga). Oh well, I'm still counting down the days till Macross Frontier and season 2 of Code Geass (though I am enjoying some of the current season's shows).

  10. She still gets way too much props for Cowboy Bebop though. That is ten years ago.

    And it's still awesome today. I also really like Joe Hisaishi's music. Miyazaki's films wouldn't be nearly as good with his music. One fo my favorite pieces by him is the music at the opening of Porco Rosso. I remember when I was downloading the movie (waaay before it was release on DVD in the U.S.) how only the first few minutes of the movie were finised so I decided to watch them... and then immediate went on amazon and bought the soundtrack...

  11. English dub completely turned me off from the series completely.

    Yeah, 4kids completely fucked the series with their dub. I've only watched a few minutes of it to see how bad it was... I pretty much only watch subs.

  12. Speaking of Bleach is anyone else fucking sick of it? I still watch it occasionally.. but they're always still in mexican hell (or whatever) and Ichigo is still getting his ass beat all the time. After the soul society Arc it was downhill. (at least for me).

    I think as someone else touched on, as soon as the soul society arc ended it's been almost all filler. I actually stopped watching around the end of the summer because it was just annoying. Now it looks as if they've gotten back into the manga storyline (read the manga, it's so much better... that goes for Naruto and a lot of other anime as well). I also skipped the entire last 30 eps or so of the original Naruto series because of the filler.

    I think Bleach is still okay. It's not the best of its genre but not as painful as some of the slower Naruto episodes. One Piece is still heads over both anyway.

    They both really do have pacing issues. I remember from the chuunin exams in Naruto, there was one fight that took up a couple of pages in 1 chapter of the manga (I think it was Tenten and Tamari) which had an entire episode of anime devoted to it...

    Oh, and One Piece FTW. Doesn't seem to be as popular as the other two, but it's sooo much better...

  13. Haha, wow. Strong words there big buddy. You seem to forget that Mac Os X does indeed work on PCs.

    Define "work". I visited one of those OSx86 forums recently just out of curiosity and most of the posts were of the nature "Why doesn't xxxx work?" or something along those lines. I highly doubt that the people there are doing any heavy work such as music production or video editing. Do you know if it'll run Logic properly? What about all of the various 3rd party plug ins? There are far to many question marks. Plus if something does go wrong you know what your tech support is? Post a question on a forum and hope someone answers it... No thanks.

  14. So it appears that, with a student discount and 3rd party RAM, I could get the above Mac system with Logic for around $3000. If I custom built with avadirect, it would end up around $2100, assuming I spent about $800 on music software.

    That's getting closer...

    Thanks, guys. That's definitely more to think about.

    To be honest, I don't think you can match Logic Studio for $800 when you consider all of Logic's plug-ins and sounds. Plus you also get Soundtrack Pro 2 and WaveBurner included in that price.

    Also, as some others have mentioned, there are some other non-monetary things to consider. Do you really want to switch sequencers? Also, after using OSX for so long, do you feel like moving over to Windows?

  15. Also, one more thing, if you do stick with the Mac, do not buy your ram from apple. Apple charges you 700 bucks for an upgrade to 4 gigs, while you can buy that ram and install it yourself (it takes 5 mintues...) for around 200 bucks. With that extra money you're saving you can easy pick up Logic Studio.

  16. Saturday Anime :P. They pretty much moved it to monday night from 11-1 am now.

    Well, now they do, but for a while they pretty much stopped showing any anime all together, that is until cartoon network had success showing some.

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